Title: Vision Sunday
1Vision Sunday
The God of Hope Jeremiah 2911
- BUILDing Kingdom Stewards. . .
- Bowing together in reverential worship.
(Worship) - Utilizing our gifts within the community of
faith. (Partnership) - Immersing ourselves in spiritual
disciplines. (Discipleship) - Leading our loved ones to Christ.
(Friendship) - Dedicating our time, talent, and treasure to
God. (Stewardship)
Stewardship of Life Stewardship of
Relationships Stewardship of Gospel Stewardship
of Health Stewardship of Wealth Stewardship of
4- God Knows Us,
- Loves Us, and Intends the Best
- for Us.
- Jeremiah 333
51. God is true. Romans 34
62. God is faithful. Psalm 898
73. God is righteous. Psalm 1113
84. God is holy. Isaiah 63
95. God is love. 1 John 48
10- God Knows Where We Are and Where He Wants to Take
Us. - Romans 828
11Spiritually Growing in grace and love.
122. Culturally Having an impact on our
133. Physically Making the church as close as
the street.
14- God Knows Who
- We Can Become When We
- Hope in Him.
- I John 33
151. We must become a more loving fellowship.
1 John 318
162. We must become a more joyful fellowship.
Galatians 522
173. We must remain a peaceful fellowship.
Galatians 523