Title: Vision Sunday Becoming a Great Church
1Vision SundayBecoming a Great Church
2Stans Four E Words
- Encouragement
- Excellence
- Evangelism
- Effectiveness
3A Great Church Is Committedto a Great Mission
4Peter Druckersthree musts for a successful
- (1) Look at strength and performance.
- (2) Look at the opportunities and needs.
- (3) Look at what you really believe.
5TCNs Mission
- To be wholly transformed by the Spirit of Christ
and to make disciples of all people.
6A Great Church Is Guided by Great Values
71. We value the souls of the lost.
82. We value personal integrity.
93. We value corporate worship.
104. We value the Word of God.
115. We value the gifts of Gods people.
126. We value wholesome fellowship.
137. We value the family of God.
14A Great Church Has a Great Vision
151. Growing lifelong followers of Christ.
162. Raising personal levels of involvement.
173. Extending grace to our community.
184. Aspiring to Christ-centered worship.
195. Trusting God for a debt-free church.
20 OUR VISIONAchieving Greatness for the Glory
of God. . .
- G rowing lifelong followers of Christ.
- R aising personal levels of involvement.
- E xtending grace to our community.
- A spiring to Christ-centered worship.
- T rusting God for a debt-free church.