Title: Membership Presentation
Roanoke, VA Chapter Chartered July 2000
Your Connection To Businesswomen Around The World
Welcome PerspectiveNew Members
2Professional Development
Life-long learning
Businesswomen need a forum for professional
development and life-long learning
3Albuquerque, Amsterdam, Atlanta, Austin, Baton
Rouge, Birmingham, Boise, Buffalo, Calgary,
Charlotte, Chattanooga, Chicago,
Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky, Cleveland,
Colorado Springs, Columbus, Columbus GA, Corpus
Christi, Dallas, Dayton, Denver, Des Moines,
Detroit-Windsor, Fort Wayne, Fort Worth, Hamburg,
Hampton Roads, Harrisburg, Honolulu, Houston,
Huntsville, Indianapolis, Jackson, Jacksonville,
Kansas City, Kenosha/Racine, Kentuckiana,
Knoxville, Lehigh Valley, Lethbridge, Little
Rock, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Madison, Memphis,
Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Mobile, Nashville, New
Orleans, New York, Northwest Arkansas, Oklahoma
City, Omaha, Orange County, Orlando,
Philadelphia, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Pomona Valley,
Portland, Raleigh-Durham, Richmond, Roanoke,
Rochester MN, Saint Paul, Salt Lake City, San
Antonio, San Diego, San Fernando Valley, Seattle,
Shreveport-Bossier City, Spokane, St. Louis,
Tacoma, Tampa Bay, Tucson, Tulsa, Washington
D.C., Wichita
Executive Women International is that global
4Our Mission
Executive Women International brings together key
individuals from diverse businesses for the
purpose of
Promoting member firms Enhancing personal and
professional development Encouraging community
- Established in 1938
- 3,000 firms with 3,500 representatives
- More than 80 chapters in major cities throughout
the United States, Canada and Europe - Dedicated to enhancing personal and professional
EWI Promotes Member Firms
- Access to the database
- Increased business relationships
- Recognition as a business leader
- Awareness of cutting-edge business and civic
issues - Opportunity to provide quality professional
Learn business skills Professional development
Leadership skills Continuing Education Units
(CEUs) Community involvement
EWI is committed to meeting the needs of members
in cities around the world.
10Chapter and International Activities Bring
Members Together
Membership in both a local and global
organization Monthly chapter meetings President
s Caucus Academy of Leadership Leadership
Conference and Annual Meeting Spring
Conferences Serving on Chapter or Corporate
Board Serving on Chapter or Corporate Committees
12Develop A Variety Of Skills
Public speaking Budgeting Strategic planning Time
management Human resources Interpersonal
skills Sales and marketing Financial planning and
analysis Business writing skills Parliamentary
procedures Program/event planning
Business Career Development Program (B/C/DP) is
a separate 501(c)(3) corporation Contributes
over 400,000 each year to charitable
EWI Scholarship Program (EWISP) Adult Students
in Scholastic Transition (ASIST) Academy of
Leadership Reading Rally
Roanoke, VA Chapter Chartered July 2000
Our vision To be the Leading Connection
for Business Professionals
Roanoke, Virginia Chapter Chartered July 2000
Roanoke Chapter Members
- Martin Travel, Inc.
- Mel Wheeler Inc. T/A WFIR WSLQ Q99
- MetLife Recruiting
- The Orvis Company
- Rescue Mission of Roanoke
- Sir Speedy
- SunTrust Bank
- UBS Financial Services, Inc.
- WDBJ Television
- Woods Rogers PLC
- Acme Business Machines
- Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield
- Barker Chiropractic Clinic
- Brown, Edwards Company LLP
- D S Life Agency, Inc.
- Divinity An Aveda Lifestyle Spa
- Express Personnel
- Finks Jewelers Inc.
- The Hotel Roanoke Conference Center
- Jim Schaal Catering Inc.
- Long and Foster
- Lotz Funeral Home, Inc.
Roanoke, Virginia Chapter Chartered July 2000
2006 Meeting Schedule
- January 11 How to Negotiate Your Salary
presented by Joe Farmer, Express Personnel - February 8 Moving Your Organization from Good
to Great presented by Camille Wright-Miller, The
Roanoke Times - March 8 Firm Night at Barker Chiropractic
Clinic - April 12 Relax, Reconnect Discover Get to
Know Your Fellow EWI Members - May 10 EWI ASIST Scholarship Presentations
Executive Night - June 14 Womens Health Issues presented by
Dr. James Kelly - July 12 Travel Safer Smarter presented by
Gary Powers, TSA - August 9 Firm Night at Jim Schaal Catering
- September 13 2006-2007 Board Installation
- October 11
- November 8
- December 13
- All meetings held at The Hotel Roanoke
Conference Center unless specified otherwise, and
begin at 530 p.m. for Networking and Cocktails, - 600 p.m. Business Meeting, 630 p.m. Featured
Speaker, 700 p.m. Dinner
Roanoke, Virginia Chapter Chartered July 2000
Monthly Meeting RSVP Requirements
- Members are requested to RSVP for each meeting no
later than one week prior to the set meeting
date. - RSVPs are to be communicated to Leslie Coty or
Helen Kerrigan, Sergeant-At-Arms, by e-mail at
reservations_at_ewi-roanoke.org - If a member does not RSVP by the above mentioned
deadline, the Sergeant-At-Arms will assume she
plans to attend the meeting. - Any member who does not attend a meeting, and has
not notified the Sergeant-At-Arms by the
deadline, is responsible to pay EWI for the 23
meeting cost, and will be billed accordingly.
Roanoke, Virginia Chapter Chartered July 2000
Guest Attendance At Monthly Meetings
- Members are encouraged to invite guests to attend
EWI meetings and functions. - Any member who invites a guest is required to
make proper reservations by notifying Leslie Coty
or Helen Kerrigan, Sergeant-At-Arms, by e-mail
at reservations_at_ewi-roanoke.org - Please provide the guests name and business name
prior to the meeting, so a name tag can be
produced. - The cost for all guests 23.00.
- Potential members guests may attend two meetings
before submitting an intent for membership.
Roanoke, Virginia Chapter Chartered July 2000
2004-2005 Board of Directors Committee Chairs
- President Libby Camper, The Hotel Roanoke
Conference Center - Vice President Charlene Hudson, Finks
Jewelers - Secretary Tonya Harper, UBS Financial
Services, Inc. - Treasurer Julie Andresen, Acme Business
Machines - Sergeant-at-Arms Leslie Coty, Mel
Wheeler Inc T/A WFIR WSLQ Q99 - Sergeant-at-Arms Helen Kerrigan, Rescue
Mission of Roanoke - Membership Donna Tatum, Express
Personnel - Program Traci Ragone, MetLife
- Communications Ashley Austin, D S Life
Agency, Inc - Ways Means Danielle Rand-Byrd, Martin
Travel - Ways Means Jennifer Pisczec, Lotz
Funeral Home - Director At Large Nancy Meyer-Barker,
Barker Chiropractic Clinic - Immediate Past-Pres. Danielle Rand-Byrd,
Martin Travel - Reading/Writing Rally Wanda Hatchett, Brown
Edwards Co. - Reading/Writing Rally Amanda Schaal, Jim Schaal
Catering - Parliamentarian Standing Committee Chair Linda
Mack, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Roanoke, Virginia Chapter Chartered July 2000
2006 Fees and Annual Dues
- Member Firm Annual Dues
- One time admission fee 75.00
- Annual Dues 250.00 per firm
- Optional Second Representative
- One time admission fee for second Representative
25.00 - Annual Dues for Additional Representative 150.00
- Monthly Meeting Cost 23.00
Roanoke, Virginia Chapter Chartered July 2000
- Chapter Standing Rules
- The following rules support the corporate by-laws
and procedures. These standing rules are to be
used for clarification of these corporate by-laws
or to document the areas that the corporate
by-laws allow for chapter determinations. - Chapter General
- The Chapter Board term shall be from September
until September of the following calendar year. - The financial year shall follow the calendar
year. (January-December) - Payment of per capita assessments for the
2006-2005-chapter year will be made directly to
the Corporation through the Corporate Office and
payable no later than December 31st. - Membership can be made up of no more than 10 of
non-profit organizations. - Member firm and representative expectations
- It is the intention of Executive Women
International that through active involvement the
greatest benefit for the firm and the
representative can be achieved. - Active participation in one or more committees is
highly encouraged. - Participation in the Reading Rally and the
Business Career Development programs is required. - Firm representatives pay 23.00 for each monthly
meeting. The price is for the meal and the
benefits of the meeting. This amount is not
adjusted for partial attendance. - Member firms may take advantage of pre-paying for
one calendar year (January December) for a
one-time payment of 253.00. - This discounted payment must be made to the
chapter treasurer by the January meeting. - When a meeting has been pre-paid, and attendance
is not possible by the representative or the
executive the representative will be allowed a
credit that can be used only to bring either the
firm executive or another firm representative to
the following meeting. - No refunds can be given for missed meetings.
- (Continued on next page)
Roanoke, Virginia Chapter Chartered July 2000
- Meeting Requirements
- Monthly meetings are normally held on the second
Wednesday of each month. - Chapter board meetings will be conducted monthly.
- The chapter will hold a minimum of two (2)
business meetings during the Chapter year. - Attendance at the monthly meetings for
representatives will be assumed. In the
situation where either a representative or the
executive is not able to attend a meeting a
written notification to the Sergeant at Arms must
be submitted one week prior to the scheduled
date. - In the event that the representative is not able
to attend and has not made the required
notification, that representative agrees to pay
the monthly fee, and will be billed by the
chapter treasurer. - When the firm has pre-paid for the year, and
attendance is not possible by the representative
or the executive, the representative is still
responsible for notifying Sergeant at Arms of the
absence. - Guests
- Members must RSVP for their guests one week prior
to the monthly meeting to the chairperson of the
Sergeant at Arms. - A sponsoring member is responsible for ensuring
payment for their guest even if the guest misses
a meeting without notification to the Sergeant at
Arms by the reservation deadline. - Potential members and firm employees may attend a
maximum of two (2) regular meetings before a
membership commitment is required. - Attendance Requirements
- Each member firm must be represented by a
representative or an executive at a minimum of
(9) meetings within the chapter year. A
representative must attend a minimum of (6)
meetings during the chapter year. - Firm Night Sponsorships
- Member firms that wish to sponsor a membership
meeting and use that time as a method of
advertising are offered the following sponsorship
opportunities - Hosted off-site or at firms location The
Roanoke Chapter of EWI will match the cost of
dinner and beverage with host firm up to 10 per
EWI representative and non-host guest for
guaranteed attendance. - Hosted at regular meeting location A
sponsorship fee of 250 for a full meeting
sponsorship, co-host sponsorships are available
at the Boards discretion. Member firms may
co-sponsor firm nights and share time allotted. - The chapter board and program committee must
approve all firm nights. - LCAM Member-Representative Scholarships
Roanoke, Virginia Chapter Chartered July 2000
For Additional Information Visit the EWI
Corporate website at http//www.executivewomen.org
And the Roanoke EWI Chapter website
at http//www.ewi-roanoke.org