Revolutionary America - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Revolutionary America


This was the start of the Revolutionary War. ... The Battle of Saratoga represents the turning point in the Revolutionary War. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Revolutionary America

Revolutionary America
The First Continental Congress
  • Opposition to the Intolerable Acts drove the
    colonies together.
  • On 5 September 1774, delegates from 12 of the 13
    colonies met in Philadelphia for the First
    Continental Congress.
  • The Congress quickly fell into disagreement
    between advocates of the Suffolk Resolves and the
    more radical Galloway Plan.
  • The Congress eventually settled on the Suffolk
    Resolves which contented itself to a listing of
    colonial grievances with England.
  • It was no matter as King George III never read
    the resultant document.

Early Fighting the Battles of Lexington,
Concord, and Bunker Hill
  • On 15 April 1775, British General Thomas Gage
    detached a unit of British soldiers to destroy
    the colonial weapon stores at Concord, MA.
  • The move was not unexpected. When the British
    troops landed on 18 April, Paul Revere made his
    famous ride to alert the militias.
  • Upon encountering stout colonial resistance at
    Concord, the British withdrew to Boston.
  • Along the retreat, the real battle was fought as
    the British soldiers were subjected to nearly
    constant sniper fire and ambushes. The British
    lost nearly 20 of the original force and had to
    be rescued by reinforcements.

  • This was the start of the Revolutionary War.
  • After Lexington and Concord, the British occupied
  • In June, the colonists set up positions on Bunker
    Hill, overlooking the city. British General Howe
    had no choice but to dislodge the Americans.
  • Rather than laying siege to the Americans and
    starving them out, Howe, to better demonstrate
    British power, favored a direct frontal assault
    into the fortified position.
  • Though eventually successful, Howe's tactics cost
    the British 1054 killed or wounded from a force
    of 2400--40 casualties.

Asserting Independence Blows Must Decide
  • The Second Continental Congress opened on 10 May
    1775 following the fighting at Lexington and
  • Unlike the First Continental Congress, all
    thirteen colonies sent a delegation.
  • The proceedings quickly split between a more
    conservative faction led by John Dickinson and a
    more radical faction led by John Adams and Samuel
  • The early Congress was marked by two documents
    The Olive Branch Petition, supported by
    Dickinson, sought reconciliation with Great
    Britain, and the strident Declaration of Causes
    and Necessities of Taking Up Arms, which
    asserted the American willingness to fight for

  • Parliament refused to consider the "Olive Branch
    Petition" because it would not negotiate with a
    colony in rebellion.
  • The Congress also appointed George Washington
    commander of American forces, which was
    encouraged by his wearing a military uniform
    everyday, and dispatched Benjamin Franklin to
    solicit French support in the war with England.
  • George III responded to the Continental Congress
    on 23 August by declaring the American colonies
    in open rebellion.
  • On 18 November he wrote, "blows must decide
    whether they are to be subject to this country or
  • On 31 May 1775, Mecklenburg County, North
    Carolina asserted its independence from Britain
    and established local government in the Charlotte
    Town Resolves.

Slavery and the Revolution the Dunmore
  • On 14 November 1775, Virginia Royal Governor Lord
    Dunmore offered freedom to any slaves or
    indentured servants in Virginia willing to fight
    against the colonists.
  • This outraged the colonists. In addition to fears
    that Dunmore was encouraging a slave rebellion,
    colonists believed that, in freeing slaves,
    Dunmore was interfering with their property.
  • This is demonstrated in the French cartoon of the
    British soldiers with the slaves where the man is
    holding a sign reading "Liberation of the
    Negroes" and the British soldiers are trampling
    on documents labeled "The Rights of Men," and
    "The Rights of Civilized Nations at War."
  • Later, British General Henry Clinton extended
    this offer to slaves throughout the colonies.
    Later, British General Clinton would expand the
    offer to all slaves in the colonies.

  • In Virginia's Response to Dunmore, the colony
    threatens to execute anyone attempting to take
    advantage of Dunmore's offer.
  • The Memoirs of Boston King tell the story of a
    slave able to escape to the British lines.
  • At the end of the war, the British evacuated
    liberated slaves and other loyalists from New
    York City.
  • As terms of the peace, the Americans insisted
    that the British record the identity of any freed
    slaves so that their former owners could sue for
  • This became known as "The Book of Negroes." While
    it is unclear how many slaves attempted to escape
    to freedom, the Book of Negroes contains three
    thousand names, including a slave of George

Common Sense
  • By the winter of 1775, after the fighting around
    Boston and the British rejection of overtures to
    settle the crisis, many Americans for the first
    time began to seriously think about independence
    from Great Britain.
  • In this environment, the impact of the
    publication Thomas Paines Common Sense in
    January 1776 can hardly be overstated.
  • In Common Sense, Paine lays out an argument, in
    the language of common people, for why the
    colonies should declare their independence from

The Declaration of Independence
  • In June 1776, Thomas Jefferson, only 33 years
    old, distilled a century of enlightenment thought
    into a few sentences
  • "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that
    all men are created equal, that they are endowed
    by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,
    that among these are life, liberty and the
    pursuit of happiness. That to secure these
    rights, governments are instituted among men,
    deriving their just powers from the consent of
    the governed."
  • Even if imperfect in their application, the
    thought that all men were equal and that
    government existed to serve the people, was
    revolutionary in a world dominated by monarchy
    and aristocracy.
  • Jefferson's words have changed the nature of
    government throughout the world, even the most
    repressive regimes pay at least lip service to
  • "Remember the Ladies" is a playful, yet serious
    letter from Abigail to John Adams asking him to
    keep women in mind when forming the new

Loyalists and the Revolution
  • For many Americans, the Revolution was a civil
  • The war divided families and communities between
    patriot and loyalist. Most famously, this
    estranged Benjamin Franklin from his son William.

Times that Try Men's Souls
  • Shortly after the jubilation of independence had
    subsided, the winter of 1776-1777 found the
    Continental Army poorly fed and equipped and
    Congress unable to appropriate any money to help.
  • In December 1776, Thomas Paine, who had joined
    the Continental Army, published nine Crisis
    essays to boast troop morale and rally public
    support for the war effort.
  • Similarly, George Washington led the army on
    several attacks against unsuspecting British and
    Hessian forces camped in their winter quarters.
  • It was on one of these attacks that Washington
    made his iconic crossing of the Delaware River.

Battle of Saratoga and French Involvement
  • The Battle of Saratoga represents the turning
    point in the Revolutionary War.
  • British General John Burgoyne planned a three
    pronged attack into New York to drive the
    Americans to battle near Buffalo.
  • Burgoyne's plan called for General St. Leger to
    attack from the west, General Clinton to attack
    from the south, and Burgoyne would float an army
    down the Hudson River and attack from the north.
  • The plan fell apart from the start. Burgoyne,
    having never seen the Hudson, did not realize the
    challenge of floating an army, and an extensive
    camp including champagne and wives, down a wild
  • When Burgoyne arrived at Saratoga, he expected to
    find the other prongs of his attack waiting for
    him. Instead he found himself alone. St. Leger
    was defeated at the Battle of Oriskany and
    Clinton, rather than moving North actually went
    further south. Burgoyne quickly found himself
    surrounded by American soldiers and, after two
    battles, was forced to surrender.
  • Overshadowing the actual battle, the victory
    proved to the European powers that the Americans
    could win. Following the Battle of Saratoga,
    Benjamin Franklin successfully negotiated a
    treaty in Paris for French entry into the war.

The World Turned Upside Down Yorktown
  • After a grueling campaign through the southern
    colonies, General Cornwallis retreated to the
    coast of Yorktown, Virginia for the winter and
    the protection of the Royal Navy.
  • Cornwallis was not aware however that the French
    navy had defeated the British fleet at the Battle
    of the Capes in September.
  • Therefore, when Cornwallis arrived at Yorktown,
    he found the French navy at his back and the
    American army before him.
  • The Americans and French laid siege to the
    British position and, with no where to turn,
    Cornwallis surrendered on 20 October 1781.
  • This ended major fighting in the Revolutionary
  • Legend says that, as the British surrendered,
    their band played the song "The World Turned
    Upside Down."
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