Title: North Central Regional Council For
1eSRS Integrated Acquisition EnvironmentEarl
North Central Regional Council For Small
Business Education and Advocacy
December 7, 2005
- Eliminates submission of paper SF 294s and 295s,
Individual Subcontracting Reports and Summary
Subcontracting Reports and replaces them with
electronic versions - Launched 10/28/05
- To date, over 709 agency contacts registered
- 416 individual subcontracting reports entered
- 462 summary subcontracting report entered.
- System Steward Arthur Collins, Deputy Associate
Administrator for Government Contracting,
arthur.collins _at_sba.gov
3About the System
- eSRS uses FPDS-NG as the authoritative source for
contracts requiring subcontracting plans - Automates completion and submission of SF-294 and
SF-295 - When fully operational, will automate the
Optional Form 312 - Provides breakout of subcontracting data down to
the buying activity level - Generates standard and ad hoc reports
- Calculates achievements by of contract value
and of subcontracting - Generates automatic reminder and delinquent
4Critical System Dependencies
- CCR (Central Contractor Registration) - Primary
government vendor database that collects,
validates, stores, and disseminates data in
support of agency acquisition missions.
www.ccr.gov - FPDS-NG (Federal Procurement Data System-Next
Generation) - Online central repository
containing a searchable collection of over 12
million federal contract actions. https//fpds.gov
5What You Need To Know
- Registration
- Submitting Subcontracting Reports
- Lower Tier Reporting
- Review of Subcontracting Reports
- Troubleshooting
- Before Registering
- The contractor is responsible that its
information in the CCR (Central Contractor
Registration) is correct - www.ccr.gov
7Registration (cont)
- To Develop a User Account, the contractor will
need - DUNS Number
- Supervisors Name and Email Address
- ID your e-mail address
- Password (will be created by the user within the
security requirements)
8Prime Submitting Reports
- Individual Subcontracting Reports (ISR) Formerly
SF 294 - DUNS number as it appears on the contract
- Contract Number
- Administering Agency (DCMA, ONR)
- Product/Service Code
- No inclusion of lower tier subcontracts
- Email Address of Government reviewing officials
(two names and email addresses can be entered)
9Prime Submitting Reports
- Summary Subcontracting Reports (SSR) Formerly SF
295 - Administering Agency (DCMA, ONR)
- Product/Service Lines
- Email Address of Government reviewing officials
(two names and email addresses can be entered) - No inclusion of lower tier subcontracts
- Certify CEO has signed hardcopy on file.
10Lower Tier Reporting
- Individual Subcontracting Reports (ISR) Formerly
SF 294 - Prime Contract Number
- Higher Tier DUNS
- Product and Service Code
11Lower Tier Reporting (cont)
Government contracts with Company X Contract
Number DE-AC01-05EE12345 Company X will include
on their Individual Subcontracting Report Their
Duns is 001339457 Prime Contract Number-
DE-AC01-05EE12345 Company X subcontracts with
Company Y Contract Number XX-05TP00023 Company
Y will include on their Individual Subcontracting
Report Company Xs DUNS-001339457 and email
address Contract dollar value Prime Contract
Number- DE-AC01-05EE12345 Contract Number with
Company X-XX-05TP00023
12Lower Tier Reporting (cont)
Company Y subcontracts with Company Z Contract
Number YY-05DD99963 Company Z will include on
their Individual Subcontracting Report Company
Ys DUNS-113456896 and email address Contract
dollar value Prime Contract Number-
DE-AC01-05EE12345 Contract Number with Company
Y- YY-05DD99963
13Review of Reports
- Government reviews
- Prime Individual Subcontracting Report
- All Summary Subcontracting Reports
- Higher-Tier Subcontractors will review
- Lower-Tier Individual Subcontracting Reports
14Lower Tier Reporting
- Full operating capability will include a report
showing subcontracting activity at lower tiers
(example on next slide) - This feature will be available only for
contractors that submit the Individual Contract
Report - The eSRS FAR case does not propose to change the
current rule that prime contractors may not take
credit for subcontracts at lower tiers
15Sample Lower Tier Report
Sample data
16Getting Started
17Getting StartedGo to www.esrs.gov
Click on For Contractors
18Getting Started
To register for the first time, click
on Register
19Getting Started
Enter the DUNS number that your company uses to
bid federal contracts (if you need help, see the
face page of the contract award document)
20Getting Started
Some data may be populated from CCR. If not
enter the address for this DUNS number, as shown
on your contract award document
21Getting Started
Your confirmation will be sent to the email
address you entered
22Getting Started
You will receive a similar confirmation email
You must click on this link to activate your
23Your Account has Been Activated
Once you have activated your account, you will
receive an email similar to this. You are ready
to login and submit reports!!
24Where Do I Go For Help?
- eSRS
- www.esrs.gov/Help Desk
- If you are unable to find the contract number,
call your contracting officer - IAE
- Integrated.acquisition_at_gsa.gov