Title: Diabetes Tips
1The 5 Tips to a Great Diet for Diabetes
There is no way around it, if you don't change
your diet no matter what medication you use
you're on a path of accelerated death!!!
2Drugs Are Not Going To Solve The Rot Inside Your
Drugs do not address what's actually happening
inside your body They also accelerate organ
failure liver, kidneys, etc.
3These tips are to heal you from diabetes
What's the point of controlling blood sugar
if the disease is still raging inside of you?
4Tip 1 Eat Tons of Green Veggies
I know you know this Green veggies have
phytonutrients It's like the discovery of
vitamins Phytonutrients heal the body
5Tip 2 Carbs are not the ENEMY
The wrong carbs are Small case of spinach has 2
net carbs Large case (10 oz) has 4 net
carbs Right foods have the right carbs
6Carbs Continued...
Pretty simple -If grows above ground GOOD -Grows
below the ground BAD Not perfect, but easy to
remember No starches or pastas PERIOD!!!
7Tip 3 Never feel starved
Eating too little creates binging Want to control
your sugar through small meals Small Healthy
Meals are the key!
8Reality is diabetics don't eat enough
When they do eat it's the wrong stuff Do you
realize the nutrition in certain foods actually
heals diabetic complications? Retinopathy,
neuropathy, nephropathy, etc.
9For Part II Please Visit Me On The Link Below