S4-8 Using Pictures for prophesying - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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S4-8 Using Pictures for prophesying


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: S4-8 Using Pictures for prophesying


Quick review.WHAT IS Prophecy?
  • Prophecy is simply
  • Encouraging, exhorting and comforting people.
  • Restoring the image of God in people.
  • Showing people what God has for them.
  • Telling people how God sees them.
  • Waking up in people passion for God.
  • Setting the captives free.
  • Removing ashes and covering people with the
    mantle of joy.

Prophecy is simply
  • Bringing healing to people.
  • Is a communication of Spirit to spirit.
  • Prophecy comes from the desire to love people
  • From the desire to encourage and to bless them.
  • Prophecy comes in a spontaneous way, because you
    are becoming more and more Christ centered.
  • Prophecy is about restoring dignity, confidence
    and self respect in people.

In order to restore people, we need to be
  • Now days we are constantly bombarded by different
    Social and Communication media.
  • The devil is using this industry to bring
    auto-rejection, condemnation, low self esteem and
    all kind of negative things into the mind of

Changing our way to look at things.
  • We need to look at things through the eyes of the
    Spirit and not the eyes of the flesh
  • We cannot pick up clues from the looks or
    conditions of a person and prophesy on, that will
    take us to a wrong level.
  • God is the one that will give us revelation of
    the things to speak to a person.
  • The great prophets did this mistake as well, they
    learned from their mistakes.

1 Samuel 166-13 (NKJV)
  • 6 So it was, when they came, that he looked at
    Eliab and said, Surely the Lords
    anointed is before Him!
  • 7 But the Lord said to Samuel, Do not look at
    his appearance or at his physical stature,
    because I have refused him. For the Lord does not 
    see as man sees for man looks at the outward
    appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.

Dont look at customs and traditions.
  • In Israels culture, the elder son was the one
    who would have all the rights and benefits.
  • However the Lord is looking far more than just
    external appearances or traditions.
  • He doesnt look the external, but the interior.
  • He looks the heart disposition

1 Samuel 168-11 (NKJV)
  • 8 So Jesse called Abinadab, and made him pass
    before Samuel. And he said, Neither has
    the Lord chosen this one. 9 Then Jesse made
    Shammah pass by. And he said, Neither has
    the Lord chosen this one. 10 Thus Jesse made
    seven of his sons pass before Samuel. And Samuel
    said to Jesse, The Lord has not chosen
    these. 11 And Samuel said to Jesse, Are all the
    young men here? Then he said, There remains yet
    the youngest, and there he is, keeping the
    sheep. And Samuel said to Jesse, Send and bring
    him. For we will not sit down till he comes

From rejection to selection.
  • David was forgotten by his father, he clearly was
    being rejected and despised.
  • Age is not an impediment for a higher call.
  • God does not want our abilities or talents.
  • He can give them to anyone He wants.
  • He wants my disponibility, my acceptance to be
    molded so I can do His will.
  • His agenda and not my agenda.

1 Samuel 1612-13 (NKJV)
  • 12 So he sent and brought him in. Now
    he was ruddy, with bright eyes, and good-looking.
    And the Lord said, Arise, anoint him for
    this is the one! 13 Then Samuel took the horn of
    oil and anointed him in the midst of his
    brothers and the Spirit of the Lord came upon
    David from that day forward. So Samuel arose and
    went to Ramah.

From rejection to exaltation.
  • The prophet stood up in from of the lad, obeying
    the word of the Lord.
  • He poured oil of anointing on him.
  • The rejected one was suddenly exalted in front of
    every one.
  • God knows what you do in secret.
  • The time you spend with Him will dictate your
    intimacy, anointing, virtue and power.

2 Samuel 7 1-7New Century Version (NCV)
  • David Wants to Build a Temple
  • 7 King David was living in his palace, and
    the Lord had given him peace from all his enemies
    around him.2 Then David said to Nathan the
    prophet, Look, I am living in a palace made of
    cedar wood, but the Ark of God is in a tent!
  • 3 Nathan said to the king, Go and do what you
    really want to do, because the Lord is with you.

2 Samuel 7 1-7New Century Version (NCV)
  • 4 But that night the Lord spoke his word to
    Nathan, 5 Go and tell my servant David, This is
    what the Lord says Will you build a house for me
    to live in? 6 From the time I brought the
    Israelites out of Egypt until now I have not
    lived in a house. I have been moving around all
    this time with a tent as my home. 7 As I have
    moved with the Israelites, I have never said to
    the tribes, whom I commanded to take care of my
    people Israel, Why havent you built me a house
    of cedar?

Allow got to do things his way.
  • Sometimes we may try to predict what the Lord
    will do, based in the ways he has done before.
  • But we cannot set Got with a procedure.
  • He is doing new things all the time, so are His
    dealings with people.
  • We humble need to wait for Him to dictate us what
    to do, how to express His feelings and ideas,
    allowing His love flow out of our hearts.

The case of king Saul
  • How Saul looked at himself
  • Fear of men
  • Disobedience
  • Lack of patience
  • Pleasing his troop and people.
  • Legalist with his son (honey)

2 Samuel 96-9 (NKJV) Mephibosheth
  • 6 Now when Mephibosheth the son of Jonathan, the
    son of Saul, had come to David, he fell on his
    face and prostrated himself. Then David said,
  • And he answered, Here is your servant!
  • 7 So David said to him, Do not fear, for I will
    surely show you kindness for Jonathan your
    fathers sake, and will restore to you all the
    land of Saul your grandfather and you shall eat
    bread at my table continually.
  • 8 Then he bowed himself, and said, What is your
    servant, that you should look upon such a dead
    dog as I?
  • 9 And the king called to Ziba, Sauls servant,
    and said to him, I have given to your masters
    son all that belonged to Saul and to all his

Favor of a king changes everything
  • Mephibosheth had a very poor image of himself.
  • He was leaving in fear, he couldnt believe the
    generous offer of the King.
  • He look at himself as a dog to worsen it, it was
    a dead dog.
  • The king didnt pay attention to his negative
    statement and faithful to his promis cover him
    with unmerited favor

Look at you through his eyes.
  • We dont need to live in a pity-party always
    looking or remembering our wrong past.
  • The KING of all kings has bestowed His favor upon
  • We just need to accept it, take away our old self
    image and come into His banquet table.
  • There is a seat for each one of as at His table.
  • Look at you with spiritual eyes.

Why so many Scriptures?
  • You may think that the scriptures that I share
    with you have nothing to do with learning to
    prophesy, but let me tell you again that the
    condition of our hearts will eventually pop out
    when we are prophesying. That is why we need to
    become more centered in God and be transformed in
    our minds, in our hearts and in our actions and
    reactions, to be comformed in the image of His
    Son Jesus Christ.

Make room for the lord!
  • So I strongly encourage you to read the
    scriptures that we share, meditate them and
    examine yourself before the Lord. Empty out
    yourself of anything that can belong to the old
    man so youll make room for the Lord to fill you
  • You will become more of Him and less of you, thus
    making every time more room for Him.
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