10th American History - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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10th American History


10th American History U.S. Foreign Policy History Vocabulary for the Word Wall Foreign Affairs (Policy): Foreign policy is a set of political goals that seeks to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 10th American History

10th American History
  • U.S. Foreign Policy History

Vocabulary for the Word Wall
  • Foreign Affairs (Policy)
  • Foreign policy is a set of political goals that
    seeks to outline how a particular country will
    interact with the other countries of the world.
    Foreign policies generally are designed to help
    protect a country's national interests, national
    security, ideological goals, and economic
  • Creating foreign policy is usually the job of the
    head of government and the foreign minister
    (State Department)
  • International Relations

  • Economic reasons- international trade and need
    for raw materials from Asia, Africa and Latin
  • Military reasons- to defend their shores and
    protect their trade interests
  • Ideology
  • 1- Nationalism- enhancing a nations power and
  • 2- Cultural superiority- Social Darwinists
    believed in this. Social responsibility to
    civilize less developed countries.

  • Manifest Destiny- expand westward to the Pacific,
    and beyond the shoreline
  • Hawaii- trade, sugar, bayonet constitution and
  • China- trade, Treaty of Wanghia 1844- gave U.S.
    most favored nation status, Spheres of
    Influence, Open-Door Policy and Boxer Rebellion
  • Japan- trade, Commodore Matthew Perry, and the
    Treaty of Kanagawa.

Spanish American War
  • Cuban Unrest
  • Yellow Journalism
  • Reasons-
  • Maine Explosion- Remember the Maine
  • De Lome Letter
  • U.S. Sugar interests
  • U.S. sympathy to the rebel cause and the evil
  • Jingoes (Hawks) and the pressure on President
  • Outcome
  • Teller Amendment on Cuban Independence and Rough
    Riders and San Juan Hill
  • U.S. receives Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam and
    Philippines in exchange it gives Spain 20
  • U.S. now has over seas territories, bases for
    trade and navy.
  • Annexation of Philippines and three years of
    revolution. (Independence in 1946)
  • Anti-Imperialist League 1898- imperialism is a
    violation of the foundation of American self
  • Platt Amendment- Cuba (Guantanamo, Protectorate)
    Foraker Act 1900- Puerto Rico.

T.R. Roosevelt, Taft and Wilson
  • Roosevelt and Latin America
  • Walk softly and carry a big stick
  • Great White fleet
  • Helping Panama to get independence
  • Building the Panama Canal
  • Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
  • Tafts Dollar Diplomacy
  • Promoting American interests in other countries
  • Using economic power to achieve American policy
  • Wilsons Moral Diplomacy
  • Rejection of dollar diplomacy
  • Use of persuasion and American ideals to advance
    the nations interest abroad.
  • Wilson and the Mexican Revolution
  • President Wilson would not recognize the de facto
    government of Gen. Huerta
  • Wilson used armed force against Mexico in
    Veracruz and against Poncho Villa
  • Rise of tariffs

U.S. and the Panama Canal
  • U.S. interest in the Canal
  • Offering Columbia 10 million and 250,000
    annually. Rejected
  • Panamas revolution against Columbia
  • Building the Canal

World War I
  • M.A.I.N.E.- European causes for the war.
  • U.S. neutrality
  • Reasons for the U.S. entrance into the war.
  • America in World War I
  • America in Post World War I
  • Wilsons fourteen points
  • Treaty of Versailles
  • League of Nations
  • Impact of World War I

1st Red Scare
  • Communist revolution in Russia- 1917 and the rise
    of the Bolsheviks
  • Fear of the Reds- communists who promoted the
    violent overthrow of the U.S. government.
  • U.S. Communist parties formed
  • Bombings- through the mail.
  • Palmer raids deportation and incarceration.

Lingering Effects of World War I
  • War Debts owed to the U.S.
  • 10 Billion owed by Allies to U.S.
  • Fordney-McCumber Tariff made repayment hard.
  • Reparation payments by Germany
  • Washington Naval Conference- 4 Power, 5 Power and
    9 Power treaties.
  • Agreement to cut back on size of navies
  • Avoid competition for China
  • Ending the Arms Race and establishing Peace?
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact- high ideals- Peace signed
    by 60 nations. But no system of enforcement,
    just a promise.

Effect of Great Depression on World
  • Fragile European Economies still recovering from

World War II
  • Isolationism, Pacifism, and Neutrality Act
  • Roosevelts Quarantine Speech
  • Cash and Carry
  • Lend-Lease
  • Atlantic Charter
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor
  • Mobilization

World War II
  • U.S. in World War II- European Theater
  • Atlantic
  • North Africa
  • Europe
  • Holocaust
  • V-E Day and Nuremberg Trials
  • U.S. in World War II- Pacific Theater
  • Island Hopping and Gen. Douglas MacArthur
  • Yalta conference
  • Potsdam conference
  • President Truman and the Atomic Bomb
  • V-J Day.

Cold War
  • The Spread of Communism and the Iron Curtain
  • Truman and the Truman Doctrine
  • Marshall Plan
  • Berlin Blockade and Berlin Airlift
  • NATO
  • United Nations- 1945-
  • Peace
  • Human Rights
  • Trade and economic development (IMF and GATT)

Cold War
  • 2nd Red Scare after World War II
  • Soviets Possess atomic weapons
  • Communists had gained control of China- Mao
  • H.U.A.C- House Un-American Activities Committee.
    (And the Hollywood 10)
  • Truman and the Loyalty Plan
  • Spy Cases
  • Senator Joseph McCarthy

  • Korea before the war.
  • How it started.
  • Role of the U.S. and the U.N.
  • Pusan and Inchon
  • MacArthur and his firing
  • Fighting ends
  • Peace- Stalemate and Demilitarized Zone- 38th

  • Cold War
  • Brinkmanship
  • Massive Retaliation
  • Nikita Khrushchev
  • Warsaw Pact and the Hungarian uprising
  • Summit Meeting- U.S. and Soviets
  • Cold War Hot spots
  • Vietnam and SEATO
  • Middle East, Suez Canal, METO and Eisenhower
  • Cold War Worries
  • Atomic Anziety- Hydrogen Bomb, Arms Race, new
    bombs and technology
  • Space Race-Sputnik, Explorer and NASA.
  • Civil Defense
  • Limited Test-Ban Treaty
  • Military-Industrial Complex

President Kennedy
  • Bay of Pigs- invasion of Cuba
  • Cuban Missile Crisis and its effects
  • Berlin Crisis- The Wall and its significamce
  • Peace Corps
  • Alliance for Progress
  • Flexible response- strengthening conventional
    force to give alternative to nuclear weapons.
  • Space Program

LBJ Foreign Policy
  • Johnson Doctrine- not allow the establishment of
    a communist dictatorship- the U.S. would
  • Pueblo Incident- North Korea
  • Vietnam- Increasing U.S. involvement- Tonkin Gulf
  • Air War, Ground War, Mobilization,
  • Public Opinion- Media effect Hawks and Doves
    anti-war movement
  • Turning Point- Tet Offensive and credibility gap
    Johnson refuses to run again.

Vietnam War
  • Ho Chi Minh and Vietminh
  • After WWII-
  • 1st Indochina War- Vietminh v. French
  • Domino Theory
  • Geneva Conference and the 17th parallel
  • Civil War- South Vietnam v. Vietcong
  • Ngo Dinh Diem- President of South Vietnam
  • U.S. involvement- The Domino Theory
  • Kennedy- Military advisors and Green Beret with
  • Casualties rose
  • Diem overthrown
  • LBJ and the Tonkin Gulf Resolution
  • Air War- bombing- Operation Rolling Thunder
  • Ground War- guerilla, pacification,
    Vietnamization, Search and Destroy, Tunnels
  • Mobilization- The Draft, Medical, Materials
  • Public Opinion- media, Hawks and Doves, Anti-War
    Movement, Credibility Gap
  • Tet Offensive and its affects and war critics
  • Peace Initiatives

Vienam and Nixon
  • Vietnam
  • Vietnamazation and bringing the troops home.
  • Bombing and invasions of Laos and Cambodia- The
    Madman theory to stop the war.
  • Increasing Protests- Kent State, Weathermen and
    My Lai Massacre and Pentagon Papers
  • Legacy of Vietnam- Khmer Rouge, domino theory,
    environmental damage, dead, refugees, effects on
  • War Powers Act 1973

Nixon Foreign Policy
  • Henry Kissinger and Realpolitik
  • Détente
  • Nixon in China and the U.S.S.R. (S.A.L.T.)
  • Middle East
  • Yom Kippur War- Egypt, Syria and Jordan v.
  • Oil Embargo and O.P.E.C.
  • Kissinger and Shuttle Diplomacy

Ford Foreign Policy
  • Foreign policy limited by Vietnam experience.
  • Helped nearly 250,000 escape Vietnam, but
    Congress would allow little more.
  • Congress refused to allow Ford to aid anti-Castro
    forces in Cuba.
  • Cargo Ship Mayaguez siezed by Cambodia- Ford
    sent military raid.
  • Kissinger, Détente, and reduction of arms with
    Soviet Union.
  • U.S./Soviet joint space project- Docking in

Carter Foreign Policy
  • No real personal experience in foreign affairs.
  • Committed to human rights
  • Soviets- SALT II
  • Panama Canal Treaties
  • Formally recognized Communist Peoples Republic
    of China
  • Camp David Accords- Israel and Egypt
  • Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
  • Iranian Hostage Crisis
  • Events in Iran disrupted the production of oil
    and prices shot up.

Reagan Foreign Policy
  • Cold War
  • The Evil Empire- Soviet Union and relations
  • Reagan increased military spending
  • Strategic Defense Iniative- SDI or Star Wars
  • Soviet Union weakening- Gorbachev believes only
    way to salvage the Soviet economy was to strike a
    deal with the U.S.
  • INF Treaty- destruction of a whole class of
  • Solidarity in Poland
  • Latin American civil wars- El Salvador and
  • Lebanon- PLO, Israel, Christian, U.S. Marines
    suicide bombed.
  • Grenada and victory
  • End of Apartheid in South Africa

George H.W. Bush Foreign Policy
  • Collapse of the Soviet Union
  • Gorbachev- glasnost and perestroika
  • Eastern European Communist government crumble.
  • Berlin War- Mr. Gorbachev, Tear down this wall.
    Gates opened 1989s and wall comes down.
  • Soviet republics began to declare independence.
  • 1991- START I 1993- START II
  • China- Tiananmen Square massacre- democracy
  • Panama- Operation Just Cause
  • 1st Persian Gulf War- Operation Desert Storm
  • Nelson Mandela and South Africa
  • Sent Troops into Somalia

Clinton Foreign Policy
  • Successes in the Middle East- Oslo Accords
  • Somalia- Clinton withdrew forces
  • Clinton did not sent in help to stop the genocide
    in Rwanda.
  • Haiti- troops sent in to bring peaceful political
  • Former Yugoslavia- Dayton Accords to end fighting
    in Bosnia and Herzegovina and stop serbs.
  • NAFTA- North American Free Trade Agreement- no
    tariff barriers between U.S. , Canada and Mexico.

George W. Bush Foreign Policy
  • Felt Troops should be used to fight and win war.
    Military needs to be prepared.
  • Cancelled the 1972 ABM Treaty- Danger now from
    Terrorist state.
  • Promised to develop missile defense system.
  • Worked for better relations with Russia and
  • Critical of North Korea and its buildup of
    nuclear weapons. Axis of Evil.
  • Middle East Road map to peace- two state vision-
    Independent Palestinian state and Jewish State of
  • Sept. 11, 2001 lead to the Department of Homeland
    Security, the War in Afghanistan, and Iraq.
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