10th American History - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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10th American History


... How did the Tet Offensive cause many Americans to doubt that the U.S. would soon win the war? Effects of ... Vietnam War dragged ... soldiers attacked 12 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 10th American History

  • 10th American History
  • Unit V A Nation Facing Challenges
  • Chapter 19 Section 3 1968 A Turning Point.

Hey, Hey, LBJ (0341)
1968 A Turning Point
  • The Main Idea
  • As the Vietnam War dragged on and increasingly
    appeared to be unwinnable, deep divisions
    developed in American society.
  • Reading Focus
  • What was the Tet Offensive?
  • What were the effects of the Tet Offensive?
  • How did President Johnson try to find a solution
    to the war?
  • How did the election of 1968 illustrate divisions
    in American society?

(No Transcript)
Tet Offensive 0523
The Tet Offensive (0741)
The Tet Offensive
  • A series of massive coordinated attacks
    throughout South Vietnam

Tet Offensive
  • In January 1968 thousands of NVA and Vietcong
    troops attacked a U.S. military base in Khe Sanh.
  • This and other rural attacks were diversions to
    draw U.S. and ARVN forces away from urban areas.

Khe Sanh
  • Main Communist offensive began on January 30,
    1968, at the start of Tet, the Vietnamese New
  • Some 84,000 Communist soldiers attacked 12 U.S.
    military bases and more than 100 cities across
    South Vietnam.

The Main Attacks
Khe Sahn (0031)
1968- Tet Offensive
  • January- Tet lunar new year.
  • Gen. Westmoreland tells the country how the war
    is being won.
  • The Vietcong and North Vietnamese 84,000,
    attacked 36 of 44 provincial towns in addition to
    5 of 6 autonomous cities, 72 of 245 district
    towns, and many military bases and airfields on
    the same day. They even attack the U.S. embassy.
  • All is retaken in few difficult weeks.
  • NLF, Vietcong, are crushed as a fighting force.
  • Westmoreland wants 206,000 more troops and more
    fighter squadrons.
  • Graphic film footage of the fighting reinforced
    concerns about casualties, and the fact the
    offensive took place undermined the White House's
    claims that victory had been in sight.
  • Did we really win the Tet Offensive?

(No Transcript)
The Tet Offensive
  • What was the Tet Offensive?
  • Recall What took place in Khe Sanh in 1968?
  • Analyze What was the purpose of the attack on
    Khe Sanh?

The Tet Offensive
  • Recall What happened when the U.S. Embassy in
    Siagon was attacked at the beginning of the Tet
  • Make Judgments Do you believe, as did General
    Westmoreland, that the Tet Offensive was a defeat
    for the Communists?

Effects of the Tet Offensive
  • General Westmoreland called the Tet Offensive a
    decisive defeat for the Communists.
  • The cities taken by the Communists were retaken.
  • About 45,000 enemy soldiers were killed. About
    1,100 Americans and 2,300 ARVN troops also died.
  • The Communists showed that they were determined
    to keep on fighting.
  • The Tet Offensive showed that no part of South
    Vietnam was safe from attack.
  • The Tet Offensive caused many Americans to
    question whether or not the war in Vietnam could
    be won.
  • President Johnson announced that he would not
    seek reelection.

Effects of the Tet Offensive
  • Growing Doubts
  • Walter Cronkite broadcast a television report in
    which he gave his personal assessment of the
    situation in Vietnam.
  • Major national magazines such as Time and
    Newsweek also expressed doubts about the war and
    began to call for its end.
  • Public criticism of the governments policies
    grew louder and more intense.
  • Leaders within Johnsons administration began to
    criticize Johnsons policies.
  • Robert S. McNamara began to seek ways to end the
  • Democratic Challengers
  • Roughly 3 out of 4 Americans opposed his policies
    in Vietnam.
  • Minnesota senator Eugene McCarthy challenged
    Johnson for the Democratic Partys nomination.
  • New York senator Robert Kennedy entered the race.
  • Shaken by the divisions within his party, Johnson
    announced that he would not seek nor accept the
    office of the presidency.

Effects of the Tet Offensive
  • What were the effects of the Tet Offensive?
  • Recall Who was Walter Cronkite?
  • Explain How did the Tet Offensive cause many
    Americans to doubt that the U.S. would soon win
    the war?

Effects of the Tet Offensive
  • Analyze How did Robert S. McNamaras position
    on the war change?
  • Evaluate What role did electoral politics play
    in Johnsons deciding not to run in 1968?

Credibility Gap
  • Johnson did not tell Congress his intention to
    escalate the war.
  • He did tell Congress how much it will cost.
  • He was worried the the full truth would hurt the
    Great Society plans.
  • He wanted to be a leader in war and a leader of
  • Credibility Gap- between what the President
    wanted people to believe and what was really
  • People began to doubt what their President would
    tell them.

Searching for Solutions
President Johnson denied General Westmorelands
request for 206,000 more ground soldiers.
Johnsons advisors could not come up with the
best course for the war strategy. Robert
McNamara suggested limiting the air strikes and
reversing the escalation of the war.
Johnson decided to negotiate with the North
Vietnamese. The Paris peace talks stalled over
two issues the United States wanted all NVA
troops out of South Vietnam, and North Vietnam
would not accept a temporary South Vietnam
government that included a U.S.-backed president.
Fall of LBJ
  • Anti-War activists challenged LBJ for the
    Democratic nomination for President in 1968-
    Robert Kennedy and Eugene McCarthy
  • LBJs advisors and other world leaders thought
    the war was being handled badly and the U.S.
    should get out.
  • Mar. 31, 1968- LBJ resticts bombing and calls for
    peace talks.
  • I shall not seek, and I will not accept the
    nomination of my party for another term as your
  • Peace Talks begin in May of 1968 and drag on for
    months without success. Our longest war.

Johnson Seeks a Solution
  • How did President Johnson try to find a solution
    to the war?
  • Explain Why did Westmoreland request additional
  • Elaborate Why were many Americans outraged by
    Westmorelands request?

Johnson Seeks a Solution
  • Recall What alterations to President Johnsons
    policies in Vietnam did McNamara suggest?
  • Analyze Why did peace talks between the U.S.
    and North Vietnam stall so quickly?

The Presidential Campaign (0319)
The Election of 1968
  • The Democratic Primary Fight
  • Vice President Hubert Humphrey entered the race
    and defended the administrations policies in
  • Senator Eugene McCarthy called for a rapid end to
    the war.
  • Senator Robert Kennedy also called for an end to
    the war and won primaries in Indiana, Nebraska,
    and California.
  • Kennedy was shot leaving a Las Vegas hotel by
    Sirhan Sirhan, a Jordanian immigrant who didnt
    like Kennedys support for Israel.

The Second Kennedy Assassination (0555)
June 5, 1968 (0315)
The Democratic Convention
Delegates at the Democratic National Convention
in Chicago debated between McCarthy and Humphrey.
Outside the convention, protesters from around
the country demanded an immediate end to the
war. Chicago mayor Richard Daley sent troops to
maintain order but violence soon broke out.
Television crews captured violent scenes between
protesters and police. The chaos was one symptom
of a growing generation gap over government,
politics, and the Vietnam War.
Rebellion and the Democratic Convention of 1968
  • Before the convention- King assassinated, RFK
    assassinated, and countless anti-war
  • For the Democratic party, Chicago '68 doomed the
    candidacy of Hubert Humphrey and set off shock
    waves of reform.
  • For the Left (antiwar), Chicago '68 hastened the
    demise of SDS and intensified the revolutionary
    fervor that would spawn street violence and
  • Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman- leaders of the
    Youth International Party (YIPPIES) came to
  • For the media, Chicago '68 created a deep
    suspicion of the state and its minions.
  • For Chicago, Chicago '68 weakened support for the
    last of the big-city bosses and fanned the flames
    of political reform.
  • In the end 8 police charged and 8 civilians
    charged (Chicago 8- later the Chicago 7

Other Contenders in 1968
  • Richard Nixon
  • Republican
  • Won the nomination at the Republican National
  • Chose Spiro Agnew as his running mate
  • Appealed to the patriotism of mainstream
  • Promised law and order
  • Claimed to have a secret plan to end the war
    with honor
  • George Wallace
  • Independent
  • Former Alabama governor
  • Nominated by the American Independent Party
  • Opposed the civil rights movement and school
    desegregation and war protesters
  • Appealed to conservative Democratic white
    southerners and working class whites

The Election of 1968
  • The Campaign
  • Nixon led the polls for most of the campaign.
  • Humphrey made gains when he said the bombing in
    Vietnam should be stopped and that the South
    Vietnamese should shoulder more of the wars
  • The peace talks in Paris made some progress when
    the North Vietnamese agreed to include South
    Vietnamese representatives.
  • Johnson announced an end to the bombing in
    Vietnam a few days before the election.
  • The Results
  • The election was very closejust 510,000 votes
    separated Nixon and Humphrey.
  • Nixon won 43.4 percent of the votes cast to
    Humphreys 42.7 percent.
  • Nixon won 301 electoral votes to Humphreys 191.
  • Wallace was one of the most successful third
    party candidates in U.S. history (46 electoral
    votes and 13.5 percent of the popular vote).
  • Nixons electoral margin provided him with a
    mandate to rule that allowed him to escalate the
    war in Vietnam.

(No Transcript)
Election of 1968
  • How did the election of 1968 illustrate divisions
    in American society?
  • Identify Who was Hubert Humphrey?
  • Contrast How did the policies of McCarthy,
    Kennedy, and Humphrey differ?

Election of 1968
  • Identify Who was Richard Daley?
  • Explain Why did protestors gather outside the
    Democratic National Convention?
  • Predict If Kennedy had not been assassinated,
    how might the election of 1968 turned out
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