Title: The Kaizen Way
1(No Transcript)
2The Kaizen Way
3Across the support center world, challenges are
4Your job is to do more with less
5Your staff will sink if you do nothing
6Your staff will soar when you make the right
73 steps to get a continuous improvement program
off the ground
81.Start where you are
9Know your current situation
10High abandon rate
11We cant get through
12We need more analysts
13Use existing tools
14Six Sigma
15Kaizen-make it a little better
17Start where it hurts
19Inefficient processes
20Poor resource allocation
212. Take small steps forward
22Begin with yourself
23Set time aside for improvement
24Educate yourself
25Look for the best opportunity
26Include others
27Invite others to improve with you
28Conduct a kaizen session
29What can be improved today?
30Improve within your control
31Quick and Easy Kaizen
32Record and capture improvements
33Some will resist
343. Focus on improving, results will come
35Kaizen session results
36Password improvements
37Outlook improvements
38IPCM improvements
39Quick and Easy Kaizen
40Over 150 in 2 years
41Simple and small changes
42Tied to incentives
44Abandon rate
452008 Survey data
46Recognition and honors
471.Start where you are
482. Take small steps forward
493. Focus on improving, results will come