Linguistics and Sociolinguistics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Linguistics and Sociolinguistics


Linguistics and Sociolinguistics Relatively young discipline , although the roots go pretty far into the past of linguistic research De Saussure: L is a system of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Linguistics and Sociolinguistics

Linguistics and Sociolinguistics
  • Relatively young discipline , although the roots
    go pretty far into the past of linguistic
  • De Saussure L is a system of signs with the
    social function of communication
  • Developed in response to microlinguistic
    approaches to language investigation
  • Dichotomy competence performance and the
    Chomskyan view of the aim of linguistic research
    triggered different views (Hymes Ethnography of
    Speaking, 1962)
  • Ways of speaking
  • Communicative competence

Further reading
  • James, C. (1980) Contrastive analysis . (Chapter
    Macrolinguistic CA) Longman.
  • Ðordevic, R. (1997) Uvod u kontrastiranje jezika.
  • Bugarski, R. (1986) Jezik u društvu. Beograd.
  • Coulmas, F. (2000) Sociolinguistics A Study of
    Speakers Choices. Cambridge. Cambridge
    University Press.

  • Communicative competence the knowledge of not
    only the rules of language, but also the rules of
    language use , i.e. The adequacy of use
  • How and to what extent is something formally
    possible in language?
  • How and to what extent is something really done
    in language?
  • The knowledge of when, how and to whom is
    something said
  • Later developments of the notion ? applied
    linguistics and second language acquisition
  • Canale and Swain the four-component model of
    communicative competence

  • GC grammatical competence linguistic
  • SL C sociolinguistic competence
  • DC discourse competence
  • SC strategic competence

  • It is difficult to see adequately the functions
    of language , because it is so deeply rooted in
    the whole of human behaviour that it may be
    suspected that there is little in the functional
    side of our conscious behaviour in which
    language does not play its part
  • Sapir (1933)

Sociology of Language and Sociolinguistics
  • Two possible approaches to linguistic phenomena
    within the broader frame of viewing language as a
    social phenomenon
  • If L is viewed and described by means of the
    apparatus of sociology ? SOCIOLOGY OF LANGUAGE
    (e.g. Joshua Fishman) and it is part of
  • If functioning of L is viewed and described
    taking social factors into consideration ?

  • A possible and rather broad definition which
    tries to unite the diverse kind of inquiry which
    go under the name of sociolinguistics
  • Sociolinguistics is that branch of linguistics
    which studies just those properties of language
    and languages which require reference to social,
    including contextual, factors in their
    explanation. (Downes, 1998 9)
  • Sociolinguistcs is a study of speakers
    choices (Coulmas, 2000)
  • Micro and macro choices

  • Micro-choices are made under the influence of
    factors like
  • Social stratification
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Cultural factors politeness

  • Macro-choices are made under the factors that
    affect society as awhole
  • Code-switching
  • Language planning
  • Diglosia
  • Etc.

Some terminology of SL
  • Language - rather rarely used , for the reasons
    of the term being laden with evaluative and
    emotional conotations
  • Code neutral term
  • Variety neutral term reflects the complexity of
    language depending on the function the variety
  • Social class and roles, gender, age, profession,
    urban or rural culture, etc
  • sociolects (working class variety, upper-middle
    class variety, urban varities , etc)
  • Women talk vs men talk , sexolects , sexism in
  • Professional varieties, doctors talk, legalese,
    argot ? ESP in FLT/L
  • Teenage slang, baby talk, secret languages
  • Dialect geographically /regionally delineated
  • Variant geographically/ regionally delineated
    variety that has been standardized and adopted as
    a norm ? any dialect stands a chance of becoming

Also relevant in SL research
  • Medium written vs spoken
  • Register functionally determined (professional
    registers, professional terminlogies functional
    varieties of language)
  • Style formal vs informal
  • Medium register and style are interrelated
  • E.g. Teenage slang spoken- informal
  • university lectures - spoken formal

Intralingual and interlingual contrastive
  • Contrastive research may be done within one
    language only
  • Contrasting varieties and variants of one
  • Examples substandard varieties standard
  • Labovs contrasting of the variety spoken by
    Afro-Americans in 60s with the standard variety
    in US
  • Bernstein in UK in 70s elaborated and
    restricted codes in school children
  • Trudgill in UK working class women working
    class men
  • Aim and purpose integration of certain
    populations (usually marginalized) into
    mainstream education system, labour market etc.
  • Dialectal varieties with the standard etc.
  • Variant1 of L Variant 2 of L American English
    British English

  • E variant of SH W variant of SH

  • Austrian German Swiss German

Intralingual contrastive research
  • Variant of L1 variant of L2
  • Variety of L1 variety of L2
  • e.g. Contrastive analysis of Communicative
    Competence (English and Serbian) of Serbian
    Students of English
  • Results may be represented as
  • Absolute correspondences
  • Partial correspondences
  • Zero relations
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