Recap the Black Holes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Recap the Black Holes


... Galaxy, located 500 million light-years away in the constellation Sculptor. ... Virgo and our local group share the same supercluster. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Recap the Black Holes

Recap the Black Holes
  • Describe the conditions for a stellar black hole
    to be formed
  • Describe the tidal effects and time dilation near
    a black hole
  • Describe the X-ray observations of a black hole
  • Describe Hawkings proposal on white holes
  • Is there any experimental support for this idea ?
  • Discuss the galactic black holes

Among Galaxies
  • From stars to galaxies
  • The Milky Way
  • Looking into the Remote Past
  • Galactic Explosions and Quasars
  • Galactic Black Holes

From Stars to Galaxies
  • Billions of stars form galaxies, which for the
    old astronomy were the nebulae (some nebulae
    are actually supernova remnants).
  • For hundreds of years stars and nebulae were the
    fixed constellations while the planets were the
    moving cosmic objects.
  • Determining the distance to galaxies became
    possible only after 1923 by measuring the
    distance to specific stars inside those galaxies.
  • The observations with non-optical telescopes
    uncovered a world of galaxies far more violent
    than the world of stars.
  • Galaxies can have different shapes oval, S,
    spiral, iregular.

The Milky Way
  • The Sun is a medium star in our galaxy, a medium
    size spiral galaxy known also as the Milky Way.
    We are in the Orion arm, slightly above the
    galactic plane.
  • Harlow Shapley was the first astronomer who after
    1920 used measurements on stars and on the
    interstellar dust (hydrogen spectrum) to map the
    Milky Way.
  • Our galaxy has a galactic black hole of around
    100,000 solar masses surrounded by an abundance
    of red giants and mini white dwarfs. They are the
    oldest stars in the galaxy.
  • The outside of the arms of the galaxy contains
    new stars and star nurseries.
  • C.C.Lin at MIT demonstrated that our galaxy
    evolved from oval to spiral shape through
    gravitational and electromagnetic effects.

Spiral Galaxies
Spiral Galaxies from above ? This is the M100
spiral galaxy, similar to our Milky Way.
Spiral Galaxies from a side
high density of stars
galactic plane
black hole
Stars or groups of stars
Other Galaxies
  • The nearest galaxies are known as Magellans
    Clouds they are about 200,000 light-years from
  • In the Northern hemisphere the nearest observable
    galaxy is Andromeda (M31) at 3 million
    light-years from us. The light from M31 was sent
    to us when Earth was populated by humanoids.
  • To measure the distance
  • to a close galaxy one has to identify a star from
    the Cepheid class, which always has the same
    intrinsic brightness.
  • for galaxies which are billions of light-years
    away one has to look for more powerful sources of
    radiation as individual stars cannot be
    identified. Type Ia supernovas are such powerful
  • In an expanding Universe the further a galaxy is
    from us the faster it moves. A fast moving light
    source would have the optical spectrum shifted
    towards large wave lengths (known as red or
    Doppler shift).

Huge Numbers of Galaxies
The number of galaxies observed today is of the
order 1011. Many of these galaxies emitted the
light that we observe today long before the Sun
or Earth existed.
1500 galaxies seen by the Hubble telescope in a
certain part of the Universe.
Many Shapes and Sizes
  • Observations found galaxies of various shapes
    elliptical, spiral, barred-spiral and irregular.
  • Sizes vary from dwarfs (about 1 million solar
    masses) to giants (up to 10 trillion solar
  • Among bright galaxies about 70 are spiral and
    20 elliptical, but most dwarfs are elliptical
    and therefore of the total only about 20-30 are

Explaining Different Types
  • Two factors determine the type of a galaxy
  • Its rotation around the galactic nucleus
  • The rate of stars formation
  • Elliptical galaxies show little rotation and high
    rate of stars formation.
  • Spiral galaxies have rotation which creates a
    disc shaped cloud of gas, with lower stars
    formation rate and with a lot of gas left for
    future generations of stars.

Intergalactic Interactions
  • The shapes of galaxies are also influenced by
    their interaction with neighbors.
  • the Cartwheel galaxy (next slide) and
  • the Antennae pair of galaxies.
  • Close encounters between galaxies are also
    believed to initiate the formation of spiral
    structures. However, the preservation of the arms
    is due to the stars formation and the
    gravitational density waves.

Cartwheel Galaxy (I)
Cartwheel Galaxy (II)
  • A rare and spectacular head-on collision between
    two galaxies appears in this NASA Hubble Space
    Telescope true-color image of the Cartwheel
    Galaxy, located 500 million light-years away in
    the constellation Sculptor.
  • The striking ring-like feature is a direct result
    of a smaller intruder galaxy -- possibly one of
    two objects to the right of the ring -- that
    careened through the core of the host galaxy.
  • Like a rock tossed into a lake, the collision
    sent a ripple of energy into space, plowing gas
    and dust in front of it. Expanding at 200,000
    miles per hour, this cosmic tsunami leaves in its
    wake a firestorm of new star creation.
  • Hubble resolves bright blue knots that are
    gigantic clusters of newborn stars and immense
    loops and bubbles blown into space by exploding
    stars (supernovae) going off like a string of

The Local Group/Cluster
  • The Magellans Clouds at 170,000 light-years
    and Andromeda (M31) and its companion M33 at 2.5
    million light-years are the best known
    neighbouring galaxies.
  • These galaxies plus 14 others form our local
    group/cluster of galaxies.
  • The nearest of all is an elliptic dwarf only
    50,000 light-years from the center of Milky Way
    (hidden from us by the galactic center)
  • Inside a cluster a lot of interaction between
    galaxies moving with speeds up to 1500 km/s and
    huge amounts of dark matter keep the cluster

Clusters and Superclusters
  • Beyond the center of the Milky Way one can see
    the Virgo group containing over a thousand
    galaxies. In center Virgo has 3 giant
    ellipticals, of which M87 has a mass more than
    30 times the mass of our galaxy.
  • Virgo and our local group share the same
    supercluster. Our supercluster is relatively
    modest although it comprises a total about 5000
  • Superclusters typically occupy 100-250 million
    light-years and have various shapes. The most
    famous is the great wall of galaxies with
    500x200x15 million light-years.
  • Between superclusters there are true empty spaces
    measuring hundreds of millions of light-years.

Radio Galaxies
  • As astronomers started using radiotelescopes many
    galaxies appeared to be in an explosive state,
    with irregular shapes and with jet-type
  • The first galactic explosion was seen in 1951 by
    G.Smith at Cambridge. Cygnus A was a radio source
    at about 750 million l-y. Its emission was also
    seen through optical telescopes.
  • Observations using interferometry determined a
    structure in the radio emission, corresponding to
    periods of different level of activity.

Galactic Explosions and Quasars (I)
  • Galactic explosions are often associated with
  • Lick observatory (near San Francisco) is one of
    the leading centers for the study of quasars. Its
    telescope produced many results which demonstrate
    that quasars have very strong and irregular
  • For instance 3C345 was characterized by a
    doubling of its luminosity every 12 weeks for a
    few months, while 3C279 had for short periods of
    time bursts of light about 16 times stronger than

Galactic Explosions and Quasars (II)
  • Rapid variations of brightness always imply a
    concentration of matter. The neutron stars which
    are a few kilometers wide emit more radio signals
    than a regular star.
  • Quasars are a few light-weeks or light-months
    wide and emit much more radio waves than a
    regular galaxy. Most quasars are visible through
    optical telescopes too.
  • Current explanations include gravitational
    collapse of stars or dense clouds of gases and
    the galactic black holes swallowing large clouds.
  • In the scenario which includes a black hole of
    108 solar masses, a star approaching it would be
    broken into fragments by the tidal forces outside
    the event horizon. Those fragments would be
    accelerated producing the observed radiation.

Seyfert Galaxies
  • One of the oldest variable radio-sources is
    3C120. It took many years for a clear explanation
    of its true origin. Now we know that it is a
    Seyfert galaxy, a galaxy with a very bright
    center. About one in 100 galaxies are of
  • Although Seifert galaxies are much brighter than
    regular galaxies, quasars are still more than 100
    times brighter than Seifert galaxies.
  • Many astronomers believe that the Seyfert
    galaxies and quasars are two stages in the
    evolution of the same galaxy. The majority of
    quasars correspond to galaxies about 8 billion
    light-years away and therefore very young

Galactic Black Holes (I)
  • The use of radio-interferometers allowed the
    creation of very detailed radio photos. They
    showed the radio source Cygnus A was a huge
    elliptical area almost 100 times larger than the
    center which was the galaxy NGC 5128. Its shape
    was suggesting not one but several explosions
    separated by long intervals of time.
  • Blandford and Rees at Cambridge have developed a
    double emission model with two jets emitted by a
    rotating mass of gas. This model agreed well with
    the Cygnus A observations and also with the photo
    of Scorpius X-1, one of the known stellar black

Galactic Black Holes (II)
The existence of black holes in the center of
galaxies is today a common belief among
cosmologists. It is not clear yet if they were
the actual seeds in the formation of galaxies or
formed in later stages.
Our galaxy contains a central black hole of about
105 solar masses and its activity is relatively
Galactic Black Holes (III)
  • The galactic black holes model can explain all 3
    types of active galaxies.
  • Quasars and Seifert galaxies correspond to direct
    observations of the galactic center (with quasars
    being brighter because they are younger stages
    with more material around the black hole)
  • Radio galaxies correspond to cases where the
    center is obscured by cosmic clouds and the
    observations focus on the two jets perpendicular
    to the galactic plane.
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