Title: Entering the Public Dialogue With Confidence: Your First Speech
1Entering thePublic DialogueWith
ConfidenceYour First Speech
2General Purposes
- To inform
- To persuade
- To invite
- To introduce
- To commemorate
- To accept
3Informative Speech
- Communicates knowledge and understanding about a
process, an event, a person or place, an object,
or a concept - (Chapter 15)
Informative Speech by Chelsey Penoyer (partial
35 sec.) Click image to play video alt
enter keys for full screen. Windows Media
Player required
4Invitational Speech
- To explore and understand many sides to an issue
- When audience is polarized about an issue
5Invitational Speech
- To set stage for dialogue to clarify positions,
explore issues and ideas or share beliefs
values - Rather than try to change other people, we speak
invitationally to try to understand them - (Chapter 16)
6Persuasive Speech
- Attempts to change or reinforce an audiences
thoughts, feelings or actions (Chapter
Persuasive Speech by Jessica Fuller (partial 1
min. 14 sec.) Click image to play video alt
enter keys for full screen. Windows Media
Player required.
7Introductory Speech
- Present information about yourself, another
person, or an event to an audience - (Chapter 19)
See page 40 for the Self-Introduction speech by
Tiffany Brisco
8Commemorative Speech
- To praise, honor, recognize, or pay tribute to a
person, an event, an idea or an institution - (Chapter 19)
Tribute Speech by Tara Flanagan (partial 1 min.
8 sec.) Click image to play video alt
enter keys for full screen. Windows Media
Player required.
9Acceptance Speech
- To acknowledge your gratitude, appreciation, and
pleasure at receiving an honor or a gift - (Chapter 19)
10Canons of Rhetoric
- Invention
- Arrangement
- Style
- Memory
- Delivery
11Canon of Invention
- Consider the topic, or the subject
- (Chapter 4)
- Determine your purpose or reason for speaking
- (Chapter 4)
- Identify your audience
- (Chapter 5)
12Selecting a Speech Topic
- Based on your interests, hobbies, skills
- Brainstorming using free association, categories,
or technology
13Canon of Arrangement
- Guidelines for ordering the ideas in a speech
- (Chapter 9)
14Canon of Style
- The guidelines for using language effectively
appropriately - (Chapters 3 12)
15Canon of Memory
- The time you take to rehearse your speech the
ways you prompt yourself to remember the speech
as you give it - (Chapter 13)
16Canon of Delivery
- Guidelines for managing your voice, gestures,
posture, facial expressions visual aids as you
present your speech - (Chapter 13)
17Trait Anxiety
- Apprehensive about communicating with others in
any situation
18State or Situational Anxiety
- Public speaking anxiety (PSA)
- Some level of state anxiety about public speaking
- Nervousness is normal
Check out Interactive Activity 2.2 Connecting
with the Audience at the Invitation to Public
Speaking website.
19Reducing Nervousness
- Prepare
- Practice
- Be realistic
- Visualize success
- Affirm strengths
- Connect with audience