Evaluation Without Users: Cognitive Walkthroughs, Heuristic Evaluation

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Evaluation Without Users: Cognitive Walkthroughs, Heuristic Evaluation


Complete info on cell phone deals, package and customization. 6. HOS: Retail Store Interface. ... Recognition rather than recall of the accessories / features. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Evaluation Without Users: Cognitive Walkthroughs, Heuristic Evaluation

Evaluation Without Users Cognitive Walkthroughs,
Heuristic Evaluation
  • Loren Terveen
  • CS 5115, Fall 2008
  • October 20

  • Deliverables for next week
  • Cognitive Walkthroughs
  • Heuristic Evaluation
  • Next time bring your paper prototype!

Hall of Fame/Shame This Week
  • Today
  • Sheng Wang Weiqi Wei
  • Rakesh Ramakrishnan Subrahmanya Bhat
  • Wednesday
  • Patrick Weygand Steve Chou
  • Rama Susarla Ashish Kumar Sharma

Mobile Phone Shopping.
Mobile Retail Stores
By Subrahmanya Bhat Rakesh Ramakrishnan
HOS Website Interface.
Complete info on cell phone deals, package and
  • Incomplete mental model.
  • Can not get a 100 feel of the phone of interest
    as immediate feedback is partial and real
    feedback is only when you buy it. ?
  • Prior knowledge of cell phones is necessary.
  • Not a natural interface.
  • Selective Attention.
  • There is too much of data that prevents focus.
  • Gulf of Evaluation.
  • Language issues.
  • Computer/Internet inexperience.
  • Keyboards and mouse may not be intuitive to
    everyone but we are stuck with it!.

HOS Retail Store Interface.
  • Memory
  • Need to memorize the features of interest.
  • Not a Design for Error.
  • Human recommendation derived from memory / Past
    experience may be incorrect and missing
  • Incompatible / Dangerous customizations due to
    human err?.
  • Gulf of execution.
  • Exploration is limited due to time constraints
    and spatial separation and search constraints.
  • What if you dont get the best package!.
  • Comparing the models is not easy.
  • Via the pamphlet / word of mouth way.

Sales Executives and pamphlets.
Real Phones.
..and Tables. ?
HOF Microsoft Surface in Retail Stores
  • Review features of a particular mobile device by
    simply placing it on the display.

HOF Microsoft Surface in Retail Stores
Place two devices side by side on the unit and
easily compare their features.
HOF Microsoft Surface in Retail Stores
  • Drag and drop ring tones, graphics, video and
    more by grabbing content with their hands from
    a menu on the display and dropping it into the
  • Get compatible accessories by simply tapping on
    the list of accessories.
  • Find similar phones using the surface display.
    You actually drag, rotate and see features of
    these phones as if all of them are dropped on
    your table!.

HOF Summary of Points
  • Direct Interaction with devices of interest.
  • Natural User Interaction (NUI)
  • Using natural hand movements and physical
  • No gulf of execution or evaluation.
  • Immediate feedback.
  • Affordance
  • Its a table!.
  • Recognition rather than recall of the accessories
    / features .
  • User control and freedom exploring phones.
  • Flexibility and efficiency of use
  • Does not require any user training. Works with
    novice and expert users.
  • Match between the system and the real world.
  • Incorporates collaboration.
  • Error prevention

Deliverables for next week
  • Walkthrough evaluation report
  • For each of your three scenarios, walk through
    your prototype asking the cognitive walkthrough
    questions plus (see project guide)?
  • Write up a list of interface problems discovered
    during the walkthrough
  • Add brief notes about how you discovered them
  • I encourage individual members to do
    walkthroughs, then do a group walkthrough, then
    create unified report
  • List of interface improvement ideas
  • Start working on your executable prototype
  • Complete all the peripheral tasks so you are in a
    position to work on the interface
  • Database back-ends, network connections to DB
  • Style sheets, banner images, backgrounds
  • Icons
  • Questions?

Back-of-the-Envelope Action Analysis
  • Coarse-grain
  • list basic actions, e.g., at the level of a
  • each action is at least 2-3 seconds
  • what must be learned/remembered?
  • what can be done easily?
  • documentation/training?
  • Goal is to find major problems
  • Example 1950s 35mm camera

Expert Evaluation
  • Usability specialists are very valuable
  • double-specialists are even better
  • An inexpensive way to get a lot of feedback
  • Be sure the expert is qualified in your area

Cognitive Walkthroughs
Cognitive Walkthroughs - I
  • A task-oriented method of evaluating an interface
    without users
  • A systematic way to imagine users' thoughts and
    actions when they use an interface for the first
  • Benefits of evaluation before user meetings
  • Helps get rid of obvious problems that would
    waste users time
  • May catch problems that testing with a few users
    will miss

Cognitive Walkthroughs - II
  • Goals
  • evaluate choice-points in the interface
  • detect confusing labels, icons, images or options
  • detect likely user navigation errors
  • Start with a complete TCUID scenario
  • never try to wing it on a walkthrough

Best Approach
  • Tell a Believable Story
  • How does the user accomplish the task,
  • Based on user knowledge and system interface
  • Recall DOET principles (Is this visible? Is
    feedback clear? Is there a gulf of execution?
  • Work as a group
  • dont partition the task
  • Be highly sceptical
  • remember the goal!
  • Every gap is an interface problem

Cognitive Walkthrough How To - I
  • Interface prototype (start with LoFi)?
  • Task description
  • Scenario written list of the actions to
    complete the task in the interface
  • An idea of who the users will be and their
    characteristic (so you can tell believable
  • Personas may be useful (Google?)?

Cognitive Walkthrough How To - II
  • For each action in the sequence
  • tell the story of why the user will do it
  • ask critical questions (recall 7 Stages of
  • Will users be trying to produce the effect?
    I.e., will they form the goal designers wanted
    them to?
  • Will users see the correct control?
  • Will users recognize that this is the control
    theyre after, i.e., that it will advance them
    toward their goal?
  • Or will they select a different control instead?
  • Will users understand the feedback? That is,
    will be they be able to tell that they achieved
    their intended goal or at least made progress
    toward it?

Quick example
  • Task Understand the change made in a geographic
    edit on Cyclopath
  • Scenario
  • Click on Recent Changes tab
  • Click Changes option
  • Click Update button
  • Click Look at button
  • Alternative clicking the Before and After
  • (Zoom in if necessary)?

  • The user sets a goal to be accomplished with the
    system (for example, "check spelling of this
  • The user searches the interface for currently
    available actions (menu items, buttons,
    command-line inputs, etc.).
  • The user selects the action that seems likely to
    make progress toward the goal.
  • The user performs the selected action and
    evaluates the system's feedback for evidence that
    progress is being made toward the current goal.

Empirical Support
  • Subjects will try label-guided actions first
    before they experiment with direct manipulations
    of unlabeled objects.
  • Providing few actions in the search set can help
    to narrow the search if labeling cannot be
    provided, or if criteria for a "good" label are
    difficult to establish.
  • Users are reluctant to try atypical actions
  • Users are reluctant to extend their search beyond
    the readily available menus and controls.

Benefits of a Cognitive Walkthrough
  • Focus most on first experiences - learnability
  • Easy to learn
  • Can do early in the software cycle
  • Surfaces and examines assumptions about what
    users might be thinking
  • Can identify controls that are obvious to the
    designer but not to the user
  • It can suggest difficulties with labels and
  • It can help find inadequate feedback
  • Can help find inadequacies in the spec

Shortcomings of Cognitive Walkthrough
  • Is diagnostic, not prescriptive
  • Focuses mostly on novice users (someone who has
    to figure it out, rather than someone who already
  • Relies on the ability of designers to put
    themselves in the users shoes

When to do a Cognitive Walkthrough
  • Before you do a formal evaluation with your users
  • Can be done on your own for small pieces of the
  • Can do a walkthrough of a complete task as the
    interface develops

Heuristic Evaluation
Heuristic Evaluation
  • Usability heuristics are broad rules of thumb
    that describe features of usable systems
  • Derived by evaluating common design problems
    across a wide range of systems
  • Heuristic evaluation is a procedure for applying
    heuristics to evaluate a design an expert
  • Discount usability engineering
  • See http//www.useit.com/papers/heuristic/

Pros / Cons
  • Cheap (no special lab or equipment)?
  • Easy
  • Fast (about 1 day)?
  • Cost-effective
  • Detects many problems without users
  • Complementary to task-centered approaches
  • Coverage
  • Catches cross-task interactions
  • - Requires subjective interpretation /
  • - Does not specify how to fix problems
  • - Performance improves as evaluator knowledge

... vs. Cognitive Walkthroughs
  • H.E.s are not task-centered
  • H.E.s work better on higher fidelity prototypes
    (but can be done on LoFi)?

  • A set of evaluators (3-5 is about optimal)
    evaluate a UI (some training may be needed)?
  • Each one independently checks for compliance with
    the heuristics
  • Different evaluators find different problems
  • Evaluators then get together and merge their
  • Collectively rate severity of the problems
  • Debriefing/brainstorming ? how to fix the
    problems ( point out whats really good)?

Why multiple evaluators?
Wisdom of Crowds (even true for experts)?
Why multiple evaluators?
Average over 6 case studies
So how many evaluators?
  • One evaluator does very poorly only 35 of
    problems detected
  • 5 evaluators find about 75 of problems
  • So more is better, right?
  • Well
  • More evaluators costs more
  • And dont find many more problems
  • So there are diminishing returns

Cost-benefit analysis
  • Based on estimates of the value of finding
    problems and the cost of doing the evaluation
  • Note a ratio of 50 means that investing 10K
    leads to value of 500K

What an individual evaluator does
  • Each evaluator goes through the UI at least twice
  • First, get an overall feel for the system
  • Second, inspect the various interface elements
    and consider them in terms of the heuristics
  • May use a supplementary list of domain-specific

Preparing the evaluators
  • If system is intended to be walk up and use or
    the evaluators are domain experts, no particular
    training is needed
  • Otherwise, evaluators may need some knowledge
    about the domain and scenarios

Output of an individual Heuristic
  • List of problems
  • For each problem, what heuristics were violated

Severity ratings
  • Used to allocate resources to fix problems
  • Based on
  • Frequency the problem will occur
  • Impact of problem (hard or easy to overcome)?
  • Persistence (will users learn a work around or
    will they be bothered every time?)?
  • 1 cosmetic problem
  • 2 minor usability problem
  • 3 major usability problem important to fix
  • 4 usability catastrophe must fix

  • Conduct with evaluators, observers, and
    development team members
  • Discuss general properties of UI, including good
  • Brainstorm potential improvements to fix major
    usability problems
  • Development team rates how much effort each fix
    would require

The individual heuristics
Heuristic 1
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
H1. Simple and natural dialog
  • Exploit the users conceptual model
  • Match user tasks in as natural a way as possible
  • Maximize mapping between interface and task

Simple and natural dialog
  • Info should appear in natural order (for the
  • Remove or hide irrelevant or rarely needed info
  • It competes for users cognitive attention
  • Less is more easier to learn, fewer errors,
    less distraction
  • Good graphic design
  • Use grouping and proximity to present related
  • Use color appropriately

Heuristic 2
Poor use of language
What does this do?
(No Transcript)
H2. Speak the Users Language
  • Use terminology based on users language for the
  • Avoid engineering jargon
  • Use the users native language
  • Use conventional meanings
  • View the interaction from the users perspective
  • Do not force naming conventions
  • Exploit natural mappings and metaphors
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