Title: Lisp Recitation cse471598
1 Lisp Recitation (cse471/598)
- Lisp syntax
- Commands for slime
- How to handle problems?
3Lisp vs. scheme
- CL is a large language, including packages,
arrays, structures, hash tables, object-oriented
programming features, MACRO - Numbers different format support
- Scheme language does not define an internal
representation for programs - Minor variations in syntax
4Lisp vs. Java C
- Java Object Oriented Programming.
- Lisp CLOS providing more object oriented
programming concepts than Java - The difference between Lisp and Java, as Paul
Graham has pointed out, is that Lisp is for
working with computational ideas and expression,
whereas Java is for expressing completed
5Functional Programming
- Function is the basic element. Both data and
function are treat as object. The parameter could
be a function. - Basic rule the parameters of a function should
not be changed. (But there are some exceptions
like sort, incf, decf)
6Expression Evaluation
- You type an expression, the interpreter responds
by displaying the results of the evaluation of
that expression. Ex. - 486
- The interpreter will respond
- 486
- Compound expressions are formed by combining
other expressions. - ( 137 349)
- 486
- The leftmost element in the list is the operator
and the other elements are operands.
7Data Structure - Lists
- Using Quote-
- (1 2 3) also (quote ( 1 2 3))
- (1 2 3)
- Using CAR-
- (CAR ( 1 2 3 4))
- 1
- Using CDR-
- (CDR ( 1 2 3))
- ( 2 3)
8- Using Cons -
- (cons 0 (1 2 3))
- adds the element 0 to the head of the list (1 2
3) - (0 1 2 3)
- Using Append
- (append (1 2) (3 4 5))
- Creates a new list out of existing lists
- (1 2 3 4 5)
- List can also be interpreted as sets, hashtables,
trees,sequences, stacks, asscoiation-lists.
- Using dolist -
- (dolist (x (1 2 3)) (print x))
- repeats a set of operations for as many times as
there are entries in a list. - 1
- 2
- 3
- nil
- Using dotimes -
- (dotimes (x 3) (print x))
- repeats a set of operations fixed number of
times. - 1
- 2
- 3
- nil
10- Using LOOP
- (loop for x from 1 to 3
- do (print x)
- collect x)
- 1
- 2
- 3
- (1 2 3)
- There are lot of other loop keywords like
always, never, thereis, etc.,
11Conditional Constructs
- Using CASE. (like switch in java and c)
- (case 2
- (1 one)
- (2 two)
- (3 three)
- (otherwise many))
12Defining functions using defun
(defun funct1 (x) ( x 1)) FUNCT1 (funct1 3) 4
Compute factorial (defun factorial (n)
(if ( n 0) 1 ( n (
factorial (- n 1) ) ) ) )
14Creating Variables
- Using setf to create global variables
- (setf var element)
- element
- var
- element
- let (let) to create local variables
15Input and Output
gt (progn (format t Please enter your
name ) (read-line)) gt (prin1
hello) Note There are many variants. You need
to refer to a CL book.
16Other Important Lisp Concepts
- conditional operators if, cond, when, until
- logical operators and, or, not, unless
- mappings mapcar, maplist
- arrays
- structures
- lambda functions
- Macro
17A simple example
- gt(let ((sum 0))
- (mapcar '(lambda (x)
- (incf sum ( x x)))
- '(1 2 3 4))
- sum)
- gt30
- (Not working if you define a separate function
like this - (defun aaa (x)
- (incf sum ( x x)))
- (let ((sum 0))
- (mapcar aaa (1 2 3 4))
- sum)
- Different concept from Macro in C. In C, its
just stupid replacing some strings. - In Lisp, Macro is a scheme to generate source
code. - Two phrases Expand Macro, then compile all the
functions. - (defun square-code (x)
- ( ,x ,x))
- (defmacro foo (x)
- (square-code x))
(defun foo (x) (square-code x))
19When to use macro?
- When to use Macro?
- Macro is powerful if there are some frequent
patterns in the source code. - Never use a macro instead of a function for
efficiency reasons
20Suggested programming style
- Write short functions, where each function
provides a single, well-defined operation - Use proper indentation
- Program idea with recursion
- Top-down approach with abstraction
21Useful commands for lisp in a box
- Ctrl-c Ctrl-z Return to the interpreter
- Ctrl-c Ctrl-c Compile a function
- Ctrl-c Ctrl-k Compile and load a file
- Ctrl-c Ctrl-d Ask for the description
- Ctrl-c Ctrl-h hyperspec description
- Ctrl-c Ctrl-q complete all the parenthesis
- A short flash for programming in slime.
- Other basic commands for emacs
22Useful keybindings
- Switch with ()
- Switch command Ctrl-b and CtrlMetab
- You can customize your settings by adding stuff
in 99init.el - http//www.cliki.net/Editing20Lisp20Code20with
23How to deal with problems
- I am not a superman to solve all your problems ?
- Where you can ask
- Newsgroup comp.lang.lisp
- Search Google.
- Check the documentation of specified functions.
- Discuss with each other
24- Lisp is a language for smart
people. Have Fun with Lisp? - Questions?