Title: The Experience
1The first time I ever touched and played with snow
The Experience
The Beginning
2The first time I ever touched and played with snow
The Beginning
The Experience
Lets go up Mt. Baldy!!!, my cousin shouted
excitedly. The sight of white snow on the slope
was inviting. I was thrilled as I have never
played with snow before
The Beginning
3The first time I ever touched and played with snow
The Beginning
The Experience
After a long and dangerous cold drive up the
slippery road, we finally reached snow covered
slopes. What a relief! I was worried that the
road was too steep for our SUV.
The Beginning
4The first time I ever touched and played with snow
The Beginning
The Experience
Climbing up was slippery and difficult. We were
practically crawling. Every now and then we would
slide down because it was just too slippery.
The Experience
5The first time I ever touched and played with snow
The Beginning
The Experience
After much struggle, we finally reached the top
of the slope. We rested and enjoyed the coolness
and the satisfaction of conquering the
The Experience
6The first time I ever touched and played with snow
The Beginning
The Experience
The Experience
This was the view from the top of the
slope. Isnt this awesome and breathtaking?
7The first time I ever touched and played with snow
The Beginning
The Experience
The Experience
Playing with the snow and sliding down was so
much fun!!! You could feel the cold air rushing
against your face.
8The first time I ever touched and played with snow
The Beginning
The Experience
The Experience
9The first time I ever touched and played with snow
The Beginning
The Experience
The snow was thick in certain areas and the fog
was overwhelming at times. Our visibility was
only about 10 metres! This was very scary as we
do not experience fog in Singapore.
10The first time I ever touched and played with snow
The Beginning
The Experience
Despite the danger, it was fun and refreshing. We
also felt closer to each other, bonding through
this unforgettable experience. I would like to
experience Mt. Baldy again