Title: Citizenship Norms and Political Participation in America
1Citizenship Norms and Political Participation in
- Russell Dalton
- Center for the Study of Democracy
- University of California, Irvine
2Democracy at Risk?
- American democracy is at risk. The risk comes not
from some external threat but from disturbing
internal trends an erosion of the activities and
capacities of citizenship. Americans have turned
away from politics and the public sphere in large
numbers, leaving our civic life impoverished.
Citizens participate in public affairs less
frequently, with less knowledge and enthusiasm,
in fewer venues, and less equally than is healthy
for a vibrant democratic polity. - Macedo et al. 2005
3The Good News is . . .
4Why are Critiques Overstated?
- Focus only on traditional norms of citizenship
- Focus only on traditional forms of participation
5The Elements of Citizenship
- Participation
- Autonomy
- Social Order
- Solidarity
6CDATS/CID asked To be a good citizen, it is
important to . . .
- Duty-based Citizen Engaged Citizen
- Vote in elections
- Voluntary activity
- Active in politics
- Form own opinion
- Serve on a jury
- Obey the laws
- Serve in military
- Report a crime
- Support those worse off
Ten similar items were included in 2004 General
Social Survey
7The Change in Citizenship Norms by Age
Sources CDATS/CID 2005.
8Participation Consequences of Citizenship
Norms (CID)
- Duty-Based Citizenship
- Voting (r.11)
- Donate (.03)
- Demonstrate (-.15)
- Boycott (-.05)
- Web activism (-.06)
- Engaged Citizenship
- Web activity (r.17)
- Sign petition (.23)
- Consumerism (.19)
- Demonstrate (.09)
- Vote (.06)
Slide values are correlations between norms and
activity (CDATS/CID)
9Participation Consequences of Citizenship
Norms (GSS)
- Duty-Based Citizenship
- Voting (r.25)
- Campaign work (.13)
- Demonstrate (-.07)
- Boycott (.02)
- Web activism (-.03)
- Engaged Citizenship
- Web activity (r.16)
- Consumerism (.18)
- Demonstrate (.23)
- Vote (-.04)
- Campaign work (.07)
Slide values are correlations between norms and
activity (2004 GSS)
10The Myth of Political Disengagement
Sources ANES, WVS, Verba et al. surveys 2000
Community survey.
11The Myth of the Disengaged American
Sources CDATS/CID and ESS
12Citizenship and Participation
- Voting turnout is declining, but
- New norms of citizenship are changing patterns
of action Americans are now more active, in more
different ways. - New patterns of action empower public more than
voting more democracy rather than less. - Politics should respond to Gen X, rather than
asking them to act like their grandparents.
13The End
14Distribution of Citizenship Norms
Source CDATS/CID 2005.