Title: El Viaje a Oaxaca
1El Viaje a Oaxaca
- A Web Quest for High School Spanish Students
- Designed by
- Angela Minor
- Vamos! Your Spanish club wants to take a class
trip to Oaxaca, Mexico. Before approving the
trip, your principal needs relevant information
concerning the trip. The class needs to convince
the principal that a trip to Oaxaca would be very
beneficial for the students. You and your
classmates will present the details to the
principal in hopes of being allowed to take the
trip.. But first, you must do your homework!
4The Task
- Your task as a group is to plan the trip and
- show the benefits of going to Oaxaca, Mexico.
- Each student will compile a list of gathered
information pertaining to his/her assigned area
of planning. The information will be used in a
presentation given to the principal. - You will have one week to gather your
information for the presentation to the
principal. Use your resources wisely. You will
be graded on the details, presentation and
5The Process
- In order to convince the principal that
going to Oaxaca would be beneficial, first you
must familiarize yourself with the city. Use the
links below to read about Oaxaca, Mexico. - 1. http//www.mexconnect.com/mex_/oaxaca/oaxa
caindex.html -
- 2. http//www.guide2mexico.com/cities/oaxaca/
oaxindex.htm - 3. http//www.oaxacalive.com/
- Now you must choose your role in planning
the trip. Your choices are as follows -
7Traveling Tips
- Tu empleo You will gather the primary
- information for setting up the trip. You will
provide the group with information such as
requirements to enter the country, currency and
tourism in general. Use the links below to
obtain information on tips for traveling. - 1. http//oaxaca-travel.com/guide/index.php?langu
s - 2. http//www.mexonline.com/oaxaca/oaxaca.htm
- 3. http//www.oaxacainfo.com/
- 4. http//www.nationalgeographic.com/traveler/arch
- Tu empleo You will gather information
on getting to and from Oaxaca in addition to
traveling while in the city. Use the links below
to obtain information on transportation. - http//www.expedia.com/pub/agent.dll?qscrcmshsub
07180 - 2. http//www.tripadvisor.com/Hotels-g150801-O
- Tu empleo You will gather information on
accommodations. Use the links below to obtain
information on lodging. - http//oaxacainfo.com/hotels.htm
- http//www.tripadvisor.com/Discount_Hotels-g150801
html -
10Planning Activities
- Tu empleo You will gather information on
attractions and events that should be experienced
while in Oaxaca. Use the links below to obtain
information on planning activities. - 1. http//www.fodors.com/miniguides/mgresults.cfm?
destinationoaxaca_at_187 - http//www.planeta.com/oaxaca.html
- http//www.allaboutoaxaca.com/
- http//www.geocities.com/SoHo/3727/tur.html
- 5. http//www.oaxacaoaxaca.com/museums.htm
- When everyone has their information, all details
will be compiled into a graphic organizer that
will be used to make a presentation that will be
given to the principal. Be sure to include the
item, description, price and contact information
(address, telephone number and email address)
for each part of the trip. Use the link below to
print your graphic organizer. - Five Column Graphic Organizer
- Your graphic organizer is worth 45 points and the
oral presentation is worth 45 points. The
following rubric is provided in order to score
the projects. Coverage of details, valid
information and spelling and grammar compile the
score for the graphic organizer. Visual aids,
visual presentation and presentation compile the
score for the oral presentation.
13Coverage of Details
Beginning 0-3 Developing 4-7 Accomplished 8-11 Exemplary 12-15 Score
Barely covered. No information was provided. No prices given. Gives some information, but omits some details. Does not include all prices, only some. Includes prices, but does not give complete description of what is included in prices. More details are needed Includes all information necessary. Also gives contact information if further details are necessary.
14Valid Information
Beginning 0-3 Developing 4-7 Accomplished 8-11 Exemplary 12-15 Score
Turned in no hard copies of information used. No proof. Turned in some hard copies of information used, but not others. Turned in hard copies of all information, but did not use all correctly. Turned in hard copies for all information used. All facts are clearly found in the hard copies.
15Spelling and Grammar
Beginning 0-3 Developing 4-7 Accomplished 8-11 Exemplary 12-15 Score
Numerous spelling and grammar errors. Use only simple sentences. Corrections needed frequently. Not as many errors, but still careless. Little to no use of complex sentence structures. Spelling perfect and very few grammatical errors. Sentences are longer and more complex. Spelling and grammar are perfect. Good use of complex ideas. Expressed very professionally.
16Visual Aids
Beginning 0-3 Developing 4-7 Accomplished 8-11 Exemplary 12-15 Score
None used. Few, those used were sloppy and incomplete. Nicely done, but needed to have a few more. Needed to go into more detail. Did not catch the eye. Well used and sufficient to help the family. All were neat and eye catching.
17Visual Presentation
Beginning 0-3 Developing 4-7 Accomplished 8-11 Exemplary 12-15 Score
Sloppy, used pen/pencil. Hard to see and/or read. No visual/media used at all. Neat, but needs work. Words are not legible and more color is needed. Little use of visual/media elements. Very neat, but organization could be better. More visuals/media are needed. Words were neat and readable color. Neat and orderly. Several pictures/mulit-media presentations are used. Everything is colorful and bright.
18 Presentation
Beginning 0-3 Developing 4-7 Accomplished 8-11 Exemplary 12-15 Score
Not professional at all. Spoke as if among friends. Tried but was not familiar enough with the information. Had to keep referring to the list. Very professional, but lacked enthusiasm. Principal unsure if the information was reliable. Very professional, excellent people skills Knew the information. Principal felt information is useful.
- Now that you have completed the WebQuest, you are
more familiar with Oaxaca, Mexico. Answer the
following questions area a separate sheet of
paper. You may respond in English. - 1. What did you learn about Oaxaca?
- 2. Do you think Oaxaca is a good place to
visit to learn
culture? - 3. If you were staying in Oaxaca, what would
be the five things you would want to do while
visiting the city?
20Credits and References
- Images used from
- Microsoft Design Gallery http//geography.abou
t.com/library/cia/blcmexico.htm - Comments?Click here to email me