Title: ANKOS
1ANKOS Annual Meeting 13 14 June 2004
- ProQuest 5000 and its component databases
including - ABI/INFORM
- Health Medical package
- Science Technology package
- Academic Research Library
- ProQuest Digital Dissertations Full Text
- Safari Technical Books Online
- New From ProQuest in 2004
- Factiva.com
4ProQuest 5000
- 2 tailored packages available to ANKOS members
Medical Package ABI/INFORM Global ABI/INFORM
Dateline ABI/INFORM Trade Industry Academic
Research Library Accounting Tax PQ Science
Journals PQ Telecommunications ProQuest
Computing Banking information source
Pharmaceutical news Index PQ Health module PQ
Medical Library Medline Career and
Technical Education ProQuest Asian Business PQ
Education Journals PQ European
Business Religious Periodicals PQ social
sciences journals Psychology journals
Business Package ABI/INFORM Global ABI/INFORM
Dateline ABI/INFORM Trade Industry The
Financial Times Academic Research Library
Accounting Tax PQ Science Journals PQ
Telecommunications ProQuest Computing Banking
information source Career and Technical
Education ProQuest Asian Business PQ Education
Journals PQ European Business Religious
Periodicals PQ social sciences journals
Psychology journals
62002 2003 Content Additions
- Wiley Sons 40 titles
- Kluwer 125 titles
- Palgrave 11
- MCB University Press 94
- IDEA group 5
- Roger Media 6
- Sage 21
7ABI/INFORM 2004 goals
ABI/INFORM Complete 2004 Goals
Total Titles
Active Total Titles
Full Text (FT)
Non-Periodical Content Removed
Active FT
Embargoed Active FT
8Content Coming to ABI/INFORM in 2004
Sloan Management Review Returning exclusively to
ABI/INFORM in November 2004
Rand Journal of Economics Returning exclusively
to ABI/INFORM in August 2004
Springer Verlag 30 Key titles coming to
ABI/INFORM in August 2004
- Annals of Regional Science
- Central European Journal of Operations Research
- Economic Bulletin
- Economics of Governance
- Environmental Economics Policy Studies
- Intl Journal of Game Theory
- Journal of Economics
- Journal of Geographical Systems
- Mathematical Methods of Operations Research
- Papers in Regional Science
- Probability Theory Related Fields
- Review of Economic Design
- Spanish Economic Review
- Statistical Papers
- Applied Mathematics Optimization
- Computing
- Economic Theory
- Empirical Economics
- Finance Stochastics
- Intl Journal of Information Security
- Journal of Evolutionary Economics
- Journal of Population Economics
- Mathematical Programming
- Portuguese Economic Journal
- Psychological Research
- Social Choice Welfare
- Statistical Methods Applications
- Theory of Computing Systems
9Coming soon to ABI/INFORM!
The European Academy of Management launch a major
new journal
10 11EIU Viewswire Overview
- Daily business intelligence on 195 countries
- Country Alerts - daily briefings on key market
developments around the world. - Country Views - timely assessments and forecasts
of changing market conditions and the
implications for business - Country background - facts and figures on the
local market and regulatory environment. These
include country fact sheets, economic indicators,
trade, tax and foreign exchange regulations and
weekly interest rates.
12EIU Viewswire the ProQuest License
- ProQuest is preferred provider in the global
academic markets - No embargo
- Available free to ABI susbcribers
- Available to customers from July 2004
- Backfile to 01/01/2004
- Viewswires are updated daily, but PQ feed is
updated on a monthly basis
13Non-periodical content targets - 2004
- Over the course of 2004, we are planning to
expand the range of non periodical - content available within our business suite
substantially. - During the course of your next subscription you
could expect to see - Country reports
- Working papers
- Career guides
- Market research reports
- Dissertations
- Newspaper content
14 15Key ProQuest ContentNot in aggregated databases
- Kluwer Academic list includes
- Investigational New Drugs
- Digestive Diseases and Sciences
- Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia
- Journal of Clinical Immunology
- Cancer and Metastasis Reviews
- Pharmaceutical Research
- Oxford University Press list includes
- Public Health Reports
- Rheumatology
- American Journal of Epidemiology
- Brain a Journal of Neurology
- Carcinogenesis
- International Immunology
- National Cancer Institute Journal
16Additional ProQuest contentNot found in
aggregated databases
17Important new content in 2004
ProQuest has now developed relationships with
almost 330 medical publishers
18- Science Technology package
- ProQuest Computing
- Acta Informatica
- Computing
- Distributed Computing
- Foundations of Computational Mathematics
- Graphs and Combinatorics
- International Journal of Information Security
- International Journal on Software Tools for
Technology Transfer - Knowledge and Information Systems
- Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
- Requirements Engineering
- Software and Systems Modeling
- Theory of Computing Systems
- Universal Access in the Information Society
- Virtual Reality
- ProQuest Science Journals
- Acta Mechanica Magnetic Resonance Materials in
Physics - Algebra Colloquium Mathematics Of Control,
Signals And Systems - Applied Mathematics and Optimization Meteorology
and Atmospheric Physics - Archive for Mathematical Logic Probability
Theory and Related Fields - Astronomy and Astrophysics Review Statistical
Methods and Applications - Calcolo Stochastic Environmental Research
- Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential
Equations Theoretical and Computational Fluid
Dynamics - Circuits, systems and Signal Processing Journal
of European Mathematical Society - Combinatorica Journal of Geographical Systems
- Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics Graphs
and Combinatorics - Discrete Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics
- Discrete Computantional Mathematics
- Geo-Marine Letters
- Granular Matter
21- Academic Research Library
22Coming soon to Academic Research Library
- Additional content
- More high quality full text including 70 titles
from Springer-Verlag - More abstracts and indexing for key titles where
full text is not available to ProQuest - Encyclopedia content
- Going Global Career Guides Loaded May 2004
23- ProQuest Digital Dissertation Full Text
24Content Update
- The collection now includes 2 million citations
- New! Bibliographic data from Canadian
institutions dating back to 1920 recently added. - Full Text More than 1.7 million titles in UMI
microform More than 465,000 titles in
ProQuest digital format - Over 55,000 new titles added last year
- From over 700 institutions
25Coming in 2004! Access through PQ interface
- All bibliographic information will be loaded into
the PQ interface - Choose which interface to access
- Facilitates cross-searching with other PQ
databases - Initial transition late September/early October
26- Safari Technical Books Online
27The Problem with IT books in print
We are currently having problems with ensuring
that new books in certain subject areas,
especially computer languages/programing are
available for the students in that major. The
problems that we are running into is that as soon
as a new computer book is placed on the shelf a
patron either hides it (i.e. behind other books,
in a study corral, etc.) or steals it (this is an
increasing problem). Another big problem is that
a small group of students will check a new book
out and renew it between themselves such that no
one else is able to use the book for 1-2 years,
by which time it is outdated and the next edition
has been purchased and the cycle begins again.
Issuing holds and recalls does not work very
efficiently, as the majority of students who have
checked out new books either ignore the recalls
or line up friends ahead of time to place holds
and check the book out in their name while the
same student actually keeps the book. With the
computer books, the students are often using them
as textbooks. An obvious solution would be to
buy multiple copies. However, with budget cuts,
the expense of computer books, and the quickness
with which the subject becomes outdated, this is
not a feasible option for us. ILL is not a
feasible option either, especially in this area,
as many academic libraries (us included) do not
lend new computer books out to other libraries.
We would like to know if other academic libraries
are having a similar problem, what are you doing
(if anything) to try to alleviate the problem,
the pros/cons, student reaction, and how
effectively is it working. One solution that we
are especially interested in getting feedback on
is if anyone has created and is currently using a
"closed stack" collection. By this I mean that
the books would be kept behind the Circulation
Desk similar to Reserves or a Periodicals
"Thieves" Collection (current issues of popular
journals that disappear when left in the regular
periodicals collection). Access would be
restricted to our students/faculty. When an item
from the "closed stack" is wanted the Circulation
staff would retrieve it and check it out to the
patron. We are also considering placing a maximum
checkout limit and/or reducing the checkout
period based on subject area/new material
criteria in our problem areas. Thank you,
Linda LeBlanc Access Services Librarian
Fitchburg State College
We are currently having problems with ensuring
that new books in certain subject areas,
especially computer languages/programming are
available for the students.
...a patron either hides it (i.e. behind other
books, in a study corral, etc.)
...steals it (this is an increasing problem)
...a small group of students will check a new
book out and renew it between themselves such
that no one else is able to use the book for 1-2
years, by which time it is outdated
An obvious solution would be to buy multiple
...with budget cuts, the expense of computer
books, and the quickness with which the subject
becomes outdated, this is not a feasible option
for us.
28The solution is Safari Tech Books Online
- Joint venture between two of the most prominent
and largest IT book publishers in the World - Pearson Technology Group
29The Safari Difference
- Safari is the first publisher led venture into
the e-book market - Safari remains the only example in captivity of
publishers collaborating effectively on custom
publishing EPS, August 2003 - Safari is subject specific
- With Safari, you buy slots not books
- With Safari, some books are available before they
become available in the bookstores - Safari is the only place you can get new material
from OReilly and Pearson
30New from ProQuest for 2004
31- Over 3,500 market reports across 30 industries in
23 countries. - Subscribe to regional bundles covering Asia
Pacific, US, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, UK
and Latin America
- Number of companies profiled doubles to 30,000
- 20,000 daily briefs drawn on the scholarship of
Oxford and - other major universities to provide timely and
authoritative - analysis of world developments.
32What is Factiva?
33The agreement
- ProQuest appointed exclusive distributor of
Factiva.com in library markets of Europe, the
Middle East and Africa from 1st October 2003. - ProQuest is responsible for all existing academic
and public library business since 1st Jan 2004.
34What is Factiva?
- Joint venture between two of the worlds leading
sources of company and business news
35What is Factiva? - Content overview
- Almost 9,000 business sources including
- 1,500 global and local newspapers
- 3,200 magazines, including industry-specific
journals and newsletters - 500 newswires.
- 160 Media Programs.
- 4,000 Web sites in more than 20 languages
- Company Background Data on 42,500 listed
companies - Up to 5 years of historical market data
- Up to one million Celex documents
- On average, 3,000 pictures are added each week
36Factiva combines key journal and news content
around the world
- Journals
- Far Eastern Economic Review
- China Economic Review
- Journal of Commerce
- Journal of International Business Studies
- Journal of Marketing Theory Practice
- BusinessWeek
- The Economist
- Information World Review
- International Journal of Advertising
- Accountancy Age
- Management Today
- Newsweek
- Review of Economic Studies
- Fortune
- Cosmopolitan
- Good Housekeeping
- Newspapers
- South China Morning Post
- The Australian
- Les Echos
- Financial Times
- Le Monde
- La Stampa
- New York Times
- Washington Post
- Wall Street Journal
- USA Today
- The Times
- Daily Yomiuri
- The Jerusalem Post
37and key newswire and broadcast transcript
- Newswires
- Dow Jones
- Reuters
- Agence France Presse (France)
- ANSA (Italy)
- Agencia Lusa (Spain)
- Beita (Russia)
- Hugin (Germany)
- M2 Presswire
- PR Newswire
- Xinhua Newswire
- Broadcast transcripts
- Fox
38Factiva delivers content in 22 Languages
- Bulgarian (3 sources)
- Catalan (3)
- Chinese (Complex) (58)
- Chinese (Simplified) (95)
- Czech (8)
- Danish (13)
- Dutch (46)
- English (c 7,000)
- Finnish (12)
- French (128)
- Hungarian (6)
- Italian (58)
- Japanese (99)
- Norwegian (6)
- Polish (7)
- Portuguese (62)
- Russian (160)
- Slovak (1)
- Spanish (168)
- Swedish (16)
39.with Turkish content
- Antolian Agency
- Dunya
- Lebib Yalkin
- Reuters News
40Think global, Act local
- ProQuest Increased commitment to the Turkish
Market -
- Turkish Interface
- Turkish Brochure
- Turkish Journals