Purpose of TST - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Purpose of TST


Examining close contacts to active TB cases. Target testing those at high risk for TB ... Wear protective eyewear to minimize direct contact with body fluids ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Purpose of TST

Purpose of TST
  • Purpose of TST is to detect LTBI
  • TST is useful when
  • Examining close contacts to active TB cases
  • Target testing those at high risk for TB
  • Examining person with active TB symptoms

Purpose of TST (2)
  • Facts about tuberculin
  • Protein derived from dead tubercle bacilli
  • Administered intradermally
  • most people with TB infection have reaction to
    TST (swelling, not redness)
  • TST is not vaccine will not give person TB
    infection or disease
  • TST is safe and reliable during pregnancy
  • Available brands Tubersol? and Aplisol?
    (equally effective)

Types of Tests
  • Mantoux TST
  • Used in U.S. since 1930s
  • Most widely used and most accurate
  • "TST technicians" are trained and certified to
    use Mantoux method

Types of Tests (2)
  • QuantiFeron-TB
  • Relatively new, not yet widely available
  • Blood test
  • Fast (results in 1 day)
  • Convenient (1 patient visit)
  • Possible increased accuracy
  • Not yet recommended by CDC for
  • TB suspects
  • contacts

Types of Tests (3)
  • Not yet recommended by CDC for (cont)
  • lt 17 years old
  • pregnant women
  • HIV-infected persons
  • Multiple puncture test (MPT) ("tine" test)
  • Outdated, unreliable, should no longer be used
  • Involves puncturing skin with 3-tine device
    pre-coated with tuberculin

Mantoux Test
  • First step administering TST
  • 0.1 ml of 5 tuberculin units of liquid tuberculin
    injected intradermally on inner aspect of forearm
  • PPD
  • tuberculin solution also known as "purified
    protein derivative" (PPD)
  • TST sometimes referred to as PPD skin test

Mantoux Test (2)
  • Second step measuring reaction
  • Timeframe
  • 4872 hours after injection examine patients
    arm for reaction
  • over 72 hours re-administer TST
  • Reaction induration around injection site
    (recorded in mm)
  • Patients should never "read" their own reactions
    must be read by trained health worker

Mantoux Test (3)
  • Third step interpreting/classifying reaction
  • By law, TST technicians may not be certified to
    interpret, and may not interpret, results
  • "Positive reactions" occur in many, but not all,
    patients infected with M. tb

Mantoux Test (4)
  • Supplies used in Mantoux method
  • Tuberculin
  • Single-dose disposable tuberculin needle and
  • Gauze pads or cotton balls
  • Alcohol swabs
  • Puncture-resistant sharps disposal container

Mantoux Test (5)
  • Supplies used in Mantoux method (cont)
  • 6. Patient and provider forms patient
    education materials appointment cards
  • 7. Pen
  • 8. Ruler with millimeters
  • 9. Insulated cooler (for field testing)
  • Gloves

Mantoux Test (6)
  • Storage and handling of tuberculin
  • Multidose vials contain 10 or 50 tests
  • Refrigerate at 35-46?F (2-8?C) (in the field,
    store in coolers with ice packs)
  • Store and transport in dark
  • When opening new vial
  • check for appropriate unit strength
  • date and initial vial

Mantoux Test (7)
  • Storage and handling of tuberculin (cont)
  • Find expiration date (discard if expired or open
    for gt 30 days)
  • Draw tuberculin into needle just prior to

Universal Precautions
  • Universal precautions
  • Describes approach to infection control for
    health workers developed by CDC
  • Treats all blood and body fluids as potentially
  • Reduces health worker's risk of exposure to
    dangerous blood-borne pathogens

Universal Precautions (2)
  • Universal precaution measures
  • Handle needles or sharp objects with extreme care
  • Always dispose of needles and sharp items in
    accessible, puncture-resistant container
  • Ensure that sharps containers are closable,
    leakproof, and labeled
  • Wash hands and skin immediately and thoroughly if
    contaminated with blood or other bodily fluids

Universal Precautions (3)
  • Universal precaution measures (cont)
  • Treat all biomedical waste as potentially
    hazardous (dispose of used bandages, dressings,
    and gloves in biohazard bags)
  • Wear protective eyewear to minimize direct
    contact with body fluids
  • Wash hands after giving care
  • Wear gloves if possible exposure to blood or
    other bodily fluids exists
  • Wash hands immediately after removing gloves

Interpretation of TST
  • What makes TST reaction positive or negative?
  • Two factors
  • size of induration
  • persons risk factors
  • Persons with more serious risk factors are
    considered positive with smaller-sized reactions

Interpretation of TST (2)
  • Classifying TST reactions
  • gt 5 mm classified as positive in
  • HIV-positive persons
  • recent contacts of active pulmonary TB case
  • persons with chest radiographs that suggest old
    healed TB disease
  • patients with organ transplants and other
    immunosuppressed patients
  • gt 10 mm classified as positive in
  • all others not listed above

Interpretation of TST (3)
  • False-positive and false-negative reactions
  • Mantoux TST is not perfect
  • Person not infected with M. tb may display
    "false-positive" due to
  • infection with nontuberculous mycobacteria
  • history of BCG vaccination

Interpretation of TST (4)
  • Person infected with M. tb may show
    "false-negative" due to
  • too recent TB infection
  • TB infection too long ago
  • anergy
  • very young age (lt 6 months)
  • recent live-virus vaccine
  • errors (in storing or administering tuberculin
    solution, or reading TST)
  • Never rule out infection or active disease if TST
    reaction is negative

Two-step Testing
  • Person with LTBI for many years sometimes may not
    produce reaction to baseline TST
  • Over time, immune system has lost some
    sensitivity to tuberculin
  • First TST "boosts" immune systems ability to
  • If re-tested 1-3 weeks later, positive reaction
    can occur
  • This reaction should not be confused for new

Two-step Testing (2)
  • Two-step testing recommended for adults given
    periodic TSTs (e.g., healthcare staff in
    high-risk settings)
  • Upon hire, two-step testing ensures that true
    baseline is obtained without "boosting"
  • If person has positive reaction at a later time,
    it is due to recent transmission rather than

  • BCG
  • TB vaccination
  • Administered in countries with high TB incidence
  • Provides some protection to children against most
    serious forms of disease, but not from TB
  • Threat of TB for most children in U.S. does not
    warrant widespread inoculation
  • BCG's ability to prevent TB in adults is highly

BCG (2)
  • BCG sometimes causes false-positive
  • CDC recommends BCG only when
  • Infant or child will be continually exposed to
    untreated or partially treated patient with
    infectious pulmonary TB or MDR-TB
  • Health worker is continually exposed to MDR-TB in
    situations where infection control precautions
    have not been successful

BCG (3)
  • BCG and TST
  • Person with BCG history may resist TST because
    he/she believes that BCG will provoke
    "false-positive" reaction
  • BCG history usually will not affect TST results
    (unless BCG given repeatedly or in last year)
  • BCG in infancy does not cause positive TST in
  • CDC advises clinicians to ignore BCG history when
    interpreting TST results

Review Questions
  • Complete this sentence
  • TST technicians use the method of TST
  • What are the 3 main steps of the Mantoux method?
  • List 6 supplies needed to perform TST

Review Questions (2)
  • Which of the following is FALSE about tuberculin?
  • It should be stored at temperatures between
    35-46?F (2-8?C)
  • It should be protected from light when not being
  • Open vials should be discarded after 30 days
  • It is unsafe for pregnant women

Review Questions (3)
  • What are 4 examples of "universal precautions"?
  • True or false A TST reaction of gt 5 mm is
    considered "positive" in a person who is a recent
    contact to an active case of TB
  • What is a situation in which a "false-negative
    reaction" can occur?
  • True or false A person who has a history of BCG
    vaccination should not receive TST
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