Title: AMS Configuration Control Board
1AMS Configuration Control Board
CR AMS-02/D-014 Multi-Layer Insulation for the
Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer Requirements
Document (JSC 65095)
2Comments for AMS-02/D-014
- CCB Member Responses
- Steve Porter, Chair No Comment/Recommendation
- Trent Martin (EA) Approved as Written
- Paul Nemeth (ESCG) Approved as Written
- Mark Schmalz (EA2) No Comment/Recommendation
- Ann Vaughan (DA) No Comment/Recommendation
- J. J. Conwell (MA) Approved as Written
- John Stanford (NT) Approved with Comments
- Win Reid (OZ) Approved with Comments
- Jack Keifenheim (KSC) No Comment/Recommendation
- Bill Hungerford (AMS) Approved with Comments
3Comments for AMS-02/D-014
- Mandatory Evaluator Responses
- Craig Clark Approved with Comments
- Christian Vettore Approved with Comments
- Marco Molina Approved with Comments
4Comments for AMS-02/D-014
Comments from John Stanford Para 1.0
Introduction Since this is a requirements
document, Add subparagraphs 1.3 Applicability
who does it apply to how is it binding on
them 1.4 Waivers and Deviations If compliance
to requirements is not possible, what is the
waiver or deviation process? 1.5 Revisions and
Changes Evaluation of Non-incorporation No clear
established applicability, waiver or deviation
process, change or revision process.
5Comments for AMS-02/D-014
- Comments from John Stanford
- Para. 2.0 Reference Documents
- Since this is a requirements document, then
there must be traceability to parent
requirements. Therefore, there parent
requirements are contained in "applicable"
documents. Further, documents that are used in a
"requirements statement" are applicable
documents. For example, SP-R-0022, SSP 30233F,
JSC 29789, JSC 63134, JSC 27301, JPR 5322F and
others are part of requirements statements in
this document. - Change To 2.0 Documents 2.1 Applicable
Documents 2.2 Reference Documents 2.3 Order
of Precedence - Evaluation of Non-incorporation Requirements
traceability is not clearly established.
6Comments for AMS-02/D-014
- Comments from John Stanford
- Para. 2.0 Reference Documents
- When updating this document, add JSC 63164,
Quality Management Plan for the AMS-02 Experiment
to the "applicable document" list. - Evaluation of Non-incorporation Requirements
traceability is not clearly established.
7Comments for AMS-02/D-014
- Comments from John Stanford
- Para. 3.0 Requirements
- Problem "However, for some of these elements,
there may be no requirement. For example, impact
protection is addressed but is not a
requirements for MLI blanket fabrications. - These are very confusing statements. Why isn't
impact protection a requirement? - Recommendation 1 Re-write this area to CLEARLY
summarize the development of requirements for MLI
blanket fabrication and handling - Evaluation of Non-incorporation Requirements
traceability is not clearly established.
8Comments for AMS-02/D-014
- Comments from John Stanford
- Figures 1 and 2
- Problem Where do these fit into the text?
9Comments for AMS-02/D-014
- Comments from John Stanford
- Figures 1 and 2
- Problem Where do these fit into the text?
- Para. 3.1.3 Impact Protection
- From The MLI blankets are intentionally not
designed to provide micrometeoroid and orbital
debris shielding? - To Deleted.
- Rationale This is a requirements document for
fabrication and handling and has no bearing on
MMOD. - Evaluation of Non-incorporation Confusing and
misplaced requirement.
10Comments for AMS-02/D-014
- Comments from John Stanford
- Para. 3.1.1 AMS Thermal Environment
- From Verification shall be by review of design
and materials. - To Verification shall be by Test or Analysis.
- Rationale 1 Test with unproven materials. The
material composition of the blanket must be shown
to meet the -150 degree C to 120 degree C
requirement. - Rationale 2 For proven materials, analysis
should be sufficient to establish that the
requirement is met. - Evaluation of Non-incorporation Inappropriate
verification of a requirement.
11Comments for AMS-02/D-014
- Comments from John Stanford
- Para. 3.1.2 Depressurization and repress
- From Verification shall be by analysis and
review of design. - To Verification shall be by Test or Analysis.
- Rationale 1 Test with unproven materials. The
material composition of the blanket must be shown
to meet this requirement. - Rationale 2 For proven materials, analysis
should be sufficient to establish that the
requirement is met - Evaluation of Non-incorporation Inappropriate
verification of a requirement.
12Comments for AMS-02/D-014
- Comments from John Stanford
- Para. 3.1.4 Radiation
- From The MLI blankets shall not be damaged by
UV radiation or atomic oxygen, therefore MLI
blankets that are directly exposed to the
environment shall have a UV and atomic oxygen
resistant outer cover. - To MLI blankets that will be directly exposed
to UV radiation and atomic oxygen shall have a UV
radiation and atomic oxygen resistant outer
covering. - Rationale The first statement has two "shall"
statements. The way the first requirement is
written, you must verify the (1) ALL blankets are
not damaged by UV radiation or atomic oxygen and
(2) that those "directly exposed the environment"
are equipped with the resistant covering. - Evaluation of Non-incorporation Unnecessary
13Comments for AMS-02/D-014
- Comments from John Stanford
- Para. 3.1.5 Solar Electromagnetic Radiation
- From MLI exposed to the entire solar
electromagnetic spectrum shall not embrittle or
show significant changes in physical properties
during its useful life. - To MLI exposed to the entire solar
electromagnetic spectrum shall not embrittle or
show significant changes in physical properties
during its use life as defined in paragraph
3.5.1. - Rationale The first statement as written is
NOT verifiable. - Evaluation of Non-incorporation Cannot be
14Comments for AMS-02/D-014
- Comments from John Stanford
- Para. 3.1.6 Solar Ionizing Radiation
- From Solar ionizing radiation issues are not
within the scope of this document. - To Deleted.
- Rationale This is not a requirement. If it is
important, then it should be addressed elsewhere - Evaluation of Non-incorporation Useless chatter.
15Comments for AMS-02/D-014
- Comments from John Stanford
- Para. 3.2 Contamination
- From Contamination including subparagraphs
3.2.1 and 3.2.2. - To Deleted.
- Rationale This is not a requirement. If it is
important during FABRICATION and HANDLING, then
write as real requirements - Evaluation of Non-incorporation Useless clutter
in document.
16Comments for AMS-02/D-014
- Comments from John Stanford
- Para. 1.1 Purpose
- From This document provides the requirements
for the fabrication and handling of multi-layer
insulation (MLI) for the Alpha Magnetic
Spectrometer project. - To This document provides the requirements for
fabrication, handling, storage, and repair of
MLI. - Rationale This document mixes apples and
oranges when it comes to requirements. For
instance, paragraph 3.1 Operational Requirements
and subparagraphs are important to know, but
they should be in a specification document. The
purpose only addresses "fabrication and
handling", yet there paragraphs on storage and
repair. - Evaluation of Non-incorporation Confusing
17Comments for AMS-02/D-014
- Comments from John Stanford
- Paragraphs 3.1 Operational Requirements, 3.5
Maintainability and Reliability, and 3.6
Materials Specifications - From Inclusion in the documents.
- To Deleted.
- Rationale These "requirements" are related to
"MLI specifications", therefore should not be in
this document. - Evaluation of Non-incorporation Requirements
that are not related to the purpose of the
18Comments for AMS-02/D-014
- Comments from John Stanford
- Paragraphs 3.3 Quality Assurance Provisions
- From The MLI shall be designed and fabricated
in accordance with the Quality Management Plan
for the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02)
experiment. - To 3.3.1 MLI fabricated at JSC shall follow
the provisions of JPR 5335.3, JSC Quality
Manual. - 3.3.2 MLI fabricated at Collaboration shall
follow the provisions of JSC 63164, Quality
Management Plan for the AMS-02 Experiment. - Rationale
- Evaluation of Non-incorporation Inappropriate
quality processes.
19Comments for AMS-02/D-014
- Comments from John Stanford
- Title
- From Multi-Layer Insulation for the Alpha
Magnetic Spectrometer Requirements Document - To Requirements Document for MLI Fabrication,
Handling, Storage and Repair - Evaluation of Non-incorporation Inappropriate
20Comments for AMS-02/D-014
- Comments from John Stanford
- Paragraph 3.4.1 In Fabrication Handling
- From It is recommended that an ISO Class 8
(Class 100,000) or better clean room be used for
the initial manufacture of all Thermal Blankets.
In the event that a blanket is manufactured in a
facility that does not meet these requirements,
this information must be brought to the attention
of the Thermal Working Group. Buy-off by the
Thermal Working Group will be required prior to
flight certification. - To Fabrication Facility
- Fabrication shall be in a a facility that meets
the requirements of paragraph 3.8. - Rationale Redundant to paragraph 3.8.
- Evaluation of Non-incorporation Inefficiency.
21Comments for AMS-02/D-014
- Comments from John Stanford
- Paragraph 3.4.1 In Fabrication Handling
- From All tools, work tables, equipment,
templates, holding fixtures, sewing machines or
other structures that may contact the MLI shall
be cleansed before use with a solvent having a
nonvolatile residue not exceeding 0.02 g/L.
Compatibility of solvents with MLI materials and
surfaces that are in contact with MLI materials
must be assessed before use. - To Cleanliness of Equipment, Tools and
Other structures. - All tools, work tables, equipment, templates,
holding fixtures, sewing machines or other
structures that may contact the MLI shall be
cleansed before use with a solvent having a
nonvolatile residue not exceeding 0.02 g/L.
Compatibility of solvents with MLI materials and
surfaces that are in contact with MLI materials
must be assessed before use. - Rationale Too many shalls in a paragraph,
violates good requirements writing. - Evaluation of Non-incorporation Inefficiency.
22Comments for AMS-02/D-014
- Comments from John Stanford
- Paragraph 3.4.1 In Fabrication Handling
- From Work tables and sewing machines shall have
clean protective covers when not in use. - To Protective Covers.
- Work tables and sewing machines shall have clean
protective covers when not in use. - Rationale Too many shalls in a paragraph,
violates good requirements writing. - Evaluation of Non-incorporation Inefficiency.
23Comments for AMS-02/D-014
- Comments from John Stanford
- Paragraph 3.4.1 In Fabrication Handling
- From Workers shall wear clean laboratory smocks,
powder-free latex gloves or clean white gloves,
and footwear that is kept in the laboratory
change/locker area when not used or use
disposable footwear covers. - To Laboratory Clothing
- Workers shall wear clean laboratory smocks,
powder-free latex gloves or clean white gloves,
and footwear when handling or working with MLI.
Clothing WILL be kept in the laboratory
change/locker area when not used or use
disposable footwear covers. . - Rationale Too many shalls in a paragraph,
violates good requirements writing. - Evaluation of Non-incorporation Inefficiency.
24Comments for AMS-02/D-014
- Comments from John Stanford
- Paragraph 3.4.1 In Fabriaction Handling
- From Large items of equipment being moved into
a clean room must be thoroughly vacuumed prior to
entry.. - To Large items of equipment being
moved into a clean room SHALL be thoroughly
vacuumed prior to entry.. - Rationale Too many shall in a paragraph,
violates good requirements writing. - Evaluation of Non-incorporation Inefficiency.
25Comments for AMS-02/D-014
- Comments from John Stanford
- Paragraph 3.4.3 Installation Handling
- From The clean blankets shall be removed from
their packages in a clean area. Personnel should
wear powder free gloves to handle the unpacked
blankets. - To Delete " Personnel should wear powder free
glove to handle the unpacked blankets". Powder
free gloves are not defined.. - Rationale A person could wear leather gloves
(inappropriate), yet comply with the "powder
free' statement. - Evaluation of Non-incorporation Confusion.
26Comments for AMS-02/D-014
- Comments from John Stanford
- Paragraph 3.4.4 Repair
- From Repairs shall be done either in place or
in controlled clean area depending on the extent
of damage. - To Define "in place."
- Rationale .
- Evaluation of Non-incorporation Confusion.
27Comments for AMS-02/D-014
- Comments from Bob Miley/Win Reid
- Electrical Paragraph 3.6.2 of MLI document
states that the Electrical Bonding Grounding
requirements are per NASA/TP-1999-209263. My
understanding is that the correct compatible
requirements for ISS Electrical Bonding and
Grounding of AMS MLI requirements needs to be
compatible with the SSP 30240 and SSP 30245. - Electrical General The Electrical Bonding and
Grounding for Space Shuttle is not addressed in
the AMS MLI requirements document.
28Comments for AMS-02/D-014
- Comments from Bob Miley/Win Reid
- Thermal and Contamination - Editorial The MLI
Requirements specify that an MLI blanket with an
aluminized reinforced polyimide inner layer.
These blankets are delicate and damage to the
inner layer provides a path for atomic oxygen to
reach the inside. Damage to the inner layer
frequently happens during assembly. Atomic
oxygen will cause the blanket to delaminate and
spread debris, sometime after approximately 5
years. Therefore, the proposed AMS MLI design
must meet the following ISS SSP 30426
requirements, which are applicable to the MLI
blankets for station. (Continued on next slide)
29Comments for AMS-02/D-014
- Comments from Bob Miley/Win Reid
release of particulates from the ISS shall be
limited to one particle 100 microns or larger per
orbit per 1x10-5 steradian field of view as seen
by a 1 meter diameter aperture. - SSP 30426 - 3.5.2 SOLIDS, PARTICULATES, AND
LIQUID RELEASES - Solids, particulates and liquid
releases shall not result in residual deposits as
indicated in paragraph 3.5.1 or damage to the ISS
surfaces from either direct or subsequent orbital