Title: Effective Herbal Remedy for Asthma and Bronchitis
1Natural Treatment for Asthma Relief
- Natural asthma treatment incorporates vitamins,
minerals, and herbs to relieve symptoms and
prevent further attacks.
2Herbal Supplements For Natural Asthma Relief
- Like all herbal medications, natural herbal
Bronkill capsule for - asthma treatment address nutritional needs
as well as - reducing hypersensitivity of the airways.
It is a herbal asthma - remedy will help to reduce the incidence
and severity of - asthma.
3Bronkill for Treating Asthma
- Bronkill contains antihistamine and
anti-inflammatory - properties that help treat asthma. The
extracts of Bronkill - capsule helped decrease the infiltration of
inflammatory cells - in the asthmatic airway and relieved
the airway - inflammation. It helps reduce airway
inflammation and inhibit - airway contraction.
4Common symptoms of asthma
- Wheezing (especially on expiration)
- Coughing
- Shortness of breath
- Tightness in the chest
- Difficulty breathing
5Common Asthma Triggers are
- Allergies
- Air pollution
- Cold air
- Humidity
- Respiratory infections
- Strong emotions
- Stress
- Physical activity
- Sulfites and preservatives in food