Title: Breakthrough Reforms
1Breakthrough Reforms 1, 2, 4
- Items to be addressed by the Governor on December
17, 2008 - University of Houston
- December 16, 2008
2Governors Questions
- Q1 Have you measured and ranked faculty
productivity, exactly as described in
Breakthrough Reform 1? - Q2 Have you physically posted student
satisfaction ratings in buildings, by faculty
member, as described in Breakthrough Reform 1? - Q3 Have you instituted a voluntary faculty
bonus system as described in Breakthrough Reform
2? - Q4 Have you implemented a plan for objectively
measuring the teaching effectiveness of faculty
proposed for tenure, using student evaluations,
as described in Breakthrough Reform 4?
- Q1 YesWe modeled the technique with two
departments - Q2 YesWe post results in the library.
- Q3 NoUH faculty are incent performance with
MeritHowever, we award more than 30 monetary
awards for teaching - Q4 Yes
31-1 Develop the Proposed Model Using These
- Teaching Effectiveness
- Year hired by UH
- Nine month salary
- Number of students taught
- Funding generated
- Percent As and Bs
- Percent of above average ratings
- Rank Cost per Student
- Scholarly Productivity
- Scholarly books
- Refereed journal articles
- Conference presentations
- Editorial activity
- Juried exhibits/performances
- Funding proposals and awards
4Efficiency Effectiveness
- Humanities
- 26 faculty members
- Avg salary 89,000
- Salary cost 2,300,000
- 6,121 students taught
- Salary cost/student 381
- Funding 1,900,000
- Tuition 2,000,000
- Research 1,100,000
- As Bs 36
- Above Average 75
- Science
- 21 faculty members
- Avg salary 78,000
- Salary cost 1,600,000
- 4,130 students taught
- Salary cost/student 397
- Funding 2,000,000
- Tuition 1,300,000
- Research 8,000,000
- As Bs 38
- Above Average 55
5Student ratings of instruction
- FY 2008
- 34,600 students
- 14,500 courses offered
- 310,000 registrations
- 5 standard items course evaluation
- 1,550,000 satisfaction impressions
- 1600 instructors
- 50 departments
- Annual reviews
- Merit pay and/or Rehire decision
- Public display _at_ MD Anderson Library
- Tenure decision after 5 years
- University level Progress Cards for BOR review _at_
Student Success Top Tier National Research
6College Level Results
7Annual Teaching Awards
- More than 30 monetary awards for teaching
excellence are available at UH. - The University of Houston Teaching Excellence
Awards carry cash prizes of 5,000 for faculty
and 1,000 for teaching assistants/fellows.
8UH Criteria for Tenure
University of Houston Tenure and Promotion
Guidelines 2008-2009 Criteria
The basic criteria and standards of the
University of Houston reflect a commitment to
academic excellence. It is the expectation that
faculty members shall meet the highest standards
of their disciplines within the domains of
teaching, scholarship, and service. Specifically,
candidates for promotion are to demonstrate their
effectiveness as teachers and that they have
advanced knowledge or creativity in their
respective disciplines or made significant
creative contributions in their academic areas.
9UH Tenure Portfolio Items Related to Teaching
and Student Learning
University of Houston Tenure and Promotion
Guidelines 2008-2009 Portfolio Checklist Items
Teaching and Student Learning 1. Evaluations
of teaching summary table of student evaluations
with comparative data teaching evaluation
procedures and questionnaire peer teaching
evaluations 2. Course and program development
and/or revision 3. Evidence of student
learning 4. Other evidence of the scholarship
of teaching