Title: Aucun titre de diapositive
Wright School of Engineering, Computer Science
and Mathematics University of Exeter Exeter EX4
2Aims of DSNetUK
To promote and grow an inclusive
industrial-university network to determine
appropriate goals, aspirations and development
strategies for the UK's data storage research,
technology and manufacturing base.
Routes for the successful implementation of such
strategies will then be explored and put in
place. Likely to include
development of UK Data Storage 'Road Map' general
and topical meetings and workshops invited
addresses by world-leading (industrial) storage
experts staff exchanges joint funding bids
DSNetUK is funded by DTI as part of Link-ISD
programme 100k for 3 years starting April 1st
2004 - including matched funding from company
members UK and industrially focused
3Start-up membership
Industrial NanoMagnetics - Bristol (Eric
Mayes) Philips - Southampton (Simon Bramwell
John Kinghorn) Plasmon - Cambridge (Andrew
Pauza) Xyratex - Havant (Eddie Townsend)
Academic University of Aston (Prof John Sullivan
- tribology) University of Central Lancashire
(Prof Phil Bissell - noise in magnetic
media) University of Exeter (Prof C David Wright
- storage materials and systems) University of
Glasgow (Prof John Chapman - electron
microscopy) University of Manchester (Prof Barry
Middleton - storage materials
systems) University of Plymouth (Prof Des Mapps -
storage materials and systems) University of
Sheffield (Prof Mike Gibbs - magnetic materials
and SPM)
4Steering Committee Members
Chairman Eddie Townsend (Xyratex,
Havant) Co-ordinator David Wright (University of
Exeter) Secretary Paul Nutter (University of
Manchester) Members Andrew Pauza (Plasmon Data
Systems) Rob Hardeman (Seagate NI) Eric
Mayes (NanoMagnetics) Barry Middleton
(University of Manchester) David Jenkins
(University of Plymouth) Simon Gittens
(Hewlett Packard, Bristol)
DTI Contact - Nigel Mackintosh, Mackintosh
5New members - since start up
The following have joined the network since
Infinite Data Storage Ltd Arithmatica,
Warwick Seagate, Northern Ireland Hewlett
Packard, Bristol BBC P3 Holographics Ilika
Technologies Ltd Alps Electric (UK) Ltd Hiden
Analytical Ltd Pulstec Industrial Co
Ltd Nordiko XenData Photo-Sonics International
Ltd Plasma Quest M5 Data Ltd Decision Craft
University of Southampton University of
Hull University of Nottingham Imperial College
London University of York Queens University
Belfast University of Oxford University of
Salford UCL University of Durham Nottingham Trent
University University of Leeds University of
Wales, Swansea INSIC USA
6Some Activities
Established steering committee Set up website -
http//www.DSNetUK.org Draft of UK Data Storage
Strategy Input to development of EU Data Storage
Strategy - FP7 Membership drive 1st General
Meeting - Manchester University December
2004 Upcoming Topical Meetings Signal
Processing for Data Storage, University of
Manchester, July 13th Optical Data Storage,
Plasmon UK, Cambridge, July 19th Magnetic Data
Storage, September Networked Storage,
September Upcoming FP6 applications Call 5 -
deadline September