French Revolution and Napoleon - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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French Revolution and Napoleon


Three days later the 3rd estate was locked out their meeting room. ... People stormed the Bastille to get weapons. Now National holiday Bastille day July 14th. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: French Revolution and Napoleon

Chapter 23
  • French Revolution and Napoleon

Section 1Revolution threatens the French King
Old Regime
  • In the 1770s the system of feudalism left over
    from the Middle Ages was called the old regime.
  • The people were still divided into 3 large social
    classes or estates.

Privileged Estates
  • The first 2 estates had privileges including
    access to high offices and exemptions from paying
  • First estate was the clergy of the Catholic
  • Owned 10 of the land.

2nd Estate
  • The second estate was made up of rich nobles.
  • Although just 2 of the population, they owned
    20 of the land and paid no taxes.

Third Estate
  • 98 of the population.
  • 3 different groups
  • First the Bourgeoisie or merchants or artisans.
  • Wealthy, educated and believed in the
    enlightenment ideas

Other third Estates
  • The workers of Frances cities- cooks, servants,
    and others formed the second group of the third
  • The Peasants formed the largest group within the
    third estate. 80 of the population.
  • Peasants paid half their income to dues to the
    nobles, tithes to the church, and taxes to the
    kings agents.

The Force of Change
  • Enlightenment Ideas had people question the ling
    standing notions about the structure of society
    and using words like equality, liberty and
  • The success of the American Revolution inspired
    them and now openly discussed Voltaire and

Economic Woes
  • Frances economy was failing.
  • Heavy burden of taxes made it impossible to
    conduct business in France.
  • Crop failure doubled the price of bread

Weak leader
  • King Louis XVI spent extravagantly.
  • He borrowed money to help the Americans during
    the revolution war.
  • He spent little time to governing the country
    instead he preferred to hunt and tinker with

Marie Antoinette
  • Louis XVIs wife.
  • From the Austrian Royal family.
  • Spent much money on gowns, jewels, and gifts she
    became known as Madame Deficit.

Estates General
  • In 1789 the 3rd estates delegates insisted that
    all three estates meet and each delegate have one
    vote. This would give the advantage to the 3rd
    estate. In the Estates General.
  • The King sided with the nobles and order the
    estates general to follow the medieval rules.

National Assembly
  • The third estates then named themselves the
    National Assembly.
  • They passed laws in the name of the French
  • On June 17, 1789 they voted to end the absolute
    monarchy and begin a representative government.

Tennis Court Oath
  • Three days later the 3rd estate was locked out
    their meeting room.
  • They broke down the door to an indoor tennis
    court and pledging to stay until they drawn up a
    new constitution.
  • The pledge was called the Tennis court oath

Storming the Bastille
  • Louis tried to make peace by yielding to the
    demands of the third estate.
  • Rumors abound that soldiers were coming to
    massacre the citizens.
  • People stormed the Bastille to get weapons.
  • Now National holiday Bastille day July 14th.

Section 2
  • Revolution brings Reform and terror

Great Fear
  • A wave of panic called the great fear rolled
    through France.
  • Peasants broke into houses of nobles and tore up
    papers that bound them to pay feudal dues and
    even burned some of the houses.
  • 6,000 women in Paris rioted over the price of
    bread and demanded that the king come to Paris.

Declaration of the Rights of man
  • In Aug 1789, The National Assembly adopted a
    statement of revolutionary ideals called The
    Declaration of the rights of man.
  • This reflected ideas from enlightenment and
    Declaration of independence.
  • The main points were that all men were born and
    remain free and equal, freedom of speech and
    freedom of religion

Olympe de Gouges
  • The declaration of the rights of man did not
    include women.
  • Olympe de Gouges wrote a declaration of the
    rights of women.
  • Not only were her ideas rejected but eventually
    she lost her head as an enemy of the revolution.

Legislative Assembly
  • In the fall of 1791, the assembly drew up a new
  • It took away most of the kings power .
  • The assembly then turned over its power to a new
    assembly, the Legislative Assembly.

  • The new assembly was divided into groups.
  • One of the groups was the emigres.
  • They were nobles and others who wanted to end the
    revolutionary changes. They eventually fled
    France during the uprisings.

  • Another group of the assembly members wanted even
    more radical changes.
  • They were the sans-culotees.
  • They were wage-earners and small shopkeepers
    wanting a greater voice in government.

War with Austria
  • French radicals hoped to spread their
    revolutionary ideas.
  • When Prussia and Austria proposed that Louis XVI
    be put back on the throne, the Assembly declared
    war on them.
  • The other nations hoped that they could defeat
    the radicals and return the absolute monarchy to
  • As well as protecting their own monarchy's.
  • Louis XVI was beheaded for treason.

Jean Paul Marat
  • One of the radical groups were the Jacobins.
  • One of the leaders was Jean Paul Marat.
  • He was an editor of a newspaper and called for
    500 to 600 heads cut off to rid France of
    enemies of the Revolution.

  • A machine that was invented actually to further
    humane goals but it was used in contradiction of
    such goals. Thousands of people died by the
    guillotine during the French Revolution.

  • A power struggle started with Maximilien
    Robespierre eventually gained control.

Committee on Public Safety
  • This was an organization ruled by Robespierre
    that controlled France during the reign of terror.

Reign of Terror
  • During this time many of the enemies of the
    revolution were beheaded.
  • Marie Antoinette was the most famous executed
    during this time and apologized for stepping on
    the executioners foot just second prior to her

End of terror
  • After one year of the reign of terror, the
    National committee knew that they were not safe
    from Robespierre.
  • They then turned on him to save themselves.
  • The reign of terror ended when Robespierre was

Chapter 23 Section 3
  • Napoleon forges an Empire

Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Born on Corsica joined the army at 16. Joined the
    army of the new government when the Revolution
    broke out.
  • He rose quickly in the national government army.

Coup detat
  • In 1799, the unsettled French government had lost
    the peoples support. In a bold move, Napoleon
    used troops to seize control of the government.
    This was a coup detat, or sudden takeover of
  • Napoleon then assumed dictatorial powers.

  • Napoleon pretended to be rightfully elected. In
    1800, plebiscite, or vote of the people, was held
    to approve the constitution.

  • New public school for ordinary citizens.
  • Concordat was an agreement between the church and

Napoleonic Code
  • A set of laws that gave all the French citizens
    all the same rights. Some of the rights gained
    during the revolution were lost. Such as limited
    freedom of speech and slavery was restored
    slavery in the colonies.

Battle of Trafalgar
  • This was Napoleons only defeat in his early
  • It was to the British Navy and this prevented him
    from conquering Britain.

Chapter 23Section 4
  • Napoleons Empire Collapses

  • Napoleon ordered a blockade to stop Britain from
    trading with other European countries.
  • Napoleon called this policy the Continental
    System. It was supposed to make continental
    Europe more self sufficient.

  • Napoleon made his brother the king of Spain. The
    Spanish people were to still loyal to their own
    king. With the help of Britain, bands of
    peasants fighters called guerrillas fought
    Napoleon for five years.

Peninsular War
  • The name of the war fought in Spain and Portugal
    that caused Napoleon to lose 300,00 troops.

  • Napoleon entered Russia with 400,000 troops.
  • As the Russians retreated they followed a
    scorched-earth policy. This meant that they burnt
    all their fields and livestock.
  • They did this to deny the French troops food on
    their march.

Russian Winter
  • The French made it to Moscow but the winter
    coming forced the French to head back.
  • On the way back cold, hunger, and Russian attacks
    killed thousands. On 10,000 troops left Russia

  • Napoleon was then exiled to Elba.
  • Within a year he escaped and raised an army.
  • The rest of the European nations raised an army
    led by Duke of Wellington and defeated Napoleons
    army at Waterloo in Belgium.
  • That was Napoleons last attempt at power.

Congress of Vienna convenes
  • Chapter 23.5

Klemens von Metternich
  • Congress of Vienna a series of peace plans for
  • Austrian Foreign minister Klemens von Metternich
    was the most important person and helped shape
    the peace conditions that were finally accepted.

Goals of Congress
  • 1. France could not attack another country.
  • 2. Balance of power in which no one nation was
    strong enough to threaten other nations.
  • 3. Legitimacy This is restoring the kings to the
    thrones that ruled before Napoleons conquest.
  • The leaders agreed to these ideas

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