Title: Martin502
1THE ELECTRIC DAY Energy Day Meetings December
1-2, 2004
Lou Oberski WEQ EC Chair
2The Standard Electric Day
Midnight to Midnight - Changes with time
zone - Market timelines may differ by
region but are based on midnight to midnight
in their respective time zone
3The Standard Electric Day
24 Hour Operation On peak hours Monday thru
Saturday Eastern Interconnection - - 700 a.m. to
1100 p.m. EPT 600 a.m. to 1000
p.m. CPT ERCOT - - 800 a.m. to 1100 CPT Western
Interconnection - - 700 a.m. to 1100 p.m.
PPT Off peak hours (includes all hours on Sundays
and Holidays) Eastern Interconnection - - 1100
p.m. to 700 a.m. EPT 1000 p.m.
to 600 a.m. CPT ERCOT - - 1100 p.m. to 800
a.m. CPT Western Interconnection - - 1100 p.m.
to 700 a.m. PPT
700 a.m.
1100 p.m.
On-Peak Energy Products
Midnight to Midnight Electric Day
4On-Peak Energy Products
- Most liquid on-peak 5x16 - 5 weekdays, 16
hrs/day - Contained within 1 electric day -
Spans 2 current gas days
700 a.m.
1100 p.m.
On-Peak Energy Products
Midnight to Midnight Electric Day
5Accounting,Settlement Balancing
- Done hourly based on calendar day (electric day)
- Electricity has an instantaneous supply and
demand balance requirement - Electricity has no equivalent to gas storage
- Voltage levels strictly regulated
- Unable to change voltage the way gas changes
700 a.m.
1100 p.m.
On-Peak Energy Products
Midnight to Midnight Electric Day
- Midnight to Midnight Electric Day exists
with time zone variations - Simple
standardization across time zones will
require changes - Electric industry is a 24
hour business with instantaneous balancing