Title: Nile Valley Festivals:
1Nile Valley Festivals
2The Context
- The Nile Valley and the Nile River constitute the
worlds first cultural super highway - The Nile River, known as the deity Hapi, is
approximately 4, 112 miles - Along this processional way great civilizations
grew and spread to other parts of Africa as well
as abroad to Asia, Europe and later to the
Americas-- i.e., Nubia/Kush, Ta Seti, Ethiopia
and finally the culminating three kingdoms of Ta
Merry known to us as ancient Egypt today --coming
from the deep south of Africa
3The Context(Contd)
- Annual and seasonal festivals were a germaine
part of the 40,000 millennia tradition bequeath
to Ta-Merry (ancient Egypt) - The rituals, festivals and associated deities are
too numerous to mention here given the
constraints of time - Hence an overview shall suffice in this
4Seasons Festivals Calendar
- Akhet (Winter) Season of Inundation Netjer
of the Season Hapi - was divided into 4 months of 30 days (mid-July to
November)Month of Djehuti begins. Feast of
Thoth, Opet Festival reunion of Amun and Mut - KMT August 5 Gregorian Calendar August 22
5Seasons Festivals Calendar
- Peret (Spring) Season of Sowing
GrowthNetjer of the SeasonKhepra Month of Min
- KMT Nov 1 Gregorian Calendar November 16 Sed
Festival - Another 4 months with 30 days each mid-November
to March)
6Peret (Spring)
- Kmt Dec 10
- Gregorian Calendar December 25
- Birth of Heru (Horus) the child of Aset (Isis)
Going forth of Wadjet singing in Heliopolis Day
of Elevating the Great Netjer (Goddess) in all
Her names manifestations
7Seasons Festivals Calendar (contd)
- Shemu Season of Harvest KwanzaaNetjer of the
Season Khonsu-Ra (lunar and Solar mix) - Kmt March 6 Gregorian March 21
- Spring Equinox Harvest Festival Festival of
restructuring the Heavens Coming forth of the
Great Ones from the House of Ra - Another four months with 30 days each(mid-March
to July)
8Seasons Festivals Calendar (contd)
- Epagomenal /Herew Renpet Days Out of
TimeFestivals of the Birthday of Wosir Kmt July
1(Osiris birth) Gregorian Calendar July 14 - Kmt July 2 (Gregorian Calendar July 15 Birthday
of Heru-Dunawhy ) - Kmt July 3 (Gregorian Calendar July 16
Birthday of Set) - Kmt July 4 (Gregorian Calendar July 17 Birthday
of Aset (Isis) - Kmt July 5 (Gregorian Calendar July 18 Birthday
of Nebet-Het (Nephthys)
9How some important Festivals were celebrated
- Festivals constituted a central role in ancient
Egypt life as been demonstrated in the abridge
calendar. - Some major ones include Opet, Beautiful Festival
of the Valley, Heb Sed, New Year Festival, The
Triumph of Horus over Set, Wasirian Festival at
Abydos, among others
10Connections btw Nile Valley and its Diaspora ala
- The root meaning of the word carnival can be
traced to Latin - Carne means flesh vale means farewell
- These two concepts are directly tied to the
revelry of eating and intoxication right before
the abstinence of 40 days before the crucifixion
and resurrection of Christ in Christianity
11Connections btw Nile Valley and its Diaspora ala
- The Wosirian drama of Set slaying his brother
Wosir, and their sisters Aset Nebet-Het
hovering over the mummified body, performing the
rites of resurrection more than 6,500 ago, is
pregnant with the antecedents for Carnival
other secular/ religious rituals - There was no Greece or Rome in the consciousness
of Europe
12Aset and Nebet Het at Wosirs Resurrection
13Djehuti at Wosirs Resurrection
14Herus Battle with Seth
- The offspring of Wosir and Aset- Heru had
several conflagrations with his uncle Seth of
slaying his father
- Example of a frame from Temple of Edfu
15Herus Battle with Seth
- Example of another frame from Temple of Edfu,
Battle between Seth and Heru
16Djehuti at Wosirs Resurrection
17Wosirs Resurrection
18Resurrection in the Hall of Judgment
- Here is a Wosir seated on his throne with his
sisters and wife Neb Het and Aset in white after
resurrection in the Hall of Judgment - Death, resurrection, regeneration, rebirth and
renewal were the constant refrain and underlying
foundation of all festivals in the Nile Valley
and were later exported to the rest of the
world, ex Europe
19Wosirian Festival at Abydos
- Wosiran Festival is pregnant with all the
elements of what would later be manifested in
several festivals including what we call Carnival
- Barque of Wosir at Abydos
20Wosirian Festival at Abydos
- Wosiran festival was celebrated at the end of the
cycle of 360 days - The birthdays of the important deities of Aset,
Seth, Nebet-Het, Heru and Wosir - And in the period of Out of Time period of
renewal, regeneration, resurrection,, between the
death of one year and the beginning of another - Between Time itself when everything is suspended
letting loose, no laws, suspension of inhibitions
and cleansing
- Barque of Wosir at Abydos
21Wosirian Festival at Abydos
- A major feature at the Wosiran festival was
display of combatants who re-enacted the battle
between Seth and Heru
- Barque of Wosir at Abydos
22Wosirian Festival at Abydos
- Another example of martial artists a welcomed
feature at the Wosirian festival as well as the
contemporary mock battles in Carnival
celebrations today in the Diaspora
- Barque of Wosir at Abydos
23Opet Festival, Amun, Mut and Khonsu
- Opet is a reunion, regenerative festival
celebrated annually for about 24 days. On the
KMT calendar August 5 Gregorian Calendar August
22 (today). - The major deity of the Southern Egypt Amun-Re is
taken from his chapel at Warit/Karnak - To join his wife Mut at Waset /Luxor accompanied
by their son Khonsu. Here we see the Trinity of
father, mother and son
24Opet Festival, Amun
- Solar deity oldest god of the eastern sky
- Fertility god, seen here a potent ram of
procreative energy - Related to Min,god with the erect phallus
- Warrior god king of the gods
- Universal god
- Greeks called him Zeus
25Opet Festival, Mut
26Opet Festival, Mut
- Mut at Waset /Luxor
- She represents the mother deity with all the
instincts of a mother. Note the lion head mask - Nile Valley culture always paid great regard
to the zoomorphic world as a complement to the
human world -
27Opet Festival, Khonsu
- Khonsu the lunar deity son of Amun and Mut.
28Opet Festival, Khonsu
- Khonsu Anthropomorphic representation of
human body with mask of a hawk with moon above -
29Opet Festival, Trinity
- Here we see the Trinity of father,
mother and son
30Opet Festival Processional way contd
- Avenue of ram-headed sphinxes
31Opet Festival
- There was elaborate preparation for this week to
one month celebration - Initial procession was long a one mile and half
avenue known as the Avenue of ram-headed
32Opet Festival
- And Avenue of the human headed sphinxes joining
the sister temples of the Grand Lodge of Waset
and the Great Temple of Warit
Avenue of the human headed sphinxes
33Opet Festival Priestly Procession
- The Barque of Amun borne by a procession of
priests from the Great North Temple
34Opet Festival Procession contd
- Another view of Barque of Amun borne the
processional priests from the Great North Temple
35Opet Festival Processional Musicians
36Opet Festival Processional Musicians (contd)
- Here are some merrymakers with sting instruments
at Waset temple, Amenhotep III court columns - As part of the Akhet Season of Inundation, during
the second month of the four-month observance,the
Opet is celebrated with music and various kinds
of offerings
37Opet Festival offerings
and various kinds of offerings
38Opet Festival offerings (contd
39Opet Festival offerings (contd
- More offerings from Waset Temple
40The float Boat/Barque
- Replica of a Barque from Horus Temple at Edfu
- The mask was not a mere disguise but to capture
the energy and admired characteristics and
attributes of a particular animal - In this instance the hawks eye and its ability
to see from a distance above was revered - Its fierceness was also considered potent
42Musical Instrument
- Here is an example of one of the common
instruments at al festivals, the Sistrum, shack-
- Beetle-headed deity which is a representation of
Re as a solar disc as he appears early in the
morning on the horizon - The beetle was observed rolling a ball of mud or
dung in the similar manner as the sun moves
across the sky - Female lays her eggs in a similar ball and the
young emerges - The biology of this insect belied the Egyptian
rational for selection
- Djehuty/Tehuti originally appeared as baboon
deity with lunar disc in predynastic times - Primarily represented thereafter as a ibis Scared
bird of the scribes - Associated with knowledge and chief among the
scribes - The intellect of Atum
45Masks lend themselves to Masquerade
- The Masquerade is a very popular means of
reconnecting, regenerative and renewal forces in
Africa and its Diaspora - Masks are made by using animal references-
dominate the play or drama
- Kanaga mask with writing, Dogon, Mali, 20th
46Masks lend themselves to Masquerades
- Masquerade festivals are held annually in
Nigeria/Yoruba, Ijaw communities. Such seasonal
celebratory moments promote peaceful-co existence
and development as people are brought together
from different backgrounds to jubilate. Virtues
of love, sympathy, justice, honesty, patriotism
and unity are inculcated in the people gathered
for celebration, thus, sending a positive signal
across the globe.
47Masks lend themselves to Masquerade
- Okpo Masquerade, Calabar South, Nigeria