Title: The EVN
1The EVN VLBI Science
P.J.Diamond Jodrell Bank Observatory
With assistance from Mike Garrett of JIVE and
Lincoln Greenhill of CfA
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory 26 April 2002
2Overview of this lecture.
- Description of the EVN, its history and its
capabilities - JIVE
- Discussion of other VLBI arrays, global VLBI
- VLBI Science
- The future of the EVN and VLBI
3EVN history, capabilities
- VLBI started in late 60s experiments in Canada,
USA, Soviet Union, Europe - Late 70s early 80s formation of networks to
make VLBI available to a wider community. - 1980 EVN formed
- Now includes 11 institutes associates and
affiliates - Policy set by Consortium Board of Directors
- EVN PC rate proposals TOG responsible for
engineering - EVN currently has 5 times collecting area of
VLBA - At 1 Gbps is 14 times more sensitive than VLBA
_at_ 128 Mbps
4EVN capabilties
- Operates 3 4 weeks / year
- Uses MkIV recording system. Can observe at
extremely high data rates 512 Mbits/sec
SUSTAINED, gt VERY SENSITIVE. - Frequency coverage predominantly around UHF,
1.2-1.7, 5, 6.7 and 8 GHz. Has capability at 22
and 43 GHz. - Excellent uv-coverage Baseline lengths range
from 200 2200 km in Europe. Inclusion of UK
MERLIN array adds even shorter baselines.
Extension of baselines to 9000 km via Chinese
5Resolution and Sensitivity
- Resolution of the EVN (in milliarcseconds).
At 6 cm, the typical sensitivity of the full EVN
is around 20 microJy/beam in 10 hours.
- EVN is continually changing its capabilities
through network wide and local institute
upgrades - WSRT upgrade
- Noto surface improvement
- Lovell Telescope resurfacing
- Receiver upgrades
- Frequency flexibility
- New telescopes
- 40m Yebes 2004
- 64m Sardinia 2005
7Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe
- JIVE formed by the EVN in 1993 to build and
operate the EVN Mk IV correlator and to provide
central support for EVN users. - July 21, 1997 first fringes
8VLBI Facilities around the world
9- 10 identical, 25 meter antennas, full time array,
operated by a single entity NRAO. - Recording system VLBA terminals/recorders.
- Baselines of 200 - 8600 km spread across
continental USA 60 km baselines if VLA included
- Extensive frequency coverage 0.3, 0.6,1.3-1.7,
2.3, 5, 8, 12-15, 22-24, 41-45, 80-96 GHz. - Resolution range 20 milliarcsecond (0.3 GHz), 5
mas (1.7 GHz) 0.5 mas (15 GHz) 0.2 mas (43
GHz). - 86 GHz capability on 6 telescopes. Co-observes
with CMVA. - Co-observes with EVN Global VLBI.
10VLBI Science
- Radio jet Black hole physics
- Radio source evolution
- Astrometry
- Galactic and extra-galactic Masers
- Gravitational Lenses
- SNR and GRB studies
- Nearby and distant starburst galaxies
- Nature of faint radio source population
- HI absorption studies in AGN
11Radio jet and black hole physics - I
- Hong et al, 2002, in prep
- Multi-epoch VLBI (8), MERLIN(3) VLA(1)
monitoring of blazar 1156295 - VLBI reveals oscillatory jet at milliarcsec
scale, after 40 mas jet straightens. - MERLIN shows 2 arcsec straight jet, then 90o bend
strong polarization - High proper motion (8c) detected
- All data indicates the projection of a helical
jet possibly originating from precessing BH or
binary BH.
12Radio jet and black hole physics - II
- Chen et al, 2001 (Chin. J. Astron. Astrophys)
- Multi-frequency VLBI of NRAO150
- Highly one-sided jet
- Identification of new, steep spectral index
13Radio source evolution
- EVN played a major role in identification of
Compact Symmetric Objects (CSOs) - Owsianik Conway (1998, AA, 337, 69) studied
0710439, showed outer lobes moving apart at
0.25c, lobes are separated by 90pc gt age of
radio structure is 1100 yrs - As CSOs grow it is presumed they evolve into
classical double radio sources. - Statistical studies under way
14Extragalactic H2O Megamasers
15Spectra of H2O masers
- Taxonomy
- Velocity-symmetry,
- Narrow-lines dominate
- Single emission feature
- Broad-hump dominates
16NGC4258 The archetypal accretion disk maser
17IC2560 a harder target(Ishihara et al, 2001,
- IC2560
- Confined mass 2.8 . 106 Msun
- Disk rotation rate 300 km/s
18Jet-driven H2O Masers NGC 1052
Might featureless broad lines con- stitute blends
of narrow lines from entrained or shocked
ambient material?
(Claussen, Diamond Braatz. 1998, ApJ)
1925 years of Extragalactic H2O masers
- A rare but astrophysically important phenomenon.
- Extragalactic H2O masers tag star-formation in
nearby galaxies. - Proper motion measurements make possible unique
measurements (e.g., galaxy motions). - But starburst systems need study.
- H2O masers mark 21 AGN central engines
- Thin accretion disks, AGN dynamics on lt 1 pc
scales - Entrained or shocked ambient material for jets
- Jets and NLR-type outflows
- Other ?
- H2O masers can identify otherwise obscured AGN,
- corroborating claims of (widespread?)
20OH Megamasers (OHM)
- Discovered by Baan et al (1982) with Arecibo
while searching for OH absorption. - Until 1998 30 OHM known.
- Arecibo upgrade has resulted in a host of new
detections. - ALL OHM are associated with ULIRGs, ALL ULIRGs
appear to be the result of galaxy mergers.
21The archetypyal OHM Arp220
- Arp220, d76 Mpc
- Ultraluminous IR galaxy, Lfir gt 1012L?
- OH megamaser
- Double nucleus, tidal tails ? merger
- Extreme dust obscuration (Av1000)
Arp220 R-band, Hawaii
22MERLIN continuum image
- OH megamasers associated with both nuclei
- Global VLBI observations (17 telescopes in Europe
and US, resolution 3 milliarcsec) showed four
compact emission regions (Londale et al, 1998)
23- Megamaser radio supernovae
Lonsdale et al, 1998 Smith et al, 1998 Diamond et
al, 2002
VLBI resolves 97 of continuum BUT VLBI
continuum, phase-referenced to the OH megamaser
showed 12 sub-mJy point sources. We interpret
0.2-0.4 RSN/year
24IIIZw35 another example
- EVNMERLIN Pihlstrom et al, 2001
- Ring of OH masers
- Possible detection of compact continuum
- Large velocity gradient in N component
25Stellar masers SiO
Diamond Kemball, 2002
TX Cam 88 weeks
Predominant motion is outflow Strong evidence for
shocks dominating the kinematics
26Stellar masers SiO
Tangential vectors confined to narrow inner edge
of ring. Strong evidence of effects of shocks.
Remarkable circular magnetic field structure.
Origin unknown
B 5 G
27Stellar masers H2O
- Proper motions of masers around stars relatively
undeveloped subject until the advent of the
VLBA Marvel Diamond (2002, in prep) - B field measurements now possible. Values for
several stars indicate B few hundred mG
28Stellar masers OH Polarization
Polzn vectors tangential to circumstellar
envelope. Linear polzn 10-20 Structure
favours a radial field maybe we are viewing a
dipole field end-on. Circular polarization gt
B 1.1 mG
VX Sgr 1612 MHz MERLIN Szymczak et al
29Interstellar masers SiO
Greenhill et al, 1999 Doeleman et al, 1999, 2001
- Not very common, few sources (c.f. 100s 1000s
stellar sources) - Orion KL X marks the spot ? indicates
biconical outflow - v1, v2, J1-0 (43 GHz) appear as expected with
v2 lying closer to the exciting source - v1, J2-1 (86 GHz) lies outside the 43 GHz
masers, not known why - Major VLBA proper motion programme underway
30Interstellar masers CH3OH EVN (Minier et al,
31Unique capabilities of EVN
- Receivers at 6GHz enable studies of excited-state
OH and methanol masers in regions of star
formation - Desmurs et al (1998, AA) produced first dual
polarization images of excited-state OH in W3(OH)
at both 6031 and 6035 MHz gt signature of
magnetic fields covering range 2 10 mG
32Gravitational Lenses
- JVAS B0218357 Biggs et al
- Global VLBI _at_ 8.4 GHz, resolution 1 mas
- Image A is stretched tangentially compared to B
- Instances of parity reversal visible
- Textbook case of gravitational lensing
34Nature of faint radio source population
- Faintest radio sources ever detected using VLBI
(Garrett et al, 2001) - EVN images of sources detected in HDF
superimposed on deep optical image. - 3 detections are AGN
- Further observations planned
35HI Absorption studies
- EVNVLBA observations of HI towards CSO 1946708
(Peck Taylor, 2001) - Indicate circumnuclear torus of neutral gas
36Future of EVN VLBI
- New telescopes (Yebes, SRT, FAST)
- Disc-based recording MkV / EVN PC-based system
/ Japan PC - Routine gt 1 Gbps recording, no tape recorders
- Internet-based VLBI (e.g. Haystack e-VLBI
workshop) - iGRID2002 tests between JBO/WSRT -gt JIVE in Sept
2002 - Geant -gt Global Terabit Research Network
- Aim for routine 1 Gbps, ready all the time VLBI
by 2005/6 - VLBI with SKA requires stations over thousands
of kilometres
- e-MERLIN funded fibre optic connection of 7
MERLIN telescopes, 30 Gbps/telescope gt 10x
sensitivity increase. Operational in 2007.
- VLBI is beginning to observe objects observed in
other wavebands e.g. HDF, star-formation regions,
super-massive black-holes, gravitational lenses. - Upgrades making VLBI ever more sensitive. EVN
capable of being 14 times more sensitive than
VLBA. - Plans being laid for internet-based VLBI
(Japanese already doing it). - Future is bright for EVN
- Broadband
- Sensitive
- Available all the time?
40The European VLBI Network