Title: Linguaggi Speciali di Programmazione 1
1Linguaggi Speciali di Programmazione 1
- Ing. Marco Scotto (scotto_at_dist.unige.it)
- Web Services vs. CORBA
- Web Services or CORBA?
- WS-CORBA interoperation
- Java XML
3Web Services vs. CORBA (1/4)
4Web Services vs. CORBA (2/4)
Server Side Usage
- Web Services
- define the service as interface in WSDL
- compile the WSDL to generate the stub and the
skeleton - implement the service and associate it with the
skeleton (implementation dependent) - publish the service with UDDI for use by clients
- define the service as interface in IDL
- compile the IDL to generate the stub and the
skeleton - implement the service and associate it with the
skeleton via the portable object adapter (POA) - publish the service with a Naming Service for use
by clients
5Web Services vs. CORBA (3/4)
Client Side Usage
- Web Services
- contact UDDI for the desired service and retrieve
the URL - invoke operations on the URL using the generated
stub from the WSDL - process reply
- contact the Naming Service for the desired
service and retrieve the object reference - invoke operations on the object reference using
the IDL-compiler generated stub - process reply
6Web Services vs. CORBA (4/4)
7Web Services or CORBA? (1/3)
- Web Interface
- WS are the best XSLT can easily convert SOAP
messages into HTML (CORBA requires more work) - Firewalls
- WS are the best SOAP is designed to work in such
environments (CORBA IIOP does not have a specific
port for the communication) - Legacy systems
- CORBA is the best a lot of legacy systems
(including EJBs) can easily communicate with
CORBA components (DCOM components can easily
communicate to Web Services using MS.NET)
8Web Services or CORBA? (2/3)
- Stateful applications
- CORBA is the best the state is managed by the
object (WS require more work) - Mobile users
- WS are the best HTTP support easily IP changing
and unreliable networks (CORBA wireless is under
development) - Thin clients
- WS are the best SOAP is light and XML parsers
can easily discard non suited tags (CORBA
requires the entire ORB implemented) - Transparent proxies
- WS are the best SOAP is easy to interface with
new components that process or change the content
of the message (CORBA has proxies for specific
applications such as load balancing, caching,
9Web Services or CORBA? (3/3)
- Real-time performances
- To experiment at present there are several
real-time applications in CORBA. Its technology
is more mature and this is a the crucial factor
to choose the implementation technology. Its too
early to compare with WS.
10WS-CORBA interoperation
- An automated conversion between SOAP messages and
IIOP messages is required - Management of different paradigms OO,
message-oriented - XML Schema IDL mapping
- SOAP-CORBA bridge are available but suffer of
several limitations
11Java XML
12XML Parsers
- There are three fundamental parser type
- A model parser reads an entire document and
creates a representation of the document in
memory - Model parsers use significantly more memory than
other types of parsers - A push parser reads through an entire document.
As it encounters various parts of the document,
it notifies a listener object - This is how the popular SAX API operates
- A pull parser reads a little bit of a document at
once. The application drives the parser through
the document by repeatedly requesting the next
13XML Parsers
- Which type you choose depends on how you want
your application to behave and what types of
documents you are expecting to parse
14SAX (Simple API for XML)
- SAX provides an event-based framework for parsing
XML data - SAX defines events that can occur during the XML
parsing process - Example
- SAX defines an org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
interface that defines methods such as
startDocument() and endElement() - Implementing this interface allows complete
control over these portions of the XML parsing
15DOM (Document Object Model)
- While SAX only provides access to the data within
an XML document, DOM is designed to provide a
means of manipulating that data - DOM provides a representation of an XML document
as a tree - DOM also reads an entire XML document into
memory, storing all the data in nodes, so the
entire document is very fast to access - It is all in memory for the length of its
existence in the DOM tree
16JAXP (Java API for XML Parsing)
- JAXP provides a vendor neutral-interface to the
underlying DOM or SAX parser - It adds some convenient methods to make the XML
APIs easier to use for Java developers
DocumentBuilderFactory DocumentBuilder
SAXParserFactory SAXParser
ParserConfiguratonException FactoryConfigurationEr
17SAX Example (1/4)
- import org.xml.sax.
- import org.xml.sax.helpers.
- import java.io.
- import javax.xml.parsers.
- public class SAXDemo extends DefaultHandler
- public static void main(String args)
- if (args.length ! 1)
- System.err.println("Usage cmd filename")
- System.exit(1)
- DefaultHandler handler new SAXDemo()
- SAXParserFactory factory SAXParserFactory.newI
18SAX Example (2/4)
- try
- // Parse the input
- SAXParser saxParser factory.newSAXParser()
- saxParser.parse( new File(args0),
handler) - catch (Throwable t)
- t.printStackTrace()
- System.exit(0)
- //
- // SAX DocumentHandler methods
- //
- public void startDocument() throws
SAXException - System.out.println("START DOCUMENT")
19SAX Example (3/4)
- public void endDocument() throws SAXException
- System.out.println("END DOCUMENT")
- public void startElement(String namespaceURI,
- String lName, // local name
- String qName, // qualified name
- Attributes attrs)
- throws SAXException
- System.out.println("ELEMENT " qName)
- if (attrs ! null)
- for (int i 0 i lt attrs.getLength() i)
- String aName attrs.getQName(i) // Attr
name - System.out.println("ATTR " aName " "
attrs.getValue(i)) -
20SAX Example (4/4)
- public void characters(char ch, int start, int
length) throws SAXException - String s new String(ch, start, length)
- System.out.println("CHARS " s)
- public void endElement(String namespaceURI,
String sName, // simple name - String qName // qualified name)
- throws SAXException
- System.out.println("END ELEMENT " qName)
21DOM Example 1 (1/3)
- import java.io.
- import javax.xml.parsers.
- import org.xml.sax.
- import org.w3c.dom.
- public class DOMDemo
- public static void main(String args)
- if (args.length ! 1)
- System.err.println("Usage cmd filename")
- System.exit(1)
- Document doc null
- DocumentBuilder db null
- DocumentBuilderFactory dbf DocumentBuilderFacto
22DOM Example 1 (2/3)
- try
- db dbf.newDocumentBuilder()
- doc db.parse(new File(args0))
- doc.normalize()
- catch (ParserConfigurationException pce)
- pce.printStackTrace()
- catch (SAXException se)
- se.printStackTrace()
- catch (IOException ioe)
- ioe.printStackTrace()
- NodeList nl doc.getChildNodes()
- queryDocument(nl)
23DOM Example 1 (3/3)
- public static void queryDocument(NodeList nl)
- for (int i0 iltnl.getLength() i)
- Node n nl.item(i)
- if (n instanceof Element)
- Element e (Element) n
- System.out.println(e.getNodeName())
- queryDocument(e.getChildNodes())
- else if (n instanceof Text)
- Text t (Text) n
- System.out.println(t.getNodeValue())
24DOM Example 2 (1/4)
- import java.io.
- import javax.xml.parsers.
- import javax.xml.transform.
- import javax.xml.transform.stream.
- import javax.xml.transform.dom.
- import org.w3c.dom.
- public class DomDemo2
- public static void main(String args)
- Document doc null
- DocumentBuilder db null
- if (args.length ! 1)
- System.err.println("Usage cmd filename")
- System.exit(1)
25DOM Example 2 (2/4)
- DocumentBuilderFactory dbf DocumentBuilderFactor
y.newInstance() -
- try
- db dbf.newDocumentBuilder()
- doc db.newDocument()
- catch (ParserConfigurationException pce)
- System.err.println("Parser configuratione
exception.") -
- createDocument(doc)
- serialize(doc, new File(args0))
26DOM Example 2 (3/4)
- public static void createDocument(Document doc)
- Element root doc.createElement("Agenda")
- doc.appendChild(root)
- Element person doc.createElement("Person")
- Person.setAttribute("id", "1")
- root.appendChild(person)
- Element name doc.createElement("Name")
- name.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("Marco"))
- person.appendChild(name)
- Element surname doc.createElement("Surname")
- surname.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("Scotto"))
- person.appendChild(surname)
- Element email doc.createElement("Email")
- email.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("scotto_at_dist
.unige.it")) - person.appendChild(email)
27DOM Example 2 (4/4)
- public static void serialize(Document doc, File
file ) - Transformer serializer null
- StreamResult streamResult null
- DOMSource domSource new DOMSource(doc)
- try
- serializer TransformerFactory.newInstance().
newTransformer() - serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT
, "yes") - streamResult new StreamResult(new
FileOutputStream(file)) - serializer.transform(domSource,
streamResult) - catch (Exception e)
- e.printStackTrace()
28DOM or SAX?
- Suitable for small documents
- Easily modify document
- Memory intensive load the complete XML document
- Suitable for large documents saves significant
amounts of memory - Event driven
- Limited standard functions
29XML Parsers for J2ME
- The following table summarizes the current
offering of small XML parsers that are
appropriate for J2ME
- Language for addressing and matching parts of an
XML document - Designed to be used standalone, but also by
XPointer, XSLT, XQuery. - Uses a compact, non-XML format to facilitate use
within URIs and attribute values - Provides basic facilities for string, number and
boolean manipulation - Supports namespaces
31XPath Example (1/2)
- Sample XML document
- ltAgendagt
- ltPerson NameMarco SurnameScottogt
- ltemailgtscotto_at_dist.unige.itlt/emailgt
- lt/Persongt
- ltPerson NameMario SurnameRossigt
- ltemailgtMario.Rossi_at_email.itlt/emailgt
- lt/Persongt
- lt/Agendagt
32XPath Example (2/2)
- Selects the name attribute of the first person
element - /Agenda/Person1/_at_Name
- Selects the surname attribute of the first person
element - /Agenda/Person1/_at_Surname
- Selects the email of the first person element
- /Agenda/Person1/email/text()