Title: The Cognitive Model
1The Cognitive Model
2ThoughtEmotion Action
3Anger - RedSadness - BlueFear - Yellow
4Observer Actor
5Behavior ModelCognitive Model
6We often make inferences about other peoples
minds with a degree of confidence that is simply
not justified by the evidence.
7SelfOthers Prospects
15The Nature of Reflexive Thoughts often appear
in shorthand are almost always
believed experienced as spontaneous often
shoulds, oughts or musts tend to be
16The Nature of Reflexive Thoughts are relative
idiosyncratic are persistent and
self-perpetuating often differ from public
statements repeat habitual themes are
learned are often unconscious
18Listening, Practicing Recording
19Analysis Dispute
20Cognitive Errors Filtering Polarized
Thinking Overgeneralization Mind
Reading Catastrophizing Magnifying Person
alization Shoulds
21Vocabulary Concepts PracticeStatement Patt
ern1. Ever since Lisa , Ive never trusted a
redhead. A. Filtering2. Quite a few people
here are smarter than me. B. Polarized
Thinking3. Youre either for me or against
me. C. Overgeneralization4. I could have
enjoyed the picnic, but the chicken was burnt. D.
Mind Reading5. Hes always smiling, but I
know he doesnt like me. E. Catastrophizing6.
Im afraid its over, s/he hasnt called me for
days. F. Magnifying7. You should never ask
personal questions. G. Personalization8.
These forms are impossible - Ill never get
finished. H. Shoulds
22Changing Thoughts uncover evidence that
supports thought problems uncover evidence
that contradicts find alternative solutions
23 The Love ExperienceThe basic I/Thou concept
establishes the world of relations. As a thou, I
have no right to use the I before me as an object
with which I may take liberties. It is not for
me to play with or manipulate. I am not to use it
as a point of departure, or anything else. It is
a voice of a person that needs me. I am there to
help HIM speak. Walter Kauffman in Buber
24Cognitive RestructuringSkill BuildingCulture
25Principles Autonomous Persons Goal Seeking
Persons Enablers
27Parent ParentAdult AdultChild Child
30Deep Breathing
32Progressive Muscle Relaxation
33Worry Control
34Risk Assessment
35Worry Exposure
36Coping Imagery
37Stress Inoculation
38Activity Scheduling
39Problem SolvingState Your ProblemOutline Your
GoalsList Your AlternativesView the
ConsequencesEvaluate Your Results
40References Resources