Title: Aucun titre de diapositive
Efficient algorithms to solve large nonlinear
elastodynamic frictional contact problems
Mikaël Barboteu, 22-23 juin 2006 à Besançon
Laboratoire de Mathématiques Et Physique pour les
Systèmes (MEPS), équipe Equations aux Dérivées
Partielles et leurs Applications (EDPA)
? Plan of the talk
1) Mechanical modelling and variational form
3) Domain decomposition methods Non symmetric
balancing method
2Efficient algorithms to solve large nonlinear
elastodynamic frictional contact problems
1) Mechanical modelling and variational form
1) Contact mechanical modelling for nonlinear
? Contact and Friction laws
Friction of Coulomb
Unilateral Contact
3Efficient algorithms to solve large nonlinear
elastodynamic frictional contact problems
1) Mechanical modelling and variational form
? Variational formulation
Such that for all
4Efficient algorithms to solve large nonlinear
elastodynamic frictional contact problems
2) Energy-conserving methods
2) General framework of energy-conserving methods
Time discretization
? Integration scheme (Gonzalez midpoint scheme
Such that
5Efficient algorithms to solve large nonlinear
elastodynamic frictional contact problems
2) Energy-conserving methods
Some works in this field
6Efficient algorithms to solve large nonlinear
elastodynamic frictional contact problems
2) Energy-conserving methods Newton continuation
Newton continuation method
? Extended Newton method 2 steps strategy
7Efficient algorithms to solve large nonlinear
elastodynamic frictional contact problems
2) Energy-conserving methods Newton continuation
? Continuation Newton method algorithm
for p 0 ..
step (a) for i 0 ..
until convergence
step (b) for i ..
until convergence
until p P
8Efficient algorithms to solve large nonlinear
elastodynamic frictional contact problems
2) Energy-conserving methods Newton continuation
Analysis of the proposed method
? Enforcement of the contact and friction
? Analysis of the energy conservation (we suppose
9Efficient algorithms to solve large nonlinear
elastodynamic frictional contact problems
2) Energy-conserving methods Specific
penalization method
Specific penalization method
10Efficient algorithms to solve large nonlinear
elastodynamic frictional contact problems
2) Energy-conserving methods impact of a ring
A representative application impact of a ring
against a rigid surface
? Evolution of the discrete energy (friction
? Evolution of the discrete energy (frictionless
11Efficient algorithms to solve large nonlinear
elastodynamic frictional contact problems
2) Energy-conserving methods impact of a ring
Dependencies of the two proposed methods compared
to the time step (frictionless case)
? Specific penalization method
? Newton continuation method
12Efficient algorithms to solve large nonlinear
elastodynamic frictional contact problems
2) Energy-conserving methods bounces of the ring
A representative application bounces of the ring
against a rigid surface
? Animation of the bounces of the ring
? scheme with steps (a)-(b) (case with friction)
? scheme without step (b) (case without friction)
? scheme with steps (a)-(b) (case without
? Displacement of the ring center
? Evolution of the discrete energy
13Efficient algorithms to solve large nonlinear
elastodynamic frictional contact problems
2) Energy-conserving methods bounces of the ring
Comparison between the continuation method and
the penalization method
? Displacements of the ring center
? Discrete energy evolution
continuation method
penalization method
14Efficient algorithms to solve large nonlinear
elastodynamic frictional contact problems
2) Energy-conserving methods bounces of the ring
? Normal contact distances during the bounces and
according to several time steps
penalization method
continuation method
Errors made on the normal contact distances are
proportional to the time step
Similar behaviors between the Newton continuation
method and the specific penalization method
15Efficient algorithms to solve large nonlinear
elastodynamic frictional contact problems
3) Domain decomposition method nonsymmetric
Balancing method
3) Domain decomposition method non symmetric
Balancing method
? Decomposition in nonoverlapping subdomains
? 2-level Neumann-Neumann preconditioner
? Variational interface problem
? Decomposition of the interface space
Fine space
Coarse space
16Efficient algorithms to solve large nonlinear
elastodynamic frictional contact problems
3) Domain decomposition method nonsymmetric
Balancing method
Towards an efficient definition of the coarse
17Efficient algorithms to solve large nonlinear
elastodynamic frictional contact problems
3) Domain decomposition method nonsymmetric
Balancing method
? Construction of the 2-level Neumann-Neumann
? The 2-level Neumann-Neumann preconditioner is
classically defined by
18Efficient algorithms to solve large nonlinear
elastodynamic frictional contact problems
3) Domain decomposition method nonsymmetric
Balancing method
Numerical application impact of a ring against
rigid surface
19Efficient algorithms to solve large nonlinear
elastodynamic frictional contact problems
Some prospects
Some prospects
? Energy-conserving methods comparison with the
Equivalent Mass Matrix method (Khenous, Laborde
and Renard 2005)
? Domain decomposition methods improvements by
using the BDDC (Dohrmann and Mandel 2004)
? Extension to impacts between two hyperelastic
20Efficient algorithms to solve large nonlinear
elastodynamic frictional contact problems
2) Energy-conserving methods bounces of the ring
? Normal contact distances during the bounces and
according to several time steps
? Displacement of the ring center during the
bounces and according to several time steps
continuation method
penalization method