Populism and Protest: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Populism and Protest:


Describe the Pullman strike. George Pullman controlled all facets of his workers lives ... Ordered workers not to connect Pullman cars. AFL refused to join them ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Populism and Protest:

Populism and Protest
  • Section 4.3
  • Labor Violence

Todays Agenda
  • Current Events
  • Review
  • 4.3 Labor Slide Show
  • Presentations
  • Homework
  • Read 4.3
  • Unit Test Tuesday

  • What characterizes a market economy?
  • What characterizes a command economy?
  • What is social Darwinism?
  • What is a monopoly?
  • What is horizontal integration?
  • What is vertical integration?

Factory Work
By the end of this lesson you will be able to
  • Explain why laborers organized by identifying the
    condition under which they worked.
  • Identify the significant labor unions, people who
    led them, and analyze their impact on the labor
  • Explain how several violent confrontations gave
    labor a bad and radical image and created a
    backlash against the movement.

Describe the working conditions endured by
factory workers.
  • Dangerous
  • 12-14 hour
  • 6 days a week
  • Fired for any reason
  • No sick days, health insurance, workers
  • Children from age 5

What options did the workers have?
  • Can they appeal to their bosses?
  • Can they petition the government?
  • NO!!!
  • They can UNITE
  • Vote with ONE voice
  • Protest?
  • Go on strike?

What are unions?
  • Union Organization in which workers band
    together to form a collective voice to gain
    better pay, conditions, etc.

What methods do unions and employees use to fight
each other?
  • Unions Weapons
  • Strike a work stoppage
  • Boycott organized agreement not to buy from
    certain company
  • Employer Weapons
  • Lockout when the employee closes his business to
    force workers to abide by his rule
  • Scab worker hired to break a strike
  • Injunction- government order to stop strike

What was the American Federation of Labor (AFL)?
  • Less radical labor union
  • Non violent methods
  • Strikes and boycotts
  • Accepted capitalism
  • Wanted Piece of the Pie
  • Led by Samuel Gompers

Where would the AFL fall on the political
What happened at the Haymarket Riot (1886)?
  • 1 thousand workers held rally at Haymarket square
    to protest murder of workers by police
  • Bomb thrown
  • killed 7 cops, injured dozens
  • Cops killed 10 protesters, injured dozens
  • 4 radical leaders hanged (with little evidence)

How do you think the public viewed labor unions
at this point?
Describe the Homestead Strike (1892).
  • Steel workers at Carnegies mill went on strike
    after wages were lowered
  • Frick (Boss) hired 300 Pinkerton guards to
    protect scab workers
  • Killed several workers
  • Strike failed
  • Tarnished Carnegies image

Describe the Homestead Strike.
Describe the Pullman strike.
  • George Pullman controlled all facets of his
    workers lives
  • Cut wages (by 33) during Panic of 1893
  • Eugene V. Debs
  • Leader of American Railway Union
  • Ordered workers not to connect Pullman cars
  • AFL refused to join them
  • Cleveland issued an injunction (order to stop

Where is Cleveland on the political spectrum?
Who was Big Bill Haywood?
  • Labor leader of the IWW (Industrial Workers of
    the World) or the Wobblies
  • A radical socialist
  • Called for One Big Union
  • "Eight hours of work, eight hours of play, eight
    hours of sleep-- eight hours a day!"
  • Fled US in 1921 during espionage trial to Russia

Which side of the economic spectrum is Haywood?
  • Fellow Workers, this is the Continental Congress
    of the working-class. We are here to confederate
    the workers of this country into a working-class
    movement that shall have for its purpose the
    emancipation of the working-class from the slave
    bondage of capitalism. The aims and objects of
    this organization shall be to put the
    working-class in possession of the economic
    power, the means of life, in control of the
    machinery of production and distribution, without
    regard to capitalist masters

What factors are keeping unions from gaining
  • Government
  • Laissez faire
  • Public opinion
  • Viewed as violent radicals
  • Exclusion of minorities
  • Women, African Americans, immigrants, unskilled
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