Reconstruction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lincoln is Elected. In 1860 Republicans nominated Abraham Lincoln. ... Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, William T. Sherman ... Lincoln's Plan ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Reconstruction

Lincoln is Elected
  • In 1860 Republicans nominated Abraham Lincoln.
  • He did not believe in slavery and wanted to
    outlaw it.
  • After the election, S. Carolina seceded first and
    by Feb. 1, 1861, 6 S. states in the lower south
    followed suit.
  • The secessionists seized all federal property in
    their states, including arsenals and forts.

Founding the Confederacy
  • Delegates met in Montgomery, Al.
  • The Confederate Sates of America, or Confederacy
    was created.
  • Each state was independent and guaranteed the
    existence of slavery in Confederate territory.
  • The president had a six-year term.
  • Jefferson Davis was the president of the

(No Transcript)
The Civil War Begins
  • Lincoln planned to re-supply Fort Sumter.
  • Davis decided to take Fort Sumter before the
    supply ship arrived.
  • For 33 hours Sumter took heavy bombardment.
  • Eventually they surrendered.
  • Upper states began to leave the union and join
    the S.
  • Missouri was a border state.

Important Players in the Civil War
  • Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, William T.
  • Jefferson Davis, Thomas (Stonewall) Jackson,
    Robert E. Lee

Causes of the Civil War
  • Disagreement over the legality, morality, and
    politics of slavery.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act, popular sovereignty, people
    living in a region had the right to decide by
    voting if slavery would be allowed there.
  • S. states seceded from the Union.
  • Confederates attacked Fort Sumter in S. Carolina.

Effects of the Civil War
  • Slavery was outlawed in the U.S.
  • S. states rebuilt their economy.
  • African Americans gained citizenship and voting
  • The first U.S. civil rights laws were passed.

The Reconstruction Battle Begins
  • By 1865 large areas of the former Confederacy lay
    in ruins.
  • The Souths econ. was in a state of collapse.
  • The value of land had fallen, Confederate money
    was worthless, transportation system was
    devastated, bridges and railroads were useless.
  • Until the south developed a new system to replace
    enslaved labor, it could not maintain its
    agricultural output.
  • Reconstruction, or rebuilding after the war.
  • How the former Confederacy states would join the

Lincolns Plan
  • In Dec. 1863, he set forth his plan in the
    Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction.
  • Amnesty, or pardon to all Southern who took an
    oath of loyalty to the U.S. and accepted the
    Unions proclamation concerning slavery.

The Radical Republicans
  • The radicals did not want to reconcile with the
  • They wanted to revolutionize southern
    institutions, habits, and manners.
  • 3 main goals
  • 1. wanted to prevent the leaders of the
    Confederacy from returning to power after the
  • 2. wanted the republican party to become a
    powerful institution in the south.
  • 3. wanted the fed. govt. to help African
    Americans achieve political equality by
    guaranteeing their right to vote in the south.

Freedmens Bureau
  • As Gen. William T. Sherman marched through the
    South, thousands of freed African Americans,
    known as freedmen, began following his troops
    seeking food and shelter.
  • Union troops settled more than 40,000 African
  • Congress thus est. the Freedmens Bureau, the
    task was to feed and clothe war refugees in the
    S. using surplus army supplies.
  • The Bureau made a lasting contribution to
    education former enslaved African Americans.
  • It provided schools, paid teachers, and est.

Johnson Takes Office
  • After Lincolns assassination, V.P. Andrew
    Johnson became president.
  • He believed that a moderate policy was needed to
    bring the south back into the Union and to win
    southern loyalty.

Johnsons Plan
  • The Restoration Program, he offered to pardon all
    former citizens of the confederacy who took an
    oath of loyalty to the Union and to return their
  • Each former Confederate state had to call a
    constitutional convention to revoke its ordinance
    of secession and ratify the 13th Amendment.
  • Most of the former states accepted his

Black Codes
  • The new S. state legislatures also passed a
    series of laws called, black codes, which
    severely limited African Americans rights in the
  • The codes seemed intended to keep African
    Americans in a condition similar to slavery.
  • They were required to enter into annual labor
    contracts, black children had to accept
    apprenticeships and could be whipped or beaten
    while serving in these apprenticeships.
  • These codes enraged Northerners.

Radical Republicans Take Control
  • In 1865, House and Senate Republicans created the
    Joint Committee on Reconstruction.
  • Their goal was to develop their own program for
    rebuilding the Union.

The 14th Amendment
  • The Republicans introduced the 14th Amendment to
    the constitution.
  • It granted citizenship to all persons born or
    naturalized in the U.S. and declared that no
    state could deprive and person of life, liberty,
    or property without due process.

Military Reconstruction
  • The Military Reconstruction Act, wiped out
    Johnsons programs (Rad. Rep. had a 3-1 majority
    in Congress) and divided the former confederacy
    into 5 military districts that would be governed
    by a Union general.
  • Another constitutional convention would be held
    and the new constitution had to give the right to
    vote to all adult male citizens, regardless of
  • By the end of 1868, 6 former confederate states
    had met all of the requirements and were
    readmitted to the union.

  • What is Impeachment?
  • When the President is charged with wrongdoing
    (crime) in office by the House of
  • What happens after the President is impeached by
    the House of Representatives?
  • Then the Senate holds a trial and votes to decide
    if the President is guilty
  • 2/3 must vote for conviction of the President for
    him to be found guilty.

  • What if the President is found guilty by the
  • He is removed from office and faces criminal
    charges in a courtroom.

President Johnsons ImpeachmentSequence of Events
  • Johnson tries to fire the Secretary of War Edwin
  • Firing Stanton was illegal because the Tenure of
    Office Act said that the President had to have
    the Senates approval to hire and fire cabinet
  • The House of Representatives voted to impeach
    Johnson. Johnson is the first Pres. to be
  • Senate tries Johnson and he is found not guilty
    by one vote.

The Election of 1868
  • Most Americans wanted Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to
    run for president in 1868, he was a war hero and
  • He won.

The 15th Amendment
  • The Rep. led Congress passed the 15th Amendment
    to the Constitution.
  • This amendment declared that the right to vote
    shall not be denied on account of race, color,
    or previous condition of servitude.

Impacts of Radical Reconstruction
  • Changed s. politics by bringing hundreds of
    thousands of African Americans into the political
  • It changed s. society and many white southerners
    are going to fight back against the fed. Govt.

Rep. Rule in the S.
  • By 1870 all the former Conf. states had rejoined
    the Union under the congressional reconstruction
  • The Rep. Party took power and introduced several
    major reforms.

Carpetbaggers and Scalawags
  • Many northern began to move to the s.
  • They took up office in the new souths state
  • Southerners referred to these newcomers as
    carpetbaggers, because some arrived w/ suitcases
    made of carpet fabric.
  • Carpetbaggers disliked white southerners who
    worked with the republicans and supported
  • They called these people scalawags, a term for
    weak, underfed, worthless animals.

African Americans Enter Politics
  • Thousands of formerly enslaved people also took
    part in governing the s.
  • W/in a few years African Americans went from
    enslaved workers to legislators and
    administrators on nearly all levels of govt.
  • They held jobs in state legislators, House of
    Reps., and the Senate.

Republican Reform in the S.
  • The Republicans repealed the black codes and made
    many more state offices elective.
  • They est. state hospitals and institutions for
    orphans, the hearing and visually impaired, and
    the mentally ill.
  • Rebuilt roads, railways, bridges, provided funds
    for the construction of new railroads and
    industries in the south.
  • Helped with public schools.
  • Many Rep. however, were corrupt and gaining money
    illegally through politics, Graft.

African American Communities
  • African Americans worked to improve their lives
    in other ways during the reconstruction.
  • Many sought to gain an education and est. their
    own thriving communities.
  • Schools, Universities, and Churches were all part
    of their communities.

The Ku Klux Klan
  • Southerners formed secret societies.
  • Ku Klux Klan started in 1866, formed by conf.
  • The goal was to drive out the Union troops and
    carpetbaggers and regain control of the s. for
    the democrat party.
  • Hooded, white-robed Klan members rode in bands at
    night terrorizing supporters of the Rep. govt.
  • President Grant and congressional rep. were
    outraged by the Klan.
  • They formed an act called the Ku Klux Klan Act,
    outlawing the activities of the Klan.

The Grant Administration
  • Grant had little experience in politics.
  • He believed that the presidents role was to
    carry out the laws and leave the development of
    policy to congress.
  • Congress didnt mind, but it left the president
    weak and ineffective.

Republicans Split
  • Sin Taxes, the rep. kept in place the taxes on
    alcohol and tobacco that had been introduced as
    emergency measures during the war.
  • This money helped pay off the bonds for the civil
  • Dem. attacked these policies saying they only
    benefited the wealthy, because they were gaining
    too much out of Grants admin.
  • Liberal Rep. broke away and joined the Dem. point
    of view. Thus, breaking away from the Rep. party.
  • Despite the tension, Grant won reelection in

Scandals During Grants 2nd Term
  • William Belknap, Grants secretary of war, was
    found to have accepted bribes from merchants
    operating at army posts in the west.
  • Whiskey Ring, Govt. officials and distillers
    in St. Louis cheated the Govt. out of millions
    of dollars by filing false tax reports.

The Panic of 1873
  • Grant and the nation endured a severe econ.
    crisis that began during Grants 2nd term.
  • The turmoil started in 1873 when a series of
    railroad investments forced the powerful banking
    firm Jay Cooke and Company to declare bankruptcy.
  • A wave of fear known as the Panic of 1873 quickly
    spread through the nations financial community.
  • The panic prompted scores of smaller banks to
    close and the stock market to plummet.
  • Businesses shut down, tens of thousands of
    Americans were thrown out of work.
  • The scandals and panic embarrassed Grant and the
    Rep. Party.

Reconstruction Ends
  • The rising power of the Dem. in congress meant
    that enforcing reconstruction policies became
    more difficult.
  • Northerners were more concerned with their own
    econ. problems than with the political situation
    in the s.

Election of 1877
  • Rutherford B. Hayes a Rep. vs. Dem. Samuel
  • Hayes won.
  • Hayes expressed his desire to move the country
    beyond the quarrelsome years of reconstruction,
    by putting an end to the nations regional

A New South Arises
  • Southern leaders realized the South could never
    return to the pre-civil war agricultural economy
  • Southerners called for the creation of a New
    South. The S. region had to develop a strong
    industrial economy.

New Industries
  • Northern financers helped the S. to build
    railroads. Laying over 40,000 miles of railroad
  • A thriving iron and steel industry developed
    around Birmingham, AL.
  • Tobacco processing became big business in NC and
    cotton mills also grew in stature.

  • Many African Americans returned to plantations
    owned by whites, because they never received
    their own land.
  • Back on the plantations, they worked for wages or
    became tenant farmers, paying rent for the land
    they farmed.
  • Most tenant farmers eventually became
    sharecroppers, who did not pay their rent in
    cash, instead they paid a share of their crops to
    cover their rent as well as the cost of the seed,
    fertilizer, tools, and animals they needed.

  • Country stores and local suppliers, known as
    furnishing merchants, provided sharecroppers with
    the supplies they needed on credit but at
    interest rates often as high as 40.
  • Crop liens, meant that the merchant could take
    some of the crops to cover the debts.
  • This was to make sure the sharecroppers paid
    their debts.

  • Many fell into a financial condition known as,
    Debt Peonage.
  • This condition trapped sharecroppers on the land
    because they could not make enough money to pay
    off their debts and leave nor could they declare
  • Failure to pay off debts could lead to
    imprisonment or forced labor.
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