Reformation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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At the same time, AVIGNON (Babylonian Captivity) Pope dies later when there are two popes and disputing, power is reduced. Church ... Defenestration of Prague ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Reformation

  • C.1378
  • Grows out of the call of action by individuals
  • Jan Hus (Czech)
  • John Wycliffe (English)
  • At the same time, AVIGNON (Babylonian Captivity)
  • Pope dies later when there are two popes and
    disputing, power is reduced

Church Corruption
  • Simony
  • Nepotism
  • Pluralism
  • Sale of Indulgences

Martin Luther
  • A Monk on a Mission
  • October 31, 1517 - 95 Theses
  • The importance of Faith
  • Martin Luther vs. Charles V
  • King Fredrick III of Saxony

Protestant Reformation Gains Speed
  • Luthers Motive
  • Protestors
  • 1529- Lutherans emerge
  • 1536 Calvinists emerge
  • Why behave?
  • Calvinists known today as Presbyterians

Religious Conflict
  • 1530 1555
  • Religious wars (Catholic vs. Protestant)
  • Peace Treaty at Augsburg
  • Whoever is in charge decides
  • Whose region, their religion
  • French Religious conflict
  • Catholic but close to Calvinist influence creep
    in via the Huguenots
  • Catholic ruling family will try to get rid of
  • To attempt to unify support
  • Monarchs cant control two churches

French Reformation
  • 1589 French Bourbon dynasty to the throne
    (Henry IV)
  • He was a Protestant but gets a Catholic nation
    via birthright
  • To unify he takes advice from Machiavelli
  • Converts to Catholicism
  • He will however protect his Huguenot friends
  • Arranges marriage between Protestant man in Spain
    and his daughter
  • Passes the Edict of Nantes (1598)
  • Separated them from everyone else
  • They are protected and free but are forced to
    keep their distance
  • What does this ensure?
  • Treaty of Westphalia (ends 30 yrs. war)
  • Many newly independent states emerge
  • Sweden, France, Netherlands
  • Power of the HRE broken
  • 300 German states will emerge and each can
    choose to be either Catholic or Lutheran
  • Allows people to choose their religion
  • Initiated the modern fashion of diplomacy AND

  • Grows out of the call of action by individuals
  • Jan Hus
  • (Czech followers called Hussites)
  • John Wycliffe
  • (English followers called Lollards) (around at
    the same time)
  • Speak out against the organization of the church
    (not religion)
  • They say to translate the bible into languages so
    people can read it
  • Church doesnt embrace the vernacular until 1960s
  • They are violating church doctrine and are
    therefore considered heretics
  • Excommunication
  • No one can assist you that is associated with the
  • The church would come down with an interdict
    (community excommunication)
  • All of these things mean you go to hell which is
    a VERY big deal
  • Both men were very committed to their opinions
  • Wycliffe friends in high places because he was
    allowed to live out his life in England
  • Hus tricked, invited to plead his case and was
    sent home and burned at the stake
  • are left to keep the ideas alive

Church Corruption
  • Simony
  • Selling church position and not appointing
  • Nepotism
  • Giving to family
  • Pluralism
  • One person holding more than one position
  • Sale of Indulgences
  • To be saved you must accumulate x of good deeds
  • Those who were saints had left over goods deeds
  • Members of the church sold those and gave
    certificates saying that you were saved
  • Church does this more and more when they need
    more money
  • Money goes to Rome
  • Some skimmed by the kings where they were sold

Martin Luther
  • A Monk on a Misson
  • Money to Rome REALLY bothers Martin Luther
  • He was a monk (Catholic Priest) and while on
    pilgrimage to Rome, sees its glory
  • Back home he sees the selling of indulgences
    (16th century)
  • October 31, 1517 - 95 Theses
  • He posts his opinion to argue publicly
  • He says why send money out of German states when
    it is needed elsewhere and also debates simony,
    nepotism, etc
  • The importance of Faith
  • The way you can be saved is faith
  • Martin Luther vs. Charles V
  • In this time period, Charles I of Spain becomes
    Charles V, HREmperor
  • Now Spain united under Charles I
  • He unifies the Hapsburg lands in HRE
  • Luther is promised safe passage but there is a
    plan to arrest and punish him
  • King Fredrick III of Saxony
  • After Excommunication at Diet of Worms, he is
    kidnapped by Fredrick the III, King of Saxony
  • Saxony is where this started

Protestant Reformation Gains Speed
  • Luthers Motive
  • motivation is that he wants the church to
    re-form thus this becomes the Reformation
  • Protestors
  • His followers known as protesters and they become
    the Protestants and officially known as Lutherans
  • 1529- Lutherans emerge
  • 1536 Calvinists emerge
  • John Calvin Frenchman living in Geneva
  • Protestant but they believe that not faith alone
    saves you but you are predestined to be saved (go
    to heaven or hell)
  • Promote education, ministers become moral
  • Why behave?
  • Proves that you are part of the chosen elect who
    are to go to heaven
  • IF you behave and there is heaven, reward, behave
    and none ok, misbehave and none ok, misbehave
    and is - hell
  • Calvinists known today as Presbyterians

  • 1530 1555
  • Religious wars (Catholic vs. Protestant)
  • Peace Treaty at Augsburg
  • Whoever is in charge decides
  • Whose region, his religion
  • Northern half becomes Lutherans and southern
    becomes Catholic
  • French Religious conflict
  • Catholic but close to Calvinist influence creep
    in via the Huguenots
  • Catholic ruling family will try to get rid of
  • To attempt to unify support
  • Monarchs cant control two churches
  • 1589 French Bourbon dynasty to the throne
    (Henry IV)
  • He was a protestant but if he is going to unify
    he takes advice from Machiavelli
  • Protestant but he has acquired a Catholic nation
    via his birthright
  • Converts to Catholicism because that is what he
    must do
  • He will however protect his Huguenot friends
  • Arranges marriage between protestant man in Spain
    and his daughter
  • He will however protect his Huguenots
  • Passes the Edict of Nantes (1598)

Spanish Reformation
  • 1469 Ferdinand marries Isabella
  • Unites the two largest states Castile (Isabella)
    and Aragon(Ferdinand)
  • Religious intolerance
  • Previous Reconquistas 11th century and 1391
  • 2nd half of the 15th century spent eliminating
    the minor religious factions
  • Muslims, Jews
  • They could convert, leave, or be killed
  • Chief Inquisitor Torquemada
  • Spain becomes the most Catholic nation and the
    church borrows the inquisition methods and there
    will be a Catholic inquisition

Reformation in England
  • (a self-centered reformation)
  • Centered around Henry VIII
  • Second born son of the VII (1485 came to power)
  • His older brother Arthur
  • Land obtained through war or marriage at this
  • Most successful nation at this time was Spain
  • Arthur was married to Catherine of Aragon
  • Good catholic, well connected, from Aragon, Aunt
    of King of Spain who is also the Holy Roman
  • Henry VIII married to Catherine when he is old
    enough (she is much older)
  • The have a child that is a girl and he needs a
    male heir

England issues with Henry VIII
  • He becomes disinterested with Catherine and he
    has affairs
  • Anne Boelyn catches his eye
  • She will have nothing to do with him unless he is
    not married
  • At this time he is a strong Catholic (they had
    called him the defender of the faith)
  • Henry sends a representative to the pope to ask
    for an anullment because thou shalt not marry
    thy brothers wife

English Issues
  • Henry has parliament pass the Act of Supremacy
  • It says that Henry is the head of the church
  • He breaks with the Catholic Church
  • Over the need for a new wife
  • He keeps it the same as the Catholic faith.
  • It becomes known as Anglican or Episcopal Church
  • Up to this point Catholic Church has educated
    people via monks
  • Henry VIII abolishes the monasteries, takes their
    land, and he sells it
  • This makes people happy because they do not need
    to pay the Catholic Church
  • This will cause conflict between the Catholic and
    Anglican Church
  • England Anglican
  • Scotland John Knox takes Calvinism (studied
    under John Calvin) to Scotland and develops
  • Catholic Ireland
  • Catholic Spain, Italian peninsula, southern

Divorced Beheaded died Divorced Beheaded Survived
  • http//
    wives.html - head4
  • 'My Lord, if it were not to satisfy the world,
    and My Realm, I would not do that I must do this
    day for none earthly thing.' Henry VIII to
    Cromwell on his wedding day to Anne of Cleves

Religious Conflict
  • Ottoman Empire almost into HRE.
  • In Austria, more specifically Bohemia
  • 1618 1648 (30 Years War)
  • IN Bohemia (present Czech republic) practicing
  • Afraid they will have to be catholic
  • Defenestration of Prague
  • Ferdinand II (HRE) sends Catholic ministers sent
    to a castle in Prague/Bohemia and they were
    thrown out by Calvinists and Fredrick V
  • Threw men out the third story window and they
  • End up with Angels or Manure?
  • Beginning of war
  • This was an act against Catholics
  • Lasts 30 years because others trying to get power
  • War ends when Swede leader Gustavas Adolphus
    thwarts the Catholic advances
  • French come in and you would think they would
    join the Catholic but they join the Swedes for
    political reasons because they want more power
    and they feel this will push back HRE

Peace of Westphalia (1648)
  • Sweden becomes independent, northern Netherlands
    become independent
  • Now you can be Catholic, Lutheran, or Calvinist
  • Spain Catholic with HRE
  • Br Anglican, Catholic, or Presbyterian
  • This brings an end to Religious Conflict
  • 1453 1648
  • Spain and Portugal have been leading exploration
  • Mediterranean has been trade route but now they
    are going to the Atlantic
  • What type of Christianity did they spread?

Trade and View Shift
  • Italy and Hanseatic league not important now
  • God Gold Glory is the reason that they explore
  • Why do Spanish and Portugal turn outward?
  • They want a shorter route so they can cut out the
    middle man
  • Catholic in 15th century view of profit changed
  • Up to this time you produce only enough for
  • The Calvinist View
  • You produce from sun up to sun down
  • Beginning of the Protestant Work Ethic
  • Creates a surplus that generates a profit
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