Title: Staying on The Healthy Track Fit Mum Healthy Mum
1Safe exercises for new mums to do soon after
2Staying on The Healthy Track
So, your little bundle of joy has arrived and now
you want to focus on getting your body back into
shape by eating healthily and training. Remember
it can take some time for new mums to regain
their pre-baby figure, so dont expect it to
happen overnight!
3Increase Your Fitness by 60 in 7 Days!
After pregnancy you may have gained a little
unwanted weight and lost fitness. Give this 7 day
workout challenge a go to increase your fitness
by 60. It only takes 20 minutes a day.
4Power Napping is Great For New Mums
New mums need their sleep. Unfortunately, the
adorable new arrival also needs to be fed and
changed in the dead of night when Mum should be
sleeping this obviously leads to a very tired
new Mum. However, there are ways to compensate
for this lack of night time sleep, with power
napping being an extremely effective method to
recharge the batteries.
5Contact Us
This site helps you to improve your health and
fitness in the years following childbirth. It
recognises the realities of the many challenges
faced in fitting in exercise with raising a happy
and healthy child, while providing you with
evidence-based information. The tools are here -
it's up to you to take action!