Title: ESL 433 N Effective Communication / snaptutorial.com
1ESL 433 N Effective Communication /
2ESL 433 N Effective Communication /
ESL 433 N Week 1 Assignment Achieving ELL
Goals For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.co
m ESL 433N Week 1 Assignment Achieving ELL
3ESL 433 N Effective Communication /
ESL 433 N Week 1 Assignment English Language
Proficiency Standards For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com ESL 433N Week 1
Assignment English Language Proficiency
Standards Details Using the English Language
Proficiency Standards (ELP) from Arizona or from
your state,
4ESL 433 N Effective Communication /
ESL 433 N Week 1 Discussion Question 1 For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com ESL 433N
Week 1 Discussion Question 1 According to Jim
Cummins, social language (BICS) takes 1-3 years
while academic language (CALP) is more difficult
and takes 5-8 years to develop. Describe the
differences between BICS and CALP. How can
5ESL 433 N Effective Communication /
ESL 433 N Week 2 Assignment Cultivating Home and
School Partnerships For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com ESL 433N Week 2
Assignment Cultivating Home and School
Partnerships Details After watching the
Immersion and ELL Parent Involvement videos,
create a 10-15 slide PowerPoint that addresses
the following questions.
6ESL 433 N Effective Communication /
ESL 433 N Week 2 Discussion Question 2 For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com ESL 433N
Week 2 Discussion Question 2 What are some of
the potential effects of bilingualism and home
language use for a student attending classes that
are delivered in English? How might these effects
differ based on the age of the student?
7ESL 433 N Effective Communication /
ESL 433 N Week 3 Assignment Proficiency Level
Analysis For more classes visit www.snaptutorial
.com ESL 433N Week 3 Assignment Proficiency
Level Analysis Details Analyze the
proficiency levels of the students in Ms.
Jensens class to place them into appropriate
8ESL 433 N Effective Communication /
ESL 433 N Week 4 Assignment ELL Classroom
Observation Using SIOP For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com ESL 433N Week 4
Assignment ELL Classroom Observation Using
SIOP Details For this assignment, observe,
and assess at least one lesson involving ELLs
using the Sheltered Instruction
9ESL 433 N Effective Communication /
ESL 433 N Week 4 Building Vocabulary for ELLs in
the Pre-production and Early Production
Stages For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.c
om ESL 433N Week 4 Building Vocabulary for ELLs
in the Pre-production and Early Production
Stages Details From your required reading
and other sources, write a 500-750 word
persuasive essay
10ESL 433 N Effective Communication /
ESL 433 N Week 4 Discussion Question 1 For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com ESL 433N
Week 4 Discussion Question 1 After reading
chapter 17 in 50 Strategies for Teaching English
Language Learners, choose a curriculum area and a
grade level you hope to teach. Using the steps
listed in the text regarding the implementation
of sorting activities explain how you would use
these sorting activities to teach language.
11ESL 433 N Effective Communication /
ESL 433 N Week 4 Discussion Question 2 For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com ESL 433N
Week 4 Discussion Question 2 In Sheltered
Content Instruction Teaching English Learners
with Diverse Abilities, cognitive, met cognitive,
12ESL 433 N Effective Communication /
ESL 433 N Week 5 Assignment Graphic
Organizer For more classes visit www.snaptutoria
l.com ESL 433N Week 5 Assignment Graphic
Organizer Details Create a graphic
organizer, or complete the table attached, to
identify and describe oral, reading, and writing
13ESL 433 N Effective Communication /
ESL 433 N Week 5 Discussion Question 1 For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com ESL 433N
Week 5 Discussion Question 1 If you were
teaching a learning strategy to students with
intermediate English proficiency, what specific
guidelines would be critical for you to consider
when planning the lesson?
14ESL 433 N Effective Communication /
ESL 433 N Week 5 Discussion Question 2 For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com ESL 433N
Week 5 Discussion Question 2 A teacher starts
the beginning of the school year with 25 sixth
graders, all of whom are proficient in the English
15ESL 433 N Effective Communication /
ESL 433 N Week 6 Assignment ELL Instructor
Interview For more classes visit www.snaptutoria
l.com ESL 433N Week 6 Assignment ELL Instructor
Interview Details Interview an ELL
instructor from a Title I school about how
assessment is used for placement.
16ESL 433 N Effective Communication /
ESL 433 N Week 6 Evaluating and Selecting
Assessments For more classes visit www.snaptutor
ial.com ESL 433N Week 6 Evaluating and
Selecting Assessments Details Table 1 in the
Smith article describes concepts, principles, and
checklist items that can be used to evaluate
17ESL 433 N Effective Communication /
ESL 433 N Week 7 Assignment Benchmark Using SEI
Strategies in a SIOP Lesson Plan For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com ESL 433N
Week 7 Assignment Benchmark Using SEI Strategies
in a SIOP Lesson Plan Details For this
benchmark, create a SIOP lesson plan that
integrates students reading levels, cultural
18ESL 433 N Effective Communication /
ESL 433 N Week 8 Assignment Academic Vocabulary
Strategies For more classes visit www.snaptutori
al.com ESL 433N Week 8 Assignment Academic
Vocabulary Strategies Details Based on the
strategies that you learned about in this course
and your required readings, write a 250-word
reflection about how you would integrate academic
vocabulary in the content areas.
19ESL 433 N Effective Communication /