Title: Use of competencies
1Use of competencies
- In vocational orientationa matching process
2The way towards work a (dynamic) process
Individual with self responsibility/ dynamic -
Determination of pathway
Determination of job target
Training Course Care
Job target
Self exploration labour market exploration
job target
Positioning oneself on the labour market
reality test
Orientation centre supports these components
3Think in terms of competencies
Job seeker
Profession/function/job offer
Target groups
Description in the CO.BR.A-files Function
analysis Elaborating job offers
How to detect? Storing them in a job seekers
competencies Being/wanting/knowingattitude/motiv
demanded competencies Key competenciesTechnical
4Competency VDAB definition
- A competency is
- a real and individual capacity to use
- knowledge (theoretical and practical),
- technical skills and
- soft skills
- in acting,
- within and in view of
- the concrete, everyday and altering working
situation and - personal and society bound activities.
5Vocational orientation tools
Orientation dimensionsON MY SIDE
CO.BR.A -files
Vocational orientation based on Competencies
Competency dimension
BORCOMP- professions
Hard skills
Worth exploring
Soft skills
BORINT- professions
Vocational orientation based on interests
Situation world of professions
- Vocational orientation based on competencies
7step -1 deciding on the use of the instrument
- From the view point of the counsellor
- Will the use of the instrument be to the
customers advantage? - Can I use the instrument?1. Do I know the
possibilities and the limits of the
instrument?2. Am I able to apply the
instrument?3. Is the customer able to use the
instrument? What kind of guidance should I offer?
8BORCOMP setting
MATCHING via algorithm
List of matching occupations, in descending order
9Step 1 chose the result level
- What occupational level do you want the results
to have? - Occupations suitable for everybody, no training
needed - For which a minor training or low diploma
suffices - Thorough training needed or secondary school
diploma - Higher education or training necessary
- University studies or management training needed
- Choose
- 1 level
- 2 adjacent levels
- all levels
- What you choose is what you get
- Occupations that were originally put on the
chosen scale - The narrower the chosen level, the more accurate
the results are
10Question marks are there to help
11Step 2 evaluate your key competencies
- 73 key competencies personal behavioural
competencies that occur in every occupation - Presented in sets of 11
- Additional description in pop-up
- Scoring these competencies
- 0 not at all
- 1 limited
- 2 good
- 3 very good
- Honest self description, please!
12Evaluate your key competencies
13Step 3 the professional competencies
- Elaborate your own questionnaire not too long
and not too short tailor made - 3000 competencies in COBRA, arranged in 19
domains (occupational groups) and 158 competency
clusters - Click open those branches where you expect to
find your competencies - Tick the subgroup that accords to your
competencies (even if it is not completely so) - Pop-up for more explanation
- You need to tick at least 1 subgroup to receive
any result, but ticking several subgroup will
make the results much more relevant.
1419 main groups
15More information content pops up
16Main groups opened up
17In the black box
- 555 occupations, 3000 competencies, how to match?
- The need of an inventory of competencies to
provide matching possibility - Score
- Essential? 1000 points
- Extra? 400 points
- Important but not essential? 250 points
- Professional skills per group (source of
mistake) - Is the ticked key competency
- 0 1 of the points
- 1 25 of the points
- 2 66 of the points
- 3 100 of the points
- The choice of the occupational level is so
important 1/3 of the points - No other factors!
- Counting the points per occupation
- gt85 definitely feasible
- gt70 feasible on condition of a certain effort
- gt50 hardly feasible
18(No Transcript)
19Step 4 matching occupations
- Result of the algorithm in the black box is a
list of all feasible occupations, in descending
order of feasibility (10 to sometimes gt 50) - 4 classes
- definitely feasible
- feasible on condition of a certain effort
- hardly feasible
- not feasible (are not shown)
- Not shown occupations can be consulted via the
complete list of occupations
21Step 5 explore your match per occupation
- Click a shown occupation in the resulting list.
- You will see a report on the accordance that this
occupation shows with all ticked competencies - Is the choice of level right?
- Do you have the competencies that are
essential/extra/important? - What key competencies (soft skills), technical
competencies do you possess that are demanded by
the occupation? - What are the necessary competencies for this
occupation that you have not ticked? - If you understand here that
- You did not score the correct competencies or you
did not score some competencies correctly, you
can always adapt your score (remain honest!) - You chose a occupational level that is too high
or too low, you can point another level and have
the match redone - Do you want to know more on this occupation
(CO.BR.A file, the Labour market situation,
present job offers)? Click on!
22CO.BR.A description of the occupation
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24Labour market information
25Labour market information
26Present job offers
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29Step 6 adapt your input
- Starting from the list of results you can always
return to the previous screens. - You can adapt (whenever)
- the occupational level
- your scores for the soft skills
- the different technical competency groups (add
groups, delete groups) - This way you get an adapted list of results
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35Sources of misunderstandings
- Sometimes one hears this is a bad test or the
test is lying - Think of the following items
- The occupations shown are scaled at the level
that was chosen - BORCOMP does not take into account interests,
diploma, certificates, work conditions only
competencies. - Was the self judgement honest and objective?
- Were all available competencies taken into
account? - The black box works from technical en pragmatic
point of view- with all competencies from a
ticked cluster. This can cause some inaccuracy
for some customers. -
- BORCOMP gives information. BORCOMP tells you in
what occupations the competencies occur that you
pointed out - It tells you what competencies you have and dont
have for a certain occupation. - BORCOMP does NOT tell you what you HAVE to DO!!!
36New Project
- International (Leonardo) project (Be, UK, Fr)
- Integration of BORCOMP and BORINT
- Additional filters eg personal features,
medical indications (handicaps), work domains - As to obtain lacking competencies there is a
consequent link with training courses or studies - End of project operational prototype by 08/ 2011
37New Project
Want to integrate interests and competences as
basis for orientation Want a scientific
validation of competency clusters Want a link to
training programs/studies Want a filter on
medical defiance, personal features,
Want to integrate technical competences in
ADOL Want to have LM-information system
Vocational orientation tool
Want to develop a study orienting toolWant to
integrate the choices experience in this
project Want medical factors to co-determine the
output of orientation tool
Are interested in competency clusters
INOIP de compétences vers les formations, par
intermédiaire des professions
GO!Choices experience and database
38New Project
Prototype of the orientation system
Training courses
Medical factorspersonal features
Matching of vacancies and job seekers by means
of competencies
- Job offers are put in, in terms of competencies
- Competencies can be found starting from
occupations, sector, competency structure or
headword - Candidates are tested on key competencies ánd
technical competencies
- Job seekers undergo test on key competencies
(only once), on-line - First matching on key competencies
- Good candidates receive second test, on technical
competencies, for a number of job offers - Best candidates on both tests are presented to
the employer
- Experiment in the Aalst region
- Methodology on how to formulate job offers in
terms of competencies - Selection of a large number of candidates (at
random or slightly directed) - Testing of the matching engine
- Comparison of the results to the present matching
results (by occupation, etc) - Presentation of the results to employers
- Co-operation between VDAB and Case Builders
- Start of project 1/12/2008
- Start of experiment 3/11/2009
- End of experiment 15/12/2009
- Evaluation 01/2010
- Dissemination from 03/2010 onwards
- Short demo test