Title: From Ed Batista: On Decision-Making
1From Ed Batista On Decision-Making
Divergent Thinking (Generate)
Convergent Thinking (Eliminate)
(1) Initiate the decision-making process in
divergent thinking mode, generating as many
options as possible. Stay in this stage as long
as necessary and no longer. (2) At the end of
this stage, mark a clear transition in the
process. Take a break or simply note that youre
shifting gears. Be aware that the next stage
will require a different mindset. (3) Begin to
move toward closure by entering convergent
thinking mode, eliminating options using whatever
criteria youve chosen. Adapted from the
Facilitators Guide to Participatory
Decision-Making, Sam Kaner et al
(http//bit.ly/1PFr75), and What Color Is Your
Parachute? (2008 edition), Richard Nelson Bolles