Title: Joan of Arc
1Joan of Arc
By Irma Villanueva Elizabeth Geronimo
2Country of Origin
Joan of Arc was a heroine from France. She was
beatified in 1909. She became a saint in 1920.
3Facts about Joan of Arc
I learned that Joan of Arc was born in France on
January in 1412. Her parents were Jacques DArc
and Isabelle Romee. Her birthplace is now a
museum. She died on May 30, 1431. Every year on
May 30th theres a feast for her in France.
4Joan had a vision that God had told her to make
her country free from the English people. They
didnt believe her so they killed her when she
was only 19 years old. She used weapons, wore an
armor like a real soldier, and held a French flag
in her hands so she could save her country and
protect herself.
5Joan went to the King Charles VII and told him
that she had visions that God had told her to
save France. The king believed her. She went
with an army of 5,000 men to fight the English.
6One day, the English caught Joan and put her in a
cage because they thought that she was a witch.
The English put two men to watch her so that she
wouldnt escape. Then, the English transferred
her to the highest room at this tall tower.
7Joan of Arc died by getting burned at the stake
by the English because they thought she was a
Joan of Arc has a good armor and weapons to
protect herself and be safe. I wish I couldve
met her in real life so we can play and I can see
her weapons. Maybe she could even teach me to
fight like a real soldier. I like Joan because
she fought an army. She had to be brave and
Joan of Arc by Mark Twain Joan of Arc The Image
of Female Heroism by Marina Warner St. Joan of
Arc by John Beevers
Joan of Arc (1999) The Story of Joan of Arc
(1999) La Passion de Jeanne DArc (1928)
11Internet Sites Visited
wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_of_Arc amazon.com/Joan-of-