Title: Im Designed to Be Christlike
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- 1 Peter 410
- Each one should use whatever gift he has
received to serve others.
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6- 2 Peter 311
- What kind of people ought you to be?
- You ought to live holy godly lives.
7Purpose 4 GROWTH
- God wants me to becomegodly
8Purpose 4 GROWTH
- God wants me to becomegodly
Let us go on become mature, start thinking
about more than just the basic things we were
taught. Heb.61 So you become mature
well-developed, not deficient in any way. James
9Purpose 4 GROWTH
- God wants me to becomegodly
fully mature adults, fully developed within
without, fully aliveEph.413 God wants us to
grow upEph.415
10Purpose 4 GROWTH
- God wants me to becomegodly
In response to God's Son, fully mature adults,
fully developed within without, fully alive
like Christ. Eph.413 God wants us to grow
uplike Christ in everything. Eph.415
11Romans 828-29
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12Purpose 4 GROWTH
- God wants me to becomegodly
For from the very beginning God decided that
those who came to Him He knew who would should
become like His Son. Rom.829 (LB)
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14Gods All Purpose Growth Tools
You will know the Truth, the Truth will set
you free." John 832
15Gods All Purpose Growth Tools
- The Bible (Purpose 1)
- Other Christians (Purpose 2)
16Gods All Purpose Growth Tools
- The Bible (Purpose 1)
- Other Christians (Purpose 2)
- Serving others (Purpose 3)
17God Uses TEMPTATIONS to Teach Me to OBEY Him!
18God Uses TEMPTATIONS to Teach Me to OBEY Him!
- Basic truths about temptations
- They come from Satan, not God
19God Uses TEMPTATIONS to Teach Me to OBEY Him!
- Basic truths about temptations
- They come from Satan, not God
- Each offers me a choice
20God Uses TEMPTATIONS to Teach Me to OBEY Him!
- Basic truths about temptations
- They come from Satan, not God
- Each offers me a choice
- Character builds through right choices
21Matthew 41-11
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22God Uses TEMPTATIONS to Teach Me to OBEY Him!
- Reassuring truths about temptations
- A temptation isnt a sin (James 115)
23- You cant keep the birds from flying over your
head, but you can keep them from building a nest
in your hair. - Martin Luther
24God Uses TEMPTATIONS to Teach Me to OBEY Him!
- Reassuring truths about temptations
- My temptation isnt unique
Remember that the temptations that come into
your life are no different from what others
experience. 1 Cor. 1013a
25- He (Jesus) has been tempted in every way, just
as we areyet was without sin So let us come
boldly to the throne of our Gracious God. There
well receive His mercy, find grace to help us
when we need it. Hebrews 415-16
26God Uses TEMPTATIONS to Teach Me to OBEY Him!
- Reassuring truths about temptations
- My temptation isnt invincible
I can do everything with the help of Christ who
gives me the strength I need. Phil. 413 God is
faithful. Hell keep the temptation from becoming
so strong that you cant stand up against it.
When youre tempted, Hell show you a way out so
that youll no give in to it. 1 Cor. 1013b
27God Uses TEMPTATIONS to Teach Me to OBEY Him!
- How to defeat temptations
- For wrong thoughtsresist with Truth (v.4,7,10)
Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
James 47
28God Uses TEMPTATIONS to Teach Me to OBEY Him!
- How to defeat temptations
- For wrong thoughtsresist with Truth (v.4,7,10)
Fix your thoughts on whats honorable right.
Think about things that are pure lovely
admirable. Think about things that are excellent
worthy of praise. Phil. 48
29God Uses TEMPTATIONS to Teach Me to OBEY Him!
- How to defeat temptations
- For wrong thoughtsresist with Truth
- For sinful lustsflee immediately
Flee from sexual immorality. 1 Cor. 618 Run
from anything that stimulates youthful lust. 2
Timothy 222a
30God Uses TEMPTATIONS to Teach Me to OBEY Him!
- How to defeat temptations
- For wrong thoughtsresist with Truth
- For sinful lustsflee immediately
- Pursue godly priorities
Follow anything that makes you want to do right.
Pursue faith, love, peace, enjoy the
companionship of those who call on the Lord with
pure hearts. 2 Timothy 222b
31God Uses TEMPTATIONS to Teach Me to OBEY Him!
- How to defeat temptations
- For wrong thoughtsresist with Truth
- For sinful lustsflee immediately
- Pursue godly priorities
- Get a spiritual partner
Youre better off to have a friend than to be
all aloneIf you fall, your friend can help you
up. Eccl. 49-10
32God Uses TEMPTATIONS to Teach Me to OBEY Him!
- How to defeat temptations
- For wrong thoughtsresist with Truth
- For sinful lustsflee immediately
- Every temptation is a love test
If you love Me, youll obey what I
command. John 1415
33God Uses DIFFICULTIES to Teach Me to TRUST Him!
34God Uses DIFFICULTIES to Teach Me to TRUST Him!
- Basic truths about difficulties
- Life is a classroom to develop character
Troubles produce patience, patience produces
character, character produces hope. Romans
35God Uses DIFFICULTIES to Teach Me to TRUST Him!
- Basic truths about difficulties
- Life is a classroom to develop character
- Every problem has a faith-stretching purpose
- (e.g.) Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane
36Matthew 2637-39
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37- The worry in My heart is so great that is almost
crushes Me - Mark 1434
38God Uses DIFFICULTIES to Teach Me to TRUST Him!
- Basic truths about difficulties
- Life is a classroom to develop character
- Every problem has a faith-stretching purpose
- Being like Jesus means trusting God during
39God Uses DIFFICULTIES to Teach Me to TRUST Him!
- Helpful aids in troubling times
- Keep a spiritual journal of lessons learned
At the Lords direction, Moses kept a written
record of their progress. Numbers 332
40God Uses DIFFICULTIES to Teach Me to TRUST Him!
- Helpful aids in troubling times
- Remember God rewards character development
Our light momentary troubles are achieving for
us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
2 Corinthians 417
41God Uses OFFENSES to Teach Me to FORGIVE!
42God Uses OFFENSES to Teach Me to FORGIVE!
Basic truths about offenses
- Offenses arent good, theyre evil.
43God Uses OFFENSES to Teach Me to FORGIVE!
Basic truths about offenses
- Offenses arent good, theyre evil.
- God doesnt cause or encourage offenses.
44God Uses OFFENSES to Teach Me to FORGIVE!
Basic truths about offenses
- Offenses arent good, theyre evil.
- God doesnt cause or encourage offenses.
- Didnt even shield Jesus from them
45God Uses OFFENSES to Teach Me to FORGIVE!
How Jesus responded
Jesus said, Father, forgive these people,
because they dont know what they are doing.
Luke 2334 They called Him every name in the
book He said nothing back. He suffered in
silence, intent to let God set things right. 1
Peter 223
46God Uses OFFENSES to Teach Me to FORGIVE!
How Jesus responded
- He yielded His right to get even.
- He absorbed the hurt pain.
- He responded to evil with good
- forgave them
47God Uses OFFENSES to Teach Me to FORGIVE!
How I learn to forgive
- Cant learn it unless someone has hurt me.
48God Uses OFFENSES to Teach Me to FORGIVE!
How I learn to forgive
49God Uses OFFENSES to Teach Me to FORGIVE!
How I learn to forgive
50God Uses OFFENSES to Teach Me to FORGIVE!
How I learn to forgive
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for
good to accomplish what is now being done, the
saving of many lives. Genesis 5020
51God Uses OFFENSES to Teach Me to FORGIVE!
2 convictions
- My greatest testimonyhow I handle hurt
52God Uses OFFENSES to Teach Me to FORGIVE!
2 convictions
- My greatest testimonyhow I handle hurt
- Im most like Christ, when I suffer for others
53- We go through exactly what Christ goes through.
But if we go through the hard times with Him,
then were certainly going to go through the good
times with Him. - Romans 817
- Philippians 25
- Your attitude should be the same as that of
Christ Jesus.
55God Uses TEMPTATIONS to Teach Me to
56God Uses TEMPTATIONS to Teach Me toOBEY Him!
57God Uses DIFFICULTIES to Teach Me to
58God Uses DIFFICULTIES to Teach Me toTRUST Him!
59God Uses OFFENSES to Teach Me to
60God Uses OFFENSES to Teach Me toFORGIVE Others!