Title: Aucun titre de diapositive
1 Action plan for improvement of the air quality
in the Rio de Janeiro metropolitan area RENAULT -
2Presentation of the Consortium
RENAULT Pilot of the study and actor for core
business data documentation (eg fleet, on road
emission factors, mobility aspects
....) CITEPA Emission inventory except for
traffic INGEROP Traffic management model and
urban mobility ARIA Technology Air quality
dispersion modelling
International recognition of the competencies in
their specific domain
3Main objectives
- Develop a modelling tool to support air quality
policy - decision making in the Rio de Janeiro
metropolitan area - Customer for the project Rio City Hall
- Air quality descriptors documented
- sulphur dioxide (SO2)
- Nitrogen oxides (Nox)
- carbon monoxyde (CO)
- Total suspended particulate (TSP)
- Base year 2000 mid term business as usual
2010 - Provide results for 5 scenarios linked
- to major input data modifications
4 Emission inventory for man made
sources except road traffic
- Technical Interprofessional Centre on Atmospheric
Pollution Studies (Non-profit association
founded in 1961) - Expertise in
- Emission inventories (past, present and future)
- Abatement techniques and related costs
- Assessment of economical impact of new policies
- Atmospheric pollutant emission regulation
- Three types of clients
- Industry
- Administration (ministries, public institutions)
- International bodies (European Commission,
European Environmental Agency,Economic Commission
for Europe of United Nations, Eurostat, WHO)
5 Emission inventory for man made
sources except road traffic
French National Reference Centre for atmospheric
pollutant emission inventories
- Main references in air emission inventories
- Inventories for international bodies (Greenhouse
gas inventory (UNFCCC), Transboundary air
pollution (UNECE), European Commission statistics
(EUROSTAT)...) - Inventories for
- French Ministry of Sustainable Development
(MEDD), - Local administration,
- Local air quality monitoring networks,
- French Agency for Environment and Energy
Management - ...
6 Emission inventory for man made
sources except road traffic
International expertise in Inventory methodology
- Major contribution to the creation of the
- CORINAIR system
- Work for harmonisation of inventory
- methodologies
- Participation to the development of different
- inventory formats (UNECE (transboundary air
pollution), - UNFCCC (greenhouse gas emissions), ...)
7 Emission inventory for anthropic
sources except road traffic
- Role in the project
- Inventory of NOx, SO2, TSP and CO of fixed
- sources
- Industry
- Energy production
- Waste incineration
- Residential and commercial
activities - Airports, harbours
- Potential reductions of NOx, SO2, TSP and CO
- emissions in fixed sources
- Proposals for action plans for industry emission
8 Emission inventory for road
- Role in the project
- Fleet analysis (vehicle type, age, fuel,...)
- Emissions inventory for the road transport
- SO2, NOx, TSP, CO
- By means of the COPERT model included in the
ARIA model chain. - fleet constitution
- mileage driven
- Emissions factors (g/km)
9Traffic modelling
- Four business lines
- Building and equipment
- Industrial installations
168/172 boulevard de Verdun 92400 Courbevoie Tél
01 49 04 55 00 Fax 01 49 04 68 90 E.mail
ingerop.infra_at_ingerop.com - Internet
10Traffic modelling
11Traffic modelling
- Traffic studies in Brazil
- Rio-Niteroi Bridge
- Linha Amarela
- Highway concession programs
- Dutra
- BR 040
- Anhanguera - Bandeirantes
- Other projects in Sao Paulo State
- Road concession program
- in Parana State (Rodonorte)
12Traffic modelling methodology
- Role in the project
- look for an existing traffic model
- check it
- collect present traffic data (speeds, flows)
- extend the traffic model
- calibrate it on the present situation
- build future scenarios
- use the calibrated model for future traffic
assignments - provide results for the ARIA pollution model
13 Air quality dispersion modelling
- Founded in 1990 from an EDF-RD spin-off
- Shareholders Air Liquide (88), Founders (12)
- Validated Software developed in cooperation with
EDF, ENEL, CNRS and with financial support of
French Ministries,ADEME. - Used by Department of Defence USA, Firemen of
Cincinnati, / cities of Paris, Strasbourg, Lyon,
Torino, Firenze, Sicilia, Sao Paulo/ main
industries as Total, Renault, Lafarge, Groupe
Chimique Tunisien... - ARIA international (30 of Activity)
- Partnerships
- Spain, Portugal, Japan, Tunisia, USA
- Major international Projects
- Brazil, USA, China, Morocco, Rumenia
- ARIANET subsidiary in Italy (created Jan 2001)
- ARIA (33), Project Automation (33), Founders
(33) - Field of interest Environmental consulting
14Air quality dispersion modelling
Environmental Studies and Consulting Services
- Air quality at regional scale
- Urban pollution
- Industrial impact
- Environmental accidents
- Applied meteorology
- Impact on community health and the environment
15Air quality dispersion modelling
A range of software
ARIA IMPACT Long-term statistical impact of
industrial, domestic, traffic emissions on air
ARIA RISK Industrial risk assessment
ARIA LOCAL Small-scale dispersion with obstacles
ARIA REGIONAL Analysis and forecast of regional
air pollution
ARIA WIND Calculation for optimisation of wind
ARIA INDUSTRY Real time air pollution modelling
at industrial sites
16Air quality dispersion modelling
- Role in the project
- Statistics about meteorology
- Topography and land use documentation
- Air quality measurement system analyses
- Meteorology modelling
- Dispersion modelling
- Action plan evaluation system
17Project team structure
Pilot Martine Meyer Marc Chiappero
(Local Coordinator)
Pierre Rouveirolles Traffic emission
expert Fleet, emission factors Nadine
Allemand Point sources inventory industry,
résidential, aiports, etc...
Jean Grebert Mobility expert Gilbert
Morio Trafic modelling
Martine Meyer Air Quality expert Jacques
Moussafir Dispersion modelling
18Geographical area convered
Bacia Area 3
19Major steps
Meteorological Model
Emission model
Emission inventory for traffic and other
sources spatial and temporal location
Non reactive dispersion Model
Validation with Air quality measurements
Air quality
20Detailed Deliverables
Two typical Meteorology scenarii
Non reactive compounds Dispersion modelling tool
Emission inventory
Extended traffic modelling tool
Training of the final users
- Action plans
- input data collection
- modelling
- action plan assessment
21Main steps of the study
1- Operational set-up and existing data
gathering 2- Diagnoses and detailed input data
gathering Air quality measurement data
collection Industrial and area sources emission
inventory Mobile sources emission inventory 3-
Modelling Preparation steps (geography, land use
meteorology) Mid term transport evolution
modelling Emission modelling (time and spatial
spreading) Meteorology modelling Dispersion
modelling Installation of the whole modelling
chain in Rio Training of the users 4- Action plan
definition Air Quality measuring and information
system Point sources emission improvement
identification Mobile sources emission
improvements Action plan modeling 5- Action plan
result evaluation
22Main steps of the study
1- Operational set-up and existing data
gathering 2- Diagnoses and detailed input data
gathering Air quality measurement data
collection Industrial and area sources emission
inventory Mobile sources emission inventory 3-
Modelling Preparation steps (geography, land use
meteorology) Mid term transport evolution
modelling Emission modelling (time and spatial
spreading) Meteorology modelling Dispersion
modelling Installation of the whole modelling
chain in Rio Training of the users 4- Action plan
definition Air Quality measuring and information
system Point sources emission improvement
identification Mobile sources emission
improvements Action plan modeling 5- Action plan
result evaluation
23Main steps of the study
1- Operational set-up and existing data
gathering 2- Diagnoses and detailed input data
gathering Air quality measurement data
collection Industrial and area sources emission
inventory Mobile sources emission inventory 3-
Modelling Preparation steps (geography, land use
meteorology) Mid term transport evolution
modelling Emission modelling (time and spatial
spreading) Meteorology modelling Dispersion
modelling Installation of the whole modelling
chain in Rio Training of the users 4- Action plan
definition Air Quality measuring and information
system Point sources emission improvement
identification Mobile sources emission
improvements Action plan modeling 5- Action plan
result evaluation
Final steps of data gathering
Définition of the meteo mean and worst cases
Scenarios definition
24Time table
Start of the activities 01/12/2002 - End point
25Time table
Start of the activities 01/12/2002 - End point
26Time table
Start of the activities 01/12/2002 - End point
Sept. 03
April 03
Fev. 03
27Operational working procedure and reporting
SMAC coordinator enabling access to needed data
Intermediate information
- Renault
- local coordinator
- project pilot
SMAC Coordinator
Step reports
Validation of the reports
World Bank
28Budget structure
Spend to set up the project by the consortium 34
RENAULT contribution 39
18 months project
ARIA contribution 1
Overall budget 1 557 KEuros
FASEP French Ministry of financies funding of
private industry
29 Action plan for improvement of the air quality
in the Rio de Janeiro metropolitan area RENAULT -