1The Empirical Relationship Between Average
Asset Correlation, Firm Probability of Default,
and Asset Size by Jose A. Lopez
Discussion by George Pennacchi Department of
Finance University of Illinois
2I. Contribution of the Paper
- The BCBSs Foundation approach to Internal
Ratings Based capital - requirements assumes that portfolio credits of
a particular type have - identical correlations with a single, common
risk factor. - The papers procedure for estimating a credits
factor correlation is - 1) Compute an appropriate capital charge for a
portfolio based on - each credits correlation derived from
KMVs multi-factor model. -
- 2) For the same portfolio, constrain the KMV
model to a single - factor and find the common correlation for
all credits that gives - the same capital charge as in 1).
- This procedure is repeated for portfolios of
World, U.S., Japanese, - and European credits, with the credits varying
by firm size and EDF.
3- II. Discussion of Main Results
- Cross-country differences in average firm
factor correlations - Country Portfolio Average
Correlation - U.S. 0.16
- Europe 0.13
- Japan 0.26
- Morck, Yeung, and Yu (2000) JFE confirm these
results computing - average stock correlations using domestic and
U.S. market indices. - Country Portfolio Average Correlation
- U.S.
0.14 - U.K. 0.25
- France 0.27
- Europe Netherlands 0.32
- Germany 0.34
- Italy 0.43
- Japan 0.48
4- Firm asset size differences in average firm
factor correlations - Firm Asset Size World Portfolio
Correlation - (0, 100m 0.1000
- 100m, 300m 0.1125
- 300m, 1,000m 0.1375
- ? 1,000m 0.2000
- Paper explains Larger firms can generally be
viewed as a portfolio - of smaller firms.
- But Roll (1988) JF finds that large firms are
not just portfolios of - randomly selected smaller firms. Large firms
tend to specialize in - an industry, reducing the potential for
cross-industry diversification. - Moreover, Roll (1992) JF finds that some
countries specialize in - particular industries, partially explaining
cross-country differences.
5- Average firm correlations increase with credit
quality (lower EDF) - though the effect holds primarily for larger
firms. -
- (A) A time series interpretation When a given
firm gets riskier, say - during an industry downturn, its assets
correlation with the common - factor declines.
- Why should this be so? Do distressed firms
switch to activities - (assets) having less correlation with the
common factor? - (B) A cross section interpretation Firms whose
assets have greater - factor correlation tend to choose safer
capital structures (lower EDFs). - Whether (A) or (B) is true has implications for
implementing capital - standards. If (B), but not (A), is correct,
then a credits correlation - should depend on its EDF at the time the
credit is issued, not its - current EDF.
6- These interpretations are subject to empirical
tests. - (A) As a given credits EDF increases
(decreases) over time, does - the firm assets estimated factor
correlation tend to fall (rise)? - (B) When credits are originated, do borrowers
with high (low) EDFs - tend to have assets with low (high)
estimated factor correlations?
7III. Other Issues
- Property rights as an explanation for assets
factor correlations - Morck, Yeung, and Yu (2000) JFE find stocks
have higher factor - correlations in developing economies with poor
private property rights. - Factor correlations are also greater in
developed economies lacking - corporate governance that protects public
investors. Poor property - rights leads to inter-corporate income shifting
and inhibits risk- - arbitrage firm values are less affected by
firm-specific news. - Time series variation in assets correlations
- Campbell, Lettau, Malkiel, and Xu (2001) JF
document that average - U.S. stock correlations have decline
dramatically, from 0.28 in 1962 - to 0.08 in 1997. Possible reasons younger,
smaller firms are now able - to issue publicly-traded securities trend
toward breaking up - conglomerates.
8- Empirical specifications
- 1) What is the correct underlying sample of
credits? - The papers equally weighted sample of
publicly-traded firms - or a value weighted sample of rated
credits typically held by - banks?
- 2) What is the correct composition of the
common factor? - The papers U.S. and unassigned industry
factors or a global - value weighted average of all country and
industry factors? - If choice does not matter, this may
indicate the poor fit - of any single factor.
9EndNote Morck, Yeung, and Yu (2000) JFE and
Campbell, Lettau, Malkiel, and Xu (2001) JF
report R2s. I have converted them to
correlations by taking the square root. These
papers correlation estimates may not be
directly comparable to those of the current
paper because correlation calculations are done
using returns over different holding periods.
However, the relative differences across
countries and time are noteworthy. Though these
papers report firms equity (stock)
correlations, if firms liabilities grow
deterministically (as is assumed by the KMV
model), they also equal the firms asset