Title: ByLaws Change
2Mission Statement
- The mission of the
- Mercer County School Nurses Association is to
promote high ethical standards for each Certified
School Nurse who functions as an essential and
integral member of the school health team.
3By Laws I II
- By Laws I-Name
- The Name of the Association shall be the Mercer
County School Nurses Association. - By-Law II-Objectives
- Section 1
- To promote high ethical and professional
standards in school nursing practice, provide
educational opportunities for Certified School
Nurses, and to make known the role of the
Certified School Nurse in the educational
environment. - Section 2
- To provide opportunities to discuss procedures,
policies, and educational materials in school
nursing practice and when indicated, present such
policies to local Boards of Education.
4By-Law III Membership
- Section 1
- Regular All school nurses and supervisors
certified as school nurses by the NJ State
Department of Education and currently employed in
Mercer County shall be eligible for regular
membership. Regular members shall have voting
privileges at the meetings of the Association. - Section 2
- Associate-Non- Certified nurses engaged in school
nursing practice in Mercer County, Certified
School Nurses residing in Mercer County but
employed in other Counties and students enrolled
in school nurse certification programs in NJ are
eligible for Associate membership. Associate
members may enjoy the privileges of the
Association but may not vote or hold office. -
- Section 1
- Regular All school nurses and supervisors
certified as school nurses by the NJ State
Department of Education and currently employed in
Mercer County shall be eligible for regular
membership. Regular members shall have voting
privileges at the meetings of the Association,
may hold office and serve on committees. - Section 2
- Associate-Any Registered Nurse who is not
eligible for regular member who is engaged in
school nursing practice may enjoy the privileges
of the Association including voting, serving on
Committees but may not hold office. -
Section 3 Honorary-Permanent membership will be
granted to all retirees.
5By Law IV
- Section 1
- Officers of the Association shall be President,
Vice-President, Recording Secretary,
Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer. - Section 2
- The Executive Board shall consist of the Officers
of the Association and Chairpersons of the
Standing and Special Committees. -
6By Law V-Duties of Officers
Section 1 The President shall preside at all
meetings of the Association and the Executive
Board and shall perform those duties pertaining
to the office as defined by Roberts rules of
- Section 2
- The Vice-President shall perform the duties of
the President in her absence or at her request
and shall work closely with one or more Standing
Committees as the President may suggest. - If the president for any reason vacates the
office, the Vice-President shall assume the
duties of the office.
- Section 2
- The Vice-President shall perform the duties of
the President in the absence or at the request
of the President and shall work closely with one
or more Standing Committees as the President may
suggest. - If the president for any reason vacates the
office, the Vice-President shall assume the
duties of the office. -
7By Law V-Duties of Officers-Section 3
- Section 3
- The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of
all meetings and record the same, read the
minutes to the organization for correction and
approval, and shall assist the presiding officer
before each meeting in preparing a detailed
agenda. She shall be the custodian of these
records for her turn in office.
- Section 3
- The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of
all meetings and record the same, read the
minutes to the organization for correction and
approval, and shall assist the presiding officer
before each meeting in preparing a detailed
agenda and shall be the custodian of these
records for the term in office.
8BY Law V-Duties continued
- Section 4
- The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the
official correspondence for the Association as
directed by the President or the Executive Board
and shall be the custodian of these records for
the term in office. -
- Section 4
- The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the
official correspondence for the Association as
directed by the President or the Executive Board.
She shall be the custodian of these records for
her turn in office.
Section 5 The Treasurer shall be the custodian
of all funds for the Association, receive all
dues and revenue, deposit funds in a bank
designated by the executive Board, submit an
annual budget, attend to all bills and submit an
annual report from the auditor. The Treasurer
shall be bonded when deemed necessary by the
Executive Board.
9BY Law VI-Committees
- Section 1- Legislative Committee
- A. Shall keep the membership informed on local,
state and federal legislation pertinent to school
nurses. -
- Section 2-Membership Committee
- A .Shall be responsible for collecting dues from
and maintaining records of active members. - B. Shall maintain an updated directory of all
Mercer County School Nurses.
10BY Law VI-Section 3
- Section 3-Nominating Committee
- A.Shall consist of a minimum of three members
including the Chairperson - B. The preferential ballot shall be presented to
the Executive Board prior to the annual meeting. - C. The ballot shall be presented to the general
membership for a vote at the annual meeting.
- Section 3-Nominating Committee
- A.Shall consist of a minimum of three members
including the Chairperson - B. The preferential candidates shall be presented
to the Executive Board prior to the annual
meeting. - C. The perspective candidates shall be presented
to the general membership for a vote at the
annual meeting.
11By law IV Section 4
- Section 4-Program Committee
- A. Shall inform the Coordinator of the local
district when the district is scheduled to host
the regular meeting. - B. Shall assist the local district with
coordinating and planning of programs for the
- Section 4-Program Committee
- A. Shall inform the Coordinator of the local
district when the district is scheduled to host
the regular meeting. - B. Shall assist the local district with
coordinating and planning of programs for the
meeting. - C. Shall issue professional development hours for
programs conducted or co-sponsored by the
Association. -
12By Laws VI-Section 5 6
- Section 5-Publicity Committee
- A. Shall send notices to members of regular
meetings and programs. - B. Shall be responsible for publicizing
newsworthy events and notices. - Section 6-Retirement Committee
- A. Shall honor retirees at the annual meeting and
maintain an updated list of Honorary Members.
- Section 5-Publicity Committee
- A. Shall represent the Association at special
events. - B. Shall be responsible for publicizing
newsworthy events and notices. - Section 6-Retirement Committee
- A. Shall arrange for the honoring of retirees at
the annual meeting and maintain an updated list
of Honorary Members. -
13By Laws VI-Section 7
- Section 7-Scholarship Committee
- A. Shall consist of a minimum of three members
including the Chairperson. - B. Shall solicit scholarship candidates from each
district. - C. Shall select annual scholarship recipient in
accordance with established guidelines.
- Section 7-Scholarship Committee
- A. Shall consist of a minimum of three members
including the Chairperson. - B. Shall seek scholarship candidates from each
district. - C. Shall select annual scholarship recipient (s)
in accordance with established guidelines.
14By-Law VI-Section 8,9,10
- Section 8-Ways Means
- A. Shall organize and implement the annual
scholarship fund raiser. - Section 9-Special Committees
- A. Shall be appointed by the President as deemed
necessary. - Section 10-Welfare Committee
- A. Shall be responsible for sending cards to
members for appropriate events.
- Section 8-State/County Liaison
- A. Shall communicate pertinent information
between County and State Associations. - Section 9-Special Committees
- A. Shall be appointed by the President as deemed
necessary. - 1. Historian 2. Web Site Manager
- Section 10-Welfare Committee
- A. Shall be responsible for acknowledging members
for appropriate events. -
15BY Law VII-Meetings
Section 1 Regular meetings of the Association
shall be four times a year. Section 2 The last
meeting of the school year shall be known as the
Annual Meeting and shall be for the purpose of
electing officers, honoring retirees, awarding
the scholarship (s), receiving reports of
officers and committees, and conducting necessary
business. Section 3 Two Officers and eight
members shall constitute a quorum. Section
4 The Executive Board shall meet the month prior
to the regular meeting of the Association and
perform duties assigned to it by the
16By Law VIII-Elections
Section 1 All officers shall be elected at the
annual meeting. Section 2 The term of office for
President, Vice-President, Corresponding
Secretary, Recording Secretary and Treasurer
shall be two years. Section 3 In the event of a
vacancy of an office the President and/or
Executive Board shall appoint a successor until
the next election.
Section 1 All officers shall be elected at the
annual meeting. Section 2 The term of office for
President, Vice-President, Corresponding
Secretary, Recording Secretary and Treasurer
shall be one year, to be elected
annually. Section 3 In the event of a vacancy of
an office the President and/or Executive Board
shall appoint a successor until the next election.
17By Law IX-Annual Dues
Section 1 Regular membership dues shall be
determined by the membership and payable at the
first meeting in the school year. Section
2 Associate membership dues shall be 50 of the
regular membership dues and payable at the first
meeting in the school year.
18By Law X-Amendments
Section 1 Roberts Rules of Order Revised shall
be the Parliamentary authority of the
Association. Section 2 These By-Laws can be
amended at any regular meeting of the Association
by a two-thirds vote of regular members present
provided that the amendments have been submitted
in writing at the previous meeting. Revised
from 1989 to June 2004