Title: PowerPointpresentatie
1Dutch agency for the reception of asylumseekers
(COA) Nicolien Rengers, November 2007 The Dutch
approach to resettlement
2Summary of presentation
- Dutch resettlement programme
- COA pre-arrival activities
- COA centralized reception
- COA (Group)Settlement in Dutch municipalities
- Integration in the Dutch society
- Strong points and challenges
- European project Durable Solutions in Practice
3Dutch resettlement program
- Quota
- (Since 1987) Every three year 1500 refugees
- Selected by the Dutch Immigration Service (INS)
- 4/5 cases during missions, 1/5 cases individually
- Criteria
- 1951 Convention
- European Convention for Human Rights
- Protection for humanitarian reasons
- Family reunification
- Dutch aliens law
- Accepted refugees
- 2005 452. Missions Ecuador (Colombians), Ghana
(Liberians) and Tanzania (Burundians) - 2006 497. Missions Kenia (Sudanese,Congolese,Ethi
opian) and Thailand (Birmees,Nepali,Cambodian) - 2007 550. Missions Tanzania (Burundians,Congolese
), Syria (Irakis), Kenia (Ethiopians) and
4COA Pre arrival activities
- Social intake during selection missions
- Collect data education, work experience, language
knowledge, hobbys - Management of expectations by giving realistic
information - Findings are shared with INS and collected in a
social file - Cultural orientation (mental preparation for
departure) - Provide refugees with important knowledge about
the Netherlands and reception centre - Give refugees a first impression of the Dutch
language - Establish a social network amongst refugees
- Findings are shared with staff reception centre
- Logistic arrangements
- Maximum of 50 persons at once
- Mixed groups leaders and vulnerable cases
- Maximum of two languages
5Pre arrival activities time schedule
2 weeks
4 weeks
Cultural Orientation Training (2 weeks)
2 weeks
8 weeks
Arrival last group in The Netherlands
6COA Purpose built reception centre
- Reception centre Amersfoort
- Centrally located in the Netherlands
- Near Schiphol airport
- Near academic hospitals
- Solely entrusted with the reception of resettled
refugees - Since 1 January 2006
- Capacity of 280 beds
- Units for disabled persons
- Goal
- Preparation for settlement in a Dutch
7COA Centralized reception
- Arrival activities (week 1)
- Medical checks, residence permit, food and
clothes packages - Start-up weekly allowance 50 per adult and 30
to 40 per child - Explanation of modern facilities, security
matters, rights and house rules - Children start at school
- Registration in administration city of Amersfoort
- Programmes (week 2-20)
- Orientation programme find your way in the
center and in city of Amersfoort - Computer lessons
- Nation wide integration programme Dutch lessons,
knowledge Dutch society - Bicycle lessons
- Empowerment defensibility training for women
- Individual coaching (week 1-20)
- Build route map for the future (concerning study
and work) - If necessary practical guidance in appartments
(upbringing children, hygiene)
8(Group)Settlement in Dutch municipalities
- Legal framework
- Every Dutch Municipality obliged to give houses
to refugees - COA connects refugees to houses (first in- first
out) - Group settlement
- 20-30 persons, maximum of 10 houses
- Same group as training group cultural orientation
- Combination vulnerable cases/leaders
- Outflow 2006 and 2007 250 persons to 20
municipalities - Strong points
- Refugees support each other human capital in
group - Efficiency enables personal supervision transfer
- Municipalities can organize groupwise integration
(learn and work) programmes - A chance for positive media attention for
municipalities - Challenge
- Find enough volunteers to provide social guidance
9Integration in the Dutch Society
- Key role players
- Dutch Council for Refugees (NGO) 8000 volunteers
in 93 of the municipalities - Churches
- Mainstream organisations schools, welfare
organizations, municipalities - Employers
- Role of Dutch Council for Refugees (DCFR)
- Individual and social coaching at settlement
- A bridge to the society through a volunteer
mentor - Facilitate procedures of family reunification
- Independent position in advocacy and executive
services - Research DCFR IntegrationBarometer 2006
- economic integration refugees
- Difficult labour market position after 3 years
20, after 10 years 50 employment - Weak income position
- social integration (feeling at home) refugees
- Good contact with Dutch people, 75 has Dutch
friends, 18 member Dutch association - 70 feels involved in the neighbourhood
- 82 feels at home in the Netherlands
- 74 feels well or very well integrated (22 a
little, only 4 not)
10Strong points and challenges
- Strong points Dutch approach
- Positive reactions of refugees on pre arrival
activities and centralized reception - Positive reactions of municipalities on results
of centralized reception - Experienced staff and Dutch Council for Refugees
in reception centre - Same information for every quota refugee
- Visibility of individuals awareness of special
needs - Possibilities of creating a network amongst
refugees - Personal social guidance by trained volunteers in
municipalities - Challenges
- Systematic research integration quota refugees
- Employment and income position quota refugees
- Social participation quota refugees (prevent
isolation) - Provide individual arriving refugee with
(pre)arrival information and programmes - Manage the capacity of reception centre
Amersfoort - Systematic quality control COA-activities
11Durable Solutions in Practice
- COA transfers knowledge/good working practices on
resettlement activities - Financed by European ARGO fund Project Durable
Solutions in Practice - Partners Belgium, Czech Republic (Romania?)
- Time schedule March 2007-June 2008
- General Introduction in the Netherlands (June
2007) - Look and Learn missions Czechs to Kenia (October
and November 2007) - Look and learn missions Belgians to Thailand
(December 2007 and January 2008) - Studyvisits to reception centre Amersfoort
- Workshops in Prague and Brussels (January and
March 2008) - Closing conference in Romania (April 2008)
- For further information www.enaro.eu/DSIP
12- Thank you for your attention!