Planning and navigation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Planning and navigation


Path planning is relevant to industrial robots as well as mobile robots. ... Image by: Vincent Van Gogh : 'Starry Night' Proof. 43 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Planning and navigation

Planning and navigation
  • Are we there yet?

Image courtesy flicker user Caveman92223
Planning and Navigation
  • Mission Planning
  • Where am I going?
  • Path Planning
  • Whats the best way there?
  • Map Making
  • Where have I been?
  • Localization
  • Where am I?

Path Planning
  • Path Planning
  • Given a map and a goal location determine an
    obstacle-free trajectory to reach the goal
  • Path planning is relevant to industrial robots as
    well as mobile robots.
  • Path planning involves considerations of how to
    represent the world, the map and the path itself
  • Two ways of representing a map/path
  • Topological
  • Metric
  • A metric path includes topological path (the
    topological can be derived from the metric).

Configuration Space
  • Given a robot with k degrees of freedom
  • Every possible state can be modeled as a
    k-element vector.
  • This vector corresponds to a point in some
    k-dimensional space
  • The k-dimensional space is the configuration
    space (C-space) of the robot
  • Can plan paths in C-space rather than in
    coordinate space
  • C-space can be applied to mobile robots where the
    configuration space is given by (x, y, angle) and
    obstacles correspond to point columns in

What is the C-space of this robot?
Configuration Space
Representing maps for planning
  • Generally have two ways of representing maps.
  • Topological
  • Relational
  • Data graphs where nodes are locations and edges
    are trajectories
  • Algorithms graph algorithms (single-source
    shortest path)
  • Associative
  • Data perceptual signatures that map to an
    associated location
  • Algorithm neural networks
  • Metric
  • Data Grids (regular, hierarchical, quad trees)
    or CAD-like representations
  • Algorithms Graph algorithms

Metric Maps(cell decomposition)
  • Divide space into non-overlapping smaller
  • Determine a path from one point to goal by
    determining which regions should be traversed.
  • Which regions shouldnt be traversed?
  • Generally interested in best or optimal
    route. What does this mean?
  • Path planning assumes an a priori map of relevant
  • Only as good as last time map was updated.
  • Can a metric map be dynamically updated?

Topological Maps Use Landmarks
  • A landmark is one or more perceptually
    distinctive features of interest on an object or
    locale of interest
  • Natural landmark configuration of existing
    features that wasnt put in the environment to
    aid with the robots navigation (ex. gas station
    on the corner)
  • Artificial landmark set of features added to the
    environment to support navigation (ex. highway

A gateway is an opportunity to change path heading
Nodes indicate landmarks, gateways, or goal
locations Edges indicate a navigable path
  • Create a relational graph for this floorplan
  • Label each edge with the appropriate behavior
  • FH follow hall
  • ND navigate door
  • Label each node with its type
  • DE dead end
  • R room
  • T T intersection

Path Planning Algorithm
  • Representation is a graph.
  • Nodes are places and edges are trajectories
  • Each edge corresponds to some behavior or
    sequence of behaviors follow corridor or go
    through door.
  • How to plan a path?
  • Must consider costs / risks
  • Must consider behaviors
  • Might use a weighted graph shortest path

(No Transcript)
Transition Table
How to handle un-expected changes to the map?
Meadow map
  • Assume a CAD-like map of the shapes (polygons,
    lines, arcs) of the environment.
  • How to process it to determine good roads or
    good trajectories?
  • Take the borders of all obstacles and expand them
    by the width of the robot to form new

Meadow map
  • Construct convex polygons by connecting edges of
    the obstacles.
  • Why convex polygons?
  • Interior has no obstacles so can safely transit
    (freeway, free space)
  • Is the resulting map unique?
  • Not necessarily a unique set of polygons
  • How can this be used to generate a trajectory?

Meadow map
  • A path is given by following lines that connect
    the center of edges to other edge centers until
    the goal is reached. This reduces to a
    graph-based search.

Path Relaxation
  • This technique yields very jerky paths
  • Can be smoothed by path relaxation
  • Can the map be dynamically updated?

  • Create a meadow map and relational graph using
    mid-point of line segments

Generalized Voronoi Graphs
  • Imagine a fire starting at the boundaries,
    creating a line where they intersect,
    intersections of lines are nodes
  • Each point on every line is equally distant to
    all nearest obstacles.
  • Points where lines meet are known as Voronoi

  • Create a GVG of this space

Regular Grids
  • Represent a space as a regular 2D grid
  • Often on the order of 4inches square
  • How to represent grid elements?
  • Make a relational graph by each element as a
    node, connecting neighbors (4-connected,

Adaptive grids
  • Instead of regular grids adapt the grid
    structure to the environment.
  • Represent large empty regions by large grid
  • Represent small empty regions by small grid
  • Do the same with occupied regions
  • Quad tree representation
  • Each region of the quad tree is either occupied
    or not occupied.
  • A region that has been divided is always divided
    into four quadrants
  • How to generate a quad-tree grid from a geometric

Quad tree grid
Exact decomposition
Problems with GVG and Grids
  • GVG
  • Sensitive to sensor noise
  • Path execution requires robot to be able to
    sense boundaries
  • Grids
  • World doesnt always line up on grids
  • Digitization bias left over space marked as

Map Making Basic Idea
  • Sense and create a local map
  • Move a little
  • Record change in position, orientation
  • Sense and create a local map
  • Fuse/tile together

  • The map is almost always a type of regular grid
  • Move D and Integrate local map are difficult
  • Integration requires accurate measurement of D
    (usually on the order of inches and lt 5 degrees)

Black is ground truth, Purple is measured using
shaft encoders for D
Occupancy Grids
  • Type of regular grid
  • Came out of sonar sensing techniques
  • Each element L is marked with belief that L is
    empty or occupied
  • Usually a number on a scale
  • 0,1 for probability theories
  • 0-15 for HIMM

Sonars and Occupancy Grids
  • Every element L under the sonar beam gets
    marked with some value for empty, occupied
  • Exact values depends on the sonar being used.
  • Generic sonar model
  • 3 regions
  • R theoretical range, r measured range
  • b half angle

Histogramic In-Motion Mapping
  • A procedure for mobile robots to create maps
  • Uses an occupancy grid approach
  • Uses range-sensors to generate data
  • Assumes noisy sensors (probably sonar)
  • Large confidence values in a cell indicate high
    probability that the cell is occupied.

  • Metric path planning requires
  • Representation of world space, usually try to
    simplify to cspace
  • Algorithms which can operate over representation
    to produce best/optimal path
  • Representation
  • Usually try to end up with relational graph
  • Regular grids are currently most popular in
    practice, GVGs are interesting
  • Tricks of the trade
  • Grow obstacles to size of robot to be able to
    treat holonomic robots as point
  • Relaxation (string tightening)
  • Metric methods often ignore issue of
  • how to execute a planned path
  • Impact of sensor noise or uncertainty,

  • Path planning
  • A for relational graphs
  • Wavefront for operating directly on regular grids
  • Interleaving Path Planning and Execution

  • Use 4-connected neighbors to create a relational

Motivation for A
  • Single Source Shortest Path algorithms are
    exhaustive, visiting all edges
  • Cant we throw away paths when we see that they
    arent going to the goal, rather than follow all
  • This means having a mechanism to prune branches
    as we go, rather than after full exploration
  • Algorithms which prune earlier (but correctly)
    are preferred over algorithms which do it later.

  • Similar to breadth-first at each point in the
    time the planner can only see its node and 1
    set of nodes in front
  • Rate the choices, choose the best one first,
    throw away any choices whenever you can
  • f(n) is the estimated cost of the path from Start
    to n
  • g(n) is the actual cost of going from the Start
    to node n
  • H(n) is the estimated cost of going from n to the
  • H is for heuristic function a guessing
  • Guess the cost of n to Goal since cant see the
    path between n and the Goal

A Heuristic Function
f(n) g(n) h(n)
  • G(n) just sum up the path costs to n
  • H(n) is a lower-bound on the cost of getting to
    the goal from node n. Can be defined as
    Euclidean distance.

A algorithm
  • Maintain a priority queue of partial solutions
  • Even partial solutions have an estimated total
  • Estimated total cost (f) is the key
  • Remove solution from queue
  • If it has reached the goal this is it!
  • For every possible path from N, extend the
    solution and add to queue

A Algorithm
  • algorithm astart(Graph G, Node S, Node T)
  • INPUT S is in G and is the start node
  • INPUT T is in G and is the goal node
  • OUTPUT Minimal cost path from S to T
  • Let PQ be a priority queue
  • PQ.insert(S0, h(s))
  • while PQ.peek() is not a path ending in T do
  • P PQ.remove()
  • K last node on path P
  • for every unvisited node N adjacent to K do
  • P P.append(N)
  • Pg Pg edge(N,K)
  • PQ.insert(P, h(N))
  • return PQ.remove()

Example of A
A Algorithm
  • Properties of A
  • Always finds a solution (if one exists)
  • Always finds best (lowest-cost) solution
  • Has optimal speed (searches fewest paths)
  • Following conditions must hold
  • From each node, finite options exist
  • The cost of each path segment is positive
  • H is lt actual cost (H is admissable)

Image by Vincent Van Gogh Starry Night
  • Suppose the first item in queue is a path P
    reaching the goal with cost K.
  • Also in the queue is a path P to node N from
    which the goal is accessible via sub-path S
  • The actual cost of the path through N is the
    actual cost of P plus the actual cost of S.
  • The actual cost of s gt h(N)
  • The actual cost of PS gt g(N)h(N) f(N)
  • Since P occurred before P in the queue, its
    actual cost was less than or equal to f(N)
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