Title: Finite State Machines in Verilog
1Finite State Machines in Verilog
CS 153, Spring 2007 Ian G. Harris Department of
Computer Science University of California Irvine
2FSM Implementations
- FSM could be implemented structurally, but
behavioral is better
11 Detector - Detects a 11 sequence on input w
- Moore machine - Output depends on state, not
inputs - Output is z, inputs are w and reset
- Z set to 1 when 11 occurs on input w
3Moore Machine Structure
Current state
- Verilog code will have this structure as well
4FSM Verilog, Next State Logic
module one_one_det (Clock, Resetn, w, z) input
Clock, Resetn, w output z reg 21 y,
Y parameter 21 A2b00, B2b01,
c2b10 always _at_(w or y) case (y) A
if (w) YB else YA B if (w) YC
else YA C if (w) YC else
YA default Y2bxx endcase
- Each state is a branch of the case
- Each transition is a branch of an if
5Alternative Next State Logic
always _at_(w or y) if (!w) Y A else
case (y) A YB B YC C
YC default Y2bxx endcase
- Why is this different from the original
6FSM Verilog, State Elements and Output Logic
always _at_(negedge Resetn or posedge Clock) if
(Resetn 0) yltA else yltY assign z
Alternative for Output Logic
always _at_(y) if (y C) z 1 else
z 0