Title: Math Review for Geophysics
1Math Review for Geophysics
- By Jesse Lawrence
- Figures and outline from Stein and Wysession
- The Fourier Transform and its Application, second
edition, R.N. Bracewell, McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
New York, 1978. - An Introduction to Seismology, Earthquakes, and
Earth Structure, S Stein and M. Wysession,
Blackwell Publishing, Malden, 2003.
- Geodynamics is a math-heavy and computationally
driven science. Without the proper math
background it is impossible to make headway in
geodynamics. Here, we will provide a cursory
overview of the math that will be used in the
remainder of this class. - General Tools
- Complex Numbers
- Scalars and Vectors
- Spherical Coordinates
- Calculus
- Fourier Analysis
4Complex Numbers
- A complex number, z, has real and imaginary
parts. Imaginary numbers are usually identified
by an i, which is equal to ?-1. Real and
Imaginary numbers can be visualized as existing
in perpendicular (or orthogonal) planes.
z a ib rei?
z r(cos? i sin?)
5Complex Conjugate
- For every complex number, z, there is a complex
conjugate, z. The complex conjugate is a useful
tool in many calculations.
6Scalars Vectors
- Scalar a number describing a value that is
independent of the coordinate system (e.g., Temp,
Pressure, mass). - Vector a series of scalars describing a value
with a specific location in a coordinate system
(e.g., GPS location).
7Coordinate Transformation
- The coordinates we use are defined to simplify
calculations, but are otherwise arbitrary.
8Elementary Vector Operations
- Scalar, vector multiplication
- Sum of two vectors
- Unit vector (A vector with magnitude u1)
9Scalar Products
Also known as dot product or inner product
If a b
10Cross Product
- Also known as a vector product
- With a rotation vector, ?, at point r, we can
find the linear velocity, v,
- Index Notation
- Einstein summation convention
13Kronecker delta (?ij)
- Useful identity quantity
- So if i j,
- or if i ? j,
Note cos(90) 0 cos(0) 1
14Matrix Algebra
- Matrix Multiplication (NO)
15Identity Matrix
16Transpose Matrix (AT)
- Swap the indices of the matrix (if C AT).
- Properties of Transpose Matrixes
- sgn is a function that determines the sign of an
argument based on the series of values, returning
-1, 0, or 1. -
- for N 3
- So we can get
18Inverse Matrix (A-1)
- For a square matrix (N by N),
- The inverse matrix can be written in terms of a
cofactor matrix, C, whose elements are, - The inverse matrix can be written as,
19Matrix Inversion
If A is square (MN)
20Rotation Matrix
- Recall that the dot product is a function of
angle between two vectors. - Transferring from one coordinate system to
another, or simple rotation can be done through
matrix algebra. - To transfer,
21Example of Rotation
- Scalar Fields A series of scalar values within a
field of locations (like temperature, density). - Vector Fields A series of vectors within a field
of location (like displacement, velocity,
- The vector grad, ?, yields a first derivative of
a field
24Directional Gradient
- The derivative of a field, ?, in a given
direction, n, is given by, - or,
- Derivatives of vector fields are simplified by
the divergence
26Gauss Theorem
- The flow through a volume can be calculated from
the flow through the surfaces of the volume
- Curl describes the rotation or angular momentum
of a vector field
Solar Wind
Magnetic Field
Permutation variable ?ijk 0 if ij, jk, or
ik. ?ijk 1 ijk are in order
(1,2,3),(3,1,2) ?ijk -1 ijk not in order
28Stokes Theorem
- Analogous to Gauss Theorem for divergence,
Stokes theorem relates the integral of curl of a
vector on a surface, S, with some normal, n, to
the integral of the vector field dotted with the
tangent, t, for the line bounding the surface.
- The divergence of the gradient of a field
- For a scalar field
- For a vector field
30Spherical Geometry
- For planetary calculations it is often useful to
use spherical geometries
31Greater CircleDistance
Earthquake Location
Seismometer Location
The distance, ?, is given by the scalar product
of the two points. Or rearranged,
33Vector Fields in Spherical Coordinates