Title: Dias nummer 1
1Capacity Development for Market Oriented
Agricultural Advisory Services in Sub-Saharan
Draft Proposal for a Partnership Programme
Background and Rationale Consultation Process
and Outcome Proposed Programme
3 Background and rationale
4Background and Rationale
Creating new dynamics and accelerating rural
development in Sub-Saharan Africa NEPAD CAADP
setting rural development targets Addressing
insufficient access to knowledge and markets in
the agricultural sector in Africa through Market
Oriented Agricultural Advisory Services (MOAAS)
5Background and Rationale
CAADP pillar 2 Increasing market access for
farmers Component for strengthening farmer
organisation Important for demand and market
orientation of AAS CAADP pillar 4 Agricultural
research, technology dissemination and
adoption Framework for Africas Agricultural
Productivity (FAAP) Advancing effective MOAAS
6 Consultation Process and Outcome
Consultation initiated between
partners Neuchatel Initiative International
dynamic network and think-tank concerning MOAAS
in transition African Forum for Agricultural
Advisory Services (AFAAS) New initiative of
networking for advancing AAS Forum for
Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) FAAP 4
Regional Farmer Organisations ROPPA, PROPAC,
8 Consultation
- Exploring the possibilities and interest by
African AAS stakeholders in elaborating a needs-
and demand-based proposal for future
collaboration between NI and African AAS actors -
- Identifying how this can contribute to the
revitalisation and improved performance of MOAAS
in Africa - Identifying potential collaboration partners and
ensuring integration with ongoing regional
processes such as CAADP, FAAP and regional
agricultural productivity programmes
1. Start-up meeting in Brussels TOR 2.
Meeting in Accra, Ghana design and test of
country consultations 3. Consultations in
Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Malawi and Uganda 4.
Meeting in Frankfurt Design of proposal 5.
Writing of draft proposal 6. Now we are here
with the resulting draft proposal..
- Financing
- Sida
- RFOs organised the country consultations
- AFAAS carried out the consultation in Uganda
together with EAFF
Core group Daniel Roduner, Agridea Sanne Chipeta,
DAAS Agnes Gerold, GTZ Ian Christoplos, Glemminge
Development Research AB Adewale Adekunle,
FARA Max Olupot, AFAAS
Common vision for AAS
Farmer- or end-user-driven with a clientele of
empowered and enlightened farmers well organised
and with the capacity to meet the demands of the
growing agricultural sector and networked from
local to continental level where learning is
effectively taken into improved practises
Actors and their future roles envisioned
Farmers Fos Research institutions Training
institutions Governments Private enterprises NGOs
Outcomes across the countries
- AAS are in very high demand, but the demand has
drastically changed strongly oriented towards
markets and value chains - Capacities for delivery are extremely low 10 to
13 - Inadequate institutional structures
- Inadequate number of competent staff at all
levels - Inadequate resources
- Lack of documented knowledge of how to strengthen
MOAAS (for policy makers and for advocacy
organisations) - Institutional set-up
- Methodologies
Conclusion Way forward
Proposed mechanism for collaboration and pooling
of competencies in MOAAS among stakeholders in
Africa and provision of international expertise
to support this
- Addressing the overall demand formulated for
development in the three areas - Competent human resources for delivery of MOAAS
- Capacity of farmer organisations to engage in
MOAAS, - Collection of lessons learned from initiatives of
AAS reforms and pilot projects in African
countries - Moreover demand from FAAP on expertise to
formulation of National Compacts in terms of
14 Proposed programme
15Proposed programme
Goals and objectives
- Overall goal
- Increased agricultural productivity and market
access of African small scale farmers - Immediate objective
- Institutions and organisations in Africa use
their increased capacity to facilitate small
scale farmers access to effective demand led and
market oriented agricultural advisory services - Specific objectives
- Increased knowledge on best practices and
consequences of choices of delivery systems and
methodologies for MOAAS in Africa - Strengthened capacity to advocate and demand
effective MOAAS - Strengthened capacity to effectively respond to
MOAAS demands - Increased attention to and investments in
appropriate MOAAS in Africa
16Proposed programme
Target groups
- End users Small scale farmers and agribusinesses
- Immediate target groups
- Institutions involved in MOAAS and their staff of
advisers - Farmer organisations at regional and national
level - Policymakers in national governments and regional
development programmes - National and international research institutes
and their networks
17Proposed programme
- Demand drive, market orientation and pluralism
- Learning
- Collaboration platform to
- Connect stakeholders and institutions for
learning and pooling competencies - Deliver expertise services on demand
- Facilitate knowledge development to support
policy development - - directly to policy makers
- - by strengthening capacity for lobby and
18Proposed programme
Four Components
- Human resources development through education of
individuals engaged in AAS Knowledge and skills
of individuals - Capacity Development of Farmer Organisations and
other AAS organisations Capacity and quality of
organisations - Enhancement of an enabling environment through
greater capacities for analysis and advocacy
Enabling environment (institutional) - Strengthening of AFAAS Country Chapters for
national coordination
19Proposed programme
Component 1
- AA institutions and organisations at national
level successfully implement their strategies for
increased know-how and skills of advisers
regarding market led and market oriented AAS - Provide opportunities for
- Facilitation of the strategic planning processes
for Human Resource Development (HRD) - Methodological advice to assess the needs for HRD
- Advice in developing the corresponding
educational programme - Facilitation of regional linkages between HRD
programmes and institutions in interested
20Proposed programme
Component 2
- Farmer organisations are successfully lobbying
and advocating for MOAAS and have developed
strategies and corresponding action plans for
provision of MOAAS to clients - Support RFOs in
- Stock taking of experiences in NFOs regarding
provision of MOAAS - Development of overall strategic frameworks for
RFOs to engage in MOAAS - Development of capacity in RFOs for developing
policy positions regarding MOAAS and
dissemination of this to member organisations
21Proposed programme
Component 3
- Stakeholders in MOAAS and CAADP have sufficient
knowledge regarding best practises and which
policies are required for MOAAS to effectively
contribute to increased productivity and market
access for small scale farmers. This knowledge is
reflected in policies and investment priorities. - Support for example the three areas
- Development of monitoring and evaluation systems
for MOAAS that can ensure continuous learning - Collection and documentation of practical MOAAS
models through joint evaluation and collection of
lessons learned - Research to support adaptation of AAS to the
changing environment in terms of food security,
climate change and globalisation of markets - Expertise to develop MOAAS as part of the CAADP
National Compacts
22Proposed programme
Component 4
- The continental network of AFAAS is strengthened
and functional - Activities will be
- Assessment of existing CCs and their strength and
functioning - Sensitisation of countries, which have not yet
joint the AFAAS network - Promote and facilitate establishment in the
countries, which are interested
23Proposed programme
AFAAS Secretariat
Component 4
AFAAS Country Chapters
AFAAS Country Chapters
AFAAS Country Chapters
AFAAS Country Chapters
AFAAS Country Chapter
Virtual Network
Component 1
Component 3
Component 2
24Proposed programme
NI Contact Point
- NI Contact Point will work closely with AFAAS to
provide the required services of expertise -
- Factors for effective service provision to the
programme -
- Demand driven and market oriented
- Have access to world competencies in MOAAS
- Lean and flexible
- Can work without/with limited core funding
The Draft Proposal presents two options there
may be othersThe NI group will make a decision!