Title: The Educational Integration of Immigrants and Their Children:
1The Educational Integration of Immigrants and
Their Children
- Update of Research Results in the Education Domain
2Presentation to the 3rd Regional Conference and
- Prairie Centre, Metropolis
- Saskatoon, September 2000
- Yvonne Hébert, domain leader
3Original Mandate of Education Domain
- Functionality in an official language
- School-work transition
- Awareness and understanding of Canadian culture
- Appreciation of diversity
4Original Research Objectives
- Immigration and educational attainment
- Educational settings as agents of socialization
- Policies and programs aimed at improving
cross-cultural relations - Effects of language education on integration
- Effects of various contexts on language learning
- Disability and immigrant populations
- Impact of immigration on policies, programs,
practices, and curricula
5Current Priorities of Education Domain
- Systemic Barriers to Lifelong ESL Learning
- Nature and Impact of Racial Stereotyping and
Discrimination within the Educational System - Construction and Enactment of Citizenship
Education - as of October 1999
6Some basic facts...
- 13 research projects funded by PCERII
- 18 researchers
- 4 teams and 7 solos
- Over 4 year period from 1996-1997 to 1999-2000
7MERF Themes
- Across the four Centres of Excellence
- Language Learning and Literacy
- Identity and Citizenship
- Education and Social Mobility
- Institutional Adaptation, Teacher Education, and
Intercultural Competencies - PCERII themes
8Literacy, Institutional Adaptation to Diversity,
and Social Mobility
- Integration and Language Proficiency
- Family and Community Literacy
- Cultural Integration and Diversity
- Valuing Diversity Formal and Lived Curriculum
- Supporting Survivors of Torture
- Informal Learning, Educational Credentials and
Work Transitions
9Citizenship, Identity and Voice
- Citizenship Instruction for Adult Immigrants
- Citizenship Concepts in ESL and FSL for Adults in
Four Provinces - Citizenship Values
- Influence of Contexts on Identity Formation of
Immigrant Adolescents - Voices of Immigrant Children in Canadian Schools
- Oral History Narratives Immigrant Children and
10Some findings Language Learning Literacy
- Why differential educational success? (Archibald)
- Maintaining dual proficiency is correlated with
success in an educational institution - Deficit in vocabulary
- Kids who enter ESL at 5-7 years take more time to
catch up than those who enter at 8-11 years
- What is socio-cultural environment of literacy
development? (Wason-Ellam) - Dreams and hopes of goodness for family
- Alienation and isolation
- Lack of English and focus on survival limit
integration into new culture and its literacy
practices - Hope for their children and generations beyond
11Some findings Institutional Adaptation to
- Ethno-cultural differences between secondary
school students and teachers in 3 cities? (Carson
et al) - Preservice teachers resistance refusal to
acknowledge their own implication in
racism/sexism passion for ignorance issues of
cultural difference, racism and teacher identity
- High school students complex responses to
promotion of cultural harmony - Video production that highlights school-based
initiatives - Difficulties surrounding collaborative research
with a variety of stakeholders
12More findings Institutional Adaptation to
- Documentary Analysis of Provincial Programmes of
Study (DePass) - 1989 Alberta Social Studies conceptualized within
a structural functional perspective - Additive approach to inclusion of cultural and
racial minority voices
- Different cultural groups, at home or abroad,
presented in a flat, unidimensional and
stereotypical manner - Province and country depicted as fair, tolerant,
Modern, industrial, high-tech society, with a
strong reputation for being non-aggressive and a
key peace-keeper on the world stage
13More findings Institutional Adaptation to
Diversity and Intercultural Competencies
- Supporting Survivors of Torture (Arthur)
- identification of competencies for training
community-based professionals and volunteers - unique circumstances of involuntary migration and
especially of torture
- parallel process of secondary traumatization
among professionals and volunteers who work with
survivors of torture - managing vicarious trauma
- a multicultural approach to working with refugees
- advocacy role
- numerous program recommendations
14Work in progress Social Mobility and
EducationInformal Learning, Educational
Credentials and Work Transitions
- 2 key problems (Wotherspoon)
- non-recognition of considerable skills and
capacities acquired outside of formal learning
contexts - schools set up to ignore or de-value informal
knowledge of immigrants
- Research tasks to identify
- obstacles to recognition validation
- key issues from the perspectives of immigrants
- strategies/initiatives used by immigrant groups
to enable use and recognition of such knowledge
15Some findings Citizenship
- How do adult immigrants learn about their rights
and responsibilities prior to application to
become Canadian citizens? (Derwing) - Decline...
- Reduction in civic instruction in adult ESL
classes - Funding cuts introduction of multiple choice
citizenship test - Test promotes superficial and reductionist notion
of citizenship - Current procedures highly depersonalized
16More findings Citizenship Values
- Confusion between terms values, principles,
dispositions, concepts - Analytic framework proposed (Wilkinson Hébert)
- Four orders of logical relationships according to
four domains of citizenship
- Civil-civic domain loyalty, sincerity, openness
and civic-mindedness - Political domain freedom, liberty, equality,
justice - Socio-economic domain solidarity, self-reliance,
valuing the earth - Cultural domain sense of belonging and human
17Some findings Identity and Voice
- Influence of contexts on identity formation of
immigrant youth? (Hébert et al) - Mixity and fidelity to self
- Disparate, fragmentary views of language and
citizenship - Religion as central marker of collective identity
within a diverse community
- Racialized Identity as central to both individual
and collective identity as forms of social
action - Religion as organizing concept for raising
children in a new context
18More Findings Identity and Voice
- Voices of immigrant children youth in Canadian
schools (Schissel) - Paper for Vancouver Metropolis Conference The
Jeopardy of Victimization on the Well-Being on
Immigrant Children in Canadian Schools in
session on Immigrant and Refugee Youth
Integration and Transition into Adulthood,
November 2000.
- Two MA theses
- Trisha Keith, The Impact of Victimization at
School and Away from School on Student Well-Being
and Adjustment An Analysis of Immigrant Children
and Youth (Spring, 2000) - Alison Whittmore, Immigrant Families Perceptions
of and Experiences with Elementary Secondary
Education Systems in Canada (in progress)
19More findings Identity and Voice
- Oral history narratives of immigrants whose
children attend Canadian schools (Hirabayashi et
al) - Two MA theses, with Sikh and Greek data
respectively - Racism as common experience of children
- Diverse patterns of parenting
- Home teaching of language and culture - fear of
loss of heritage - Teasing for limited knowledge of English
- Parents critical of quality of schooling in
Canada - Positive portrayals of cultures of origin
community based activities and associations - Negative views of self as member of group of
origin - distancing of cultural group membership
and rejection from peer group for skin colour
20Future Directions
- Development of domain-driven, prairie-wide,
multi-site research projects led by several
senior affiliated researchers - Clarification of
- Definitional issues, ex., what is culture?
- Whose perspective(s) are reflected in analysis
and interpretation? - Differences between research and student
assignments... - Tensions in collaborative research...
- Depth of analysis for dissemination...
21More future directions...
- Improved reporting and posting of ongoing work
- Completion of all projects within 1 1/2 years
- Developing workable solutions to isolation,
individualism and fragmentation - Building on commonalities, ex., training of
research assistants, exchange of readings and
writings, drafting research proposals - Developing effective working teams of researchers
- Moving towards more comparative research,
regionally, nationally and internationally
22The Educational Integration of Immigrants and
Their Children
- Update of Research Results in the Education
Domain - Fall 2000, Saskatoon