Title: Albina Nikkonen
1Russian Private Equity and Venture Capital
Albina Nikkonen Russian Private Equity and
Venture Capital market review 2006
2Number of private equity venture capital funds
in Russia 19942006
3Capitalization of private equity venture
capital funds in Russia 19942006, million
4Sources of capital of funds 2006
5Russian sources 2006
6Foreign sources 2006
7Private equity raised by type of investor 2006
8Types of Funds Management Companies 2006
Large funds 3,5 billion 55,5 11 funds under
10 companies from 151 to 800 mln
( 10 50 mln)
Middle funds 2,3 billion 36,5 27 funds
under 24 companies from 51 to 150 mln
( 3 15 mln)
Small funds 0,5 billion 8 41 funds under 35
companies from 5 to 50 mln
( 0,2 3 mln)
9Stage distribution by total amount invested 2006
10Stage distribution by percentage of amount
invested 2006
11Investment distribution by industry 2006,
12Industrial sectors by percentage of total amount
invested 2006
13Total number of companies financed 1994 - 2006
14Exits distribution by percentage of number of
divestments 2006
15Percentage of investments by number of employees
Russian Private Equity Venture Capital
Association 7 (812) 326-61-80 rvca_at_rvca.ru www.r